Township hearing on 2013 budget

‘We’re in pretty decent shape,? said Budget Analyst Rick Yeagar when asked about Independence Township’s 2013 budget.
Residents will have an opportunity to decide about the township’s financial shape for themselves during a public hearing on October 30 at 7:30 p.m. in Township Hall off Waldon road.
Residents attending the hearing can expect a presentation similar to last year’s, said Yeagar who intends to compare the township’s financial standing in 2012 to 2013 at the meeting.
In 2013, the township has experienced ‘a substantial reduction in costs,? due to changes in health care offerings for employees, said Yeagar. On the other hand, revenue from charging each department administrative fees will not be available in the coming year.
The board will also need to reconsider funding for the Sashabaw widening project since the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) granted them only $160,000 in tri-party funds despite their request for $1.551 million.
On September 4, the township budgeted $541,000 when they applied for tri-party funds, and Yeagar hopes the board will reverse that deficit in the budget now that the RCOC gave them less than requested.
Not only is the board keeping track of its 2013 budget, it is also looking farther into the future.
Last week the board adopted its Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), which could have an influence on the 2013 budget too.
The CIP offers a ten to fifteen year look at each department’s improvement projects and provides plans for funding them. No decisions have been made based on the CIP yet.