Lust and laughter

‘There’s nobody really innocent in the play,? said actor Jennifer Gentry-Saulski of the characters in the Clarkston Village Players? latest production Sinners.
Gentry-Saulski plays femme fatale Monica Lloyd, who isn’t quite what you might expect from a clergyman’s wife.
In this satirical comedy by Canadian playwright Norm Foster, the wife of Reverend Edmund Lloyd (played by James Hoxsey) is a seductress who gets caught in the midst of an affair with furniture salesman Peter Cramer (Cyrano Jones).
Once the lovers are discovered, a hilarious tale of murder, mistaken identity, and infidelity ensues, which leaves no one innocent when the curtain falls.
‘It’s naughty but not nasty and very suggestive but not vulgar,? said Director Al Bartlett who would rate Sinners PG-13.
Through the characters? saintly and saucy behavior, the play exposes a nugget of wisdom: there’s a little bit of sin in all of us.
This truth is made easier to swallow by rib-tickling performances delivered from a talented cast. From murder by a clock radio to a threatening plush Tweety Bird, there are plenty of laughs to lighten the mood.
Sinners opens on Friday, Jan. 11, and runs on the weekends until Jan. 26 at the Depot Theatre on White Lake road. Purchase tickets at