High seas hijinks in Optimist play

Clarkston’s own Harvard playwright Patience Beer premieres ‘Murder Takes a Cruise,? her latest contribution to the annual Mystery Dinner Theatre series sponsored by the Clarkston Optimists, March 9.
‘We’re doing this as a fund raiser in an effort to continue our support for programs for the local kids,? said Betty Reilly, who is co-chairing the 2013 Mystery Dinner Theatre with Luc Poirier.
‘We want people to know the Clarkston Optimists are funding numerous programs. Just to name a few; we provide funding for keeping local beaches open, summer bookmobiles, oratorical and essay contests, scholarships, along with building an ice rink for public use. We try to bring out the best in kids,? said Reilly.
‘We’ve been doing the Mystery Dinner Theatre fund raiser for years and it has become a very important source for funding our programs,? said Clarkston club President Joan Patterson. ‘It’s an entertaining way to support a non-profit organization that gives so much back to our youth.?
The event will be at Paint Creek Country Club, 2375 Stanton Road, Lake Orion. Doors open at 6 p.m.
Tickets are $60 each, and includes entertainment, dinner, dessert and open beer/wine bar. There will also be a silent auction and a 50/50 raffle drawing. Tickets are $50 if purchased in blocks of eight or more. All proceeds go to programs benefiting the youth of Clarkston.
For more information, call Reilly at 248-922-9134, Poirier at 248-620-1746, or check www.ClarkstonOptimists.org.