Holiday Parade chilly ‘n’ cheery

Frost hung in the air after each breath at the Lake Orion Lighted Parade last Saturday, but turn out was as big as ever according to parade goers.
The only thing different, Vice President of the Lake Orion Parade Group Carl Cyrowski said, was people arrived a bit late and left directly after the parade was over.
A group also gathered for the Christmas Tree lighting at 5 p.m. where Gabby Phillips led a Holiday carol, ‘Oh Silent Night.?
The Lake Orion United Methodist Church carolers also sang some festive tunes.
Overall, about 70 floats drifted through the downtown area to the theme ‘Once Upon a Christmas Time in Orion,? including 21 costumed characters and multiple marching bands, trumpets and saxophones strung with lights, twirlers, and dancers from the area.
Parade-goers sat huddled in blankets, their faces wrapped and some enjoyed hot chocolate from Lucky’s Natural Food store clutched tightly near their faces.
The Orion Area Parade Group awarded five float winners as they turned the corner of Front onto Broadway.
Golling GMC Buick/Wide Trackers won best theme depiction again, showcasing a float that looked like a living room with kids by the fireplace with their mom in bed.
Best Non-Profit was awarded to Cub Scout Pack 186 for the second year in a row, with a large hand-made boat that looked like the old-time boat that used to tour Lake Orion for ten cents a ride.
Home Depot won Best Commercial Business with a creative float that looked like a conveyor belt, and Home Depot employees working around it manufacturing gifts.
The Lake Orion Support Staff took Best Government, hosting an exquisitely lit school bus with children waving from the windows.
Last but not least, the Orion Township Public Library won Most Uniquely Illuminated, refurbishing used books. Brightly lit up books from a previous used book sale were crafted into a Christmas tree and presents below to make a beautifully lit, classy float.
Three judges from the 52-3 District Court in Rochester–Lisa Asadoorian, Nancy Carniak and Julie Nicholson– picked the winners.
‘We have a lot of people that come year after year, and I think what it really comes down to, they really try and represent the theme,? Nancy King said, Lake Orion Parade Group secretary of the 2013 winners.