Lions Lucky Duck Derby delivers

By David Fleet
Goodrich —The first annual Lions Lucky Duck Derby was just ducky.
At 3 p.m., Aug. 3., more than 800 ducks took the dive from the Hegel Road bridge into a fast moving Kearsley Creek and in less than two minutes crossed the finish line at Erie Street. A total of $8,500 in duck sales were recorded with a first place prize of $500, $250 for second and $100 for third. Fourth, fifth and sixth place paid $50 each.
“The community responded and we sold out of ducks,” said Goodrich Lions Den Manager David Jones. “Thank you all for the donations.”
All proceeds benefit Goodrich Lions Club, the Goodrich community, Goodrich scholarships, eyesight screening, eyesight assistance, Leader Dog, M-15 and Downtown Goodrich Christmas decoration maintenance, storage, and coordination of installation, the Christmas Food Basket Project, Kids Camp, and any general assistance needed by the community.

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