An icy rescue

Fishing, skating and snowmobiling on Oxford’s frozen lakes can be tons of fun, but it only takes one terrifying second to fall through the ice and turn winter recreation into a life-or-death situation.
Fortunately, the Oxford Fire Department has both the equipment and expertise to handle these types of rescues.
Last week, firefighters donned cold-water rescue suits and scuba gear to engage in training exercises on Lake Dewls, located just south of Stony Lake and west of M-24.
Firefighters practiced everything from searching for and rescuing simulated victims (both conscious and unconscious) who had fallen through the ice to resuscitating them once inside the ambulance.
Fire Chief Pete Scholz said given all the lakes there are across the Oxford area, it’s important his crew be familiar with them, especially since the fire department is closer than the Oakland County Sheriff’s dive team and can respond quicker. ? CJC