At 150 years, church has been around as long as Orion

By Monica Drake
Review Intern
There’s a church in Orion Township that was founded the same year as the town.
The church was founded when people rode horses and buggies instead of driving cars, and when phones and computers didn’t exist.
On Sunday, August 9, Howarth United Methodist Church will be celebrating 150 years of worship and nearly 7,800 sermons preached. The celebration will begin at 9:30 a.m. on 550 East Silverbell Road in Orion Township with former pastors and the district superintendent as speakers.
There will be a mini museum set up with historical papers and artifacts displayed from the early years of the church. Around 11 a.m., a DVD will be shown highlighting the historical and current events of Howarth UMC. At noon, everyone is welcome to attend a luncheon hosted by Howarth’s staff.
Howarth United Methodist Church was built in 1859. John Howarth donated the building, which cost only $346.50 at the time, to be used as a schoolhouse. ‘That wouldn’t even buy the front door now,? Marilyn Foster, a member of Howarth UMC, joked.
The building was voted to be utilized for political and religious purposes, which marked the beginning of the Howarth congregation’s establishment.
In 1898, Elijah Bailey Howarth, John’s son, donated property next door to build a new church building. A horse shed was attached to the church, instead of a parking lot, to shelter the horses that members rode to the church service.
In 1985, this building was torn down when a larger building, where services are held now, was built in its place.
‘It’s not too often that one church is on the same corner for 150 years,? Paul Sandstrom, lay leader of the church, said. ‘And the original building is still in place across the road.?
The first Howarth UMC still stands in the same spot where it was built 150 years ago, next door to their current place of worship on Silverbell Road. Now, the building belongs to Orion Township and is preserved by the Orion Historical Society.
The church community, which totals about 25 regular-attending members, has gone on several missionary trips to countries such as Honduras and Colombia. They also grow vegetables on their property, known as the ‘Love Garden,? which are donated to Orion organizations such as FISH, Baldwin Center and the Grace Center of Hope. Nearly 1,000 pounds of crops are donated each year.
‘We are small, but we are mighty,? Sandstrom said. ‘This little church has spread money throughout the world.?
‘You definitely have a church family here, whether you’re related or not, and you feel welcome when you come in,? Sharon Rowden, the secretary and Sunday school teacher at Howarth UMC, said.
If you would like to attend Howarth UMC’s 150th anniversary, please call 248-373-2360. For more information, visit