Turf Committee prez corrects, clarifies info regarding mailer

In last week’s Leader, a story was published regarding a mailer that was sent out to approximately 8,100 Oxford High School alumni seeking donations to help pay off the $300,000 private debt associated with football field’s blue turf. After it was published, Jim Reis, who’s president of the Turf Committee and serves on the Oxford […]

Write-ins will determine who replaces Alberty

It appears that it will be a write-in candidate who ultimately replaces the late Dan Alberty as treasurer of Addison Township. Oakland County Elections Director Joe Rozell informed township Clerk Pauline Bennett of this on Sept. 3. Write-in candidates have until 4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 26 to file their ‘declaration of intent? forms with the […]

Welcome back Oxford students!

From the wee ones in elementary school to the driving-and-dating teenagers in high school, students of all ages in Oxford returned to the classroom Sept. 4 to begin a new year of learning and self-discovery. The Oxford Leader looks forward to another year of covering classroom activities, sports, awards, achievements, good deeds, school assemblies, special […]

Chief warns council old fire hall is not up to code

A simple council discussion over allowing a limousine service to rent some space from the Village of Oxford revealed the old fire hall is not compliant with the fire code despite the fact that it’s being regularly used for public gatherings. ‘That’s unfortunate that a village that is supposed to be enforcing code isn’t even […]

Council invites Willow Lake residents to speak Sept. 25

By C.J. Carnacchio Leader Editor Residents living in the Willow Lake subdivision in Oxford Township will be given an opportunity to speak about whether or not they favor a cut-through traffic reduction measure recently rejected by the village council. Council will revisit the issue at its 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 25 meeting, which will take […]

Addison treasurers past and future

I can’t tell you how sad I was when I heard the news last week that Addison Twp. Treasurer Dan Alberty had passed away after his long battle with cancer. I always liked Dan because he wasn’t like many of those who hold public office. Basically, he wasn’t a stuffed shirt who took himself way […]

OUMC celebrates 175th anniversary

The oldest church in town celebrated its 175th anniversary Sunday as approximately 220 folks gathered together to worship, break bread and share memories at the Oxford United Methodist Church (OUMC) on E. Burdick St. ‘It’s my foundation,? said Oxford resident Shirley Acheson, 83, who has the distinction of attending the church longer than anyone else. […]

Teenager charged with home invasion, stealing debit card

A 17-year-old Oxford man is facing multiple criminal charges for allegedly breaking into an Oxford Village home, then stealing items from a vehicle parked at Oxford Middle School. Jacob Jaquandre Bearden was arraigned in Rochester Hills 52-3 District Court on charges of first-degree home invasion (20-year felony), obstructing/resisting a police officer (two-year felony), stealing and […]

Giving disabled hunters a lift

Just like his late father, Ron Davis doesn’t believe there should be any barriers that prevent folks from doing what they love in life. That’s why through his family’s nonprofit organization ? the Raymond C. Davis Sr. Access to Recreation Endowment Fund ? he purchased a mobile, universally-accessible hunting/nature viewing stand that will allow disabled […]

Holocaust play seeks actors

The Holocaust was probably the most horrific tragedy in human history perpetrated by some of the most evil people to ever walk the face of the Earth. The only thing that could compound that tragedy would be if future generations learned nothing about it or from it. Oxford resident Kelly Brock wants to make sure […]