‘This is probably the worst day of my life.? It was an ironic statement coming from a man whose brutal actions ensured his young daughter would never live to see another day of her life ? good or bad. Robert Brian Kelly finally spoke in public last week with regard to his murdering his 20-year-old […]
Oxford Village officials have no problem with a new downtown restaurant’s desire to offer its customers an outdoor dining experience on public property; in fact, they wish to encourage such things. ‘I agree that we need outdoor seating. I think it’s lovely for the town if it fits in,? said village Planning Commissioner Sue Bossardet. […]
Over on Page 7, in his Jim’s Jottings column, Jim Sherman, Sr. asks the question, ‘When did political polls start?? Off the top of my head, I’d say the first political poll was conducted in 44 B.C. when the Roman dictator Julius Caesar was assassinated by a group of senators who stabbed him 23 times. […]
Based on resident complaints, Oxford Township officials are planning to investigate whether or not the municipality needs to enact an ordinance to curtail barking dogs who constitute a nuisance to others. ‘Nobody really likes a dog that barks constantly,? said township resident Katie Fallon, who’s having an issue with a ‘few dogs? who ‘bark excessively? […]
While most local governments are plagued by the problem of having too little money in their coffers, the Oxford Township Board engaged in a 31-minute debate last week over how best to allocate its budget surplus. The township has a $671,803 surplus from its 2011 fiscal year. This surplus is part of the township’s overall […]
During the Oxford Public Library’s storytime in Centennial Park last week, the kids were given flags and drums with which to parade around and celebrate America’s 236th birthday.
Three individuals who were discovered growing marijuana across the street from Oxford High School will not face any criminal charges because they’re all registered with the state to do so for medicinal purposes. ‘The last I heard all three of the people living in that house had medical marijuana cards,? said Oakland County Sheriff’s Det. […]
Police say a woman who admitted to smoking crack cocaine is responsible for a two-vehicle crash at the intersection of M-24 and Drahner Rd. around 10:39 p.m. Friday, July 6. A 52-year-old Oxford woman driving a 2002 Buick was in the process of making a left-turn off M-24 onto W. Drahner Rd. when the crash […]
By C.J. Carnacchio Leader Editor It’s no secret that major media outlets frequently publicize sad tales about businesses taking advantage of customers. Newsprint and airwaves are packed with a seemingly endless supply of stories about scams, price-gouging, crooks and shoddy workmanship. But folks never seem to hear about all the good things local businesses do […]
Oxford’s infamous cemetery hill needs a new sign warning motorists to beware of falling trees. A massive tree limb ? approximately 20 feet long and about 22 to 24 inches in diameter ? crashed to the ground on Tuesday, July 3, blocking off the westbound half of W. Burdick St. in front of old township […]