Making a difference

Bravo to Oxford Junior Girl Scout Troop #13308 from Clear Lake Elementary for helping to improve their little corner of the world. The girls have been diligently weeding, trimming, raking and beautifying a private neighborhood park/beach area on Fernlock, so the residents will once again be able to use and enjoy this piece of land […]

I miss my grandpa

I had an unexpected emotional moment following the Memorial Day ceremony at Ridgelawn Cemetery. I was chatting with World War II veteran Frank Kidder, of Oxford, about his experiences when I started thinking about my grandfather, Carl W. Raetzel. He served in the U.S. Army during WWII as an infantryman in the Pacific Theater. I […]

Economics 101

Clear Lake Elementary’s fourth-graders learned all about how the great system of free enterprise works by creating their own business and producing a product to sell during the school’s Economics Fair. Adam Smith, famous 18th century economist, would have been proud as the students deepened their understanding of economic concepts such as scarcity, opportunity, cost, […]

Lakeville Field Day!

Lakeville Elementary celebrated the end of the school year ? which officially takes place June 7 ? with its annual Field Day event. Rather than spend the day cooped up inside the school, the students took to the playground where they engaged in a variety of outdoor games, activities and sports. The culmination was a […]

Thank you for your service

They survived the Great Depression, saved the world from fascism and helped turn the United States into an industrial and military superpower. They truly were the Greatest Generation of the 20th century and Oxford resident Frank Kidder, 89, is one of them. Proudly wearing his ‘WWII Veteran? hat, Kidder quietly sat in the shade at […]

Speakers urge crowds to remember the fallen, be grateful

Remembrance and gratitude were at the heart of the keynote speeches delivered at the Memorial Day observances in Oxford and Addison townships. ‘On this day, Americans are commemorating those who made the greatest sacrifice ? giving one’s own life on behalf of others,? said Jim Hubbard, 65, a Vietnam war hero and commander of North […]

Time capsules give Clear Lake a blast from the past

Clear Lake Elementary took a nostalgic walk down memory lane Friday evening as former students opened seven time capsules buried in the spring of 1987. ‘It was exciting,? said Leanne (Cason) Cantrell, who was a fifth-grader when the capsules were created and placed in the ground. ‘We really didn’t remember what we had put in […]

Addison remembers its heroes

In life, they fought, sacrificed and bled for their country and our liberty. Now, they peacefully slumber within the earth. But they are not forgotten as we speak their names, praise their deeds and honor their service every Memorial Day. Addison Township residents and local veterans gathered in the historic Lakeville Cemetery Saturday afternoon to […]

Oxford remembers the fallen

Long after the roar of the canons has ceased . . . we remember. Long after we’ve won the peace, one more time . . . we remember. Long after the weary soldier has carried his lifeless comrade off the smoking battlefield . . . we remember. Long after a heartbroken mother’s tears have dried […]

‘Wiches claims burger throne

The queen was forced to abdicate her throne Saturday afternoon as a new king of burgers was crowned in downtown Oxford’s Centennial Park. All hail Patrick Hingst, owner of ‘Wiches, who now serves the ‘Best Burger in Oxford.? Hingst’s rich and meaty HammerBurger was the undisputed winner of the Backyards & Burgers event (formerly known […]