Free bicycle helmets for everybody!

Once again, the Oxford Fire Department and the fine folks from McLaren Oakland (formerly known as POH Regional Medical Center) teamed up to teach Oxford’s second-graders the importance of wearing a protective helmet while bicycling. To help drive that point home, McLaren Oakland gave every second-grader a free helmet. That included 107 at Clear Lake […]

Who killed Andrew Vailliencourt?

Twenty-five years ago this month, the body of a young man who had been brutally murdered was found along the side of a road in northern Oxford Township. Unfortunately, the person (or persons) responsible for this reprehensible act was never identified and apprehended. But that doesn’t mean the authorities have given up. In fact, they’re […]

Stuffed for a cause!

Raising money to help little kids live their dreams typically gives folks a heartwarming feeling. But in the case of eight Oxford Jr. Wildcats (OJW) coaches, it was more like heartburn. As part of a fund-raiser for the popular youth football program, these coaches participated in a hot dog eating contest at the 24th Street […]

Parks director fed up with Seymour violators

Ron Davis is fed up with the way people are flagrantly violating ? and in some cases, just plain ignoring ? the rules at Seymour Lake Township Park. ‘It’s getting out of hand at the park,? said the director of the Oxford Township Parks and Recreation Department. ‘I always tell people if this was your […]

OMS play presents classic tales with comedic, modern twist

What if the feuding noble families in the famous play ‘Romeo & Juliet? were replaced with rival fast food chains? That’s the type of modern ? and comedic ? twists that audiences will experience when the Oxford Middle School Drama Club presents ‘Crumpled Classics,? written by Craig Sodaro, at 7:01 p.m. on Friday, April 27 […]

Village proceeds with proposed changes to skateboard ordinance

Oxford Village officials are moving forward with proposed amendments to the municipality’s ordinance regulating ‘skateboards, scooters, mopeds, extreme rollerblading and extreme biking.? The village is considering changing it to specifically allow skateboards when ‘solely used for transport purposes.? ‘I’m personally in favor of this,? said Councilman Tony Albensi. Immediately following an April 10 public hearing […]

Support for skateboarders strong at hearing

Skateboarding proponents turned out in full force at last week’s Oxford Village Council meeting to voice their support for an ordinance amendment that would specifically allow this form of non-motorized transportation. ‘I think it’s a great way for people to get around whether you’re young and don’t have a (driver’s) license or if you’re trying […]

Twp. reprioritizes safety path projects for future

Oxford Township last week re-prioritized the list of safety paths it wishes to see constructed around the community should the necessary funding ever become available. Projects considered smaller in size or greater in their potential to enhance pedestrian safety were moved up the list. The new list is as follows: 1) Lakeville Rd. (south side) […]

MTA opinion says twp. can’t legally fund job fair

Oxford Township was all set to provide the seed money for a community job fair scheduled to take place Friday, June 15 at a location to be determined. However, an opinion from the Michigan Townships Association (MTA) indicated that’s not legal. ‘I am not aware of any statutory authority for townships to fund a job […]

Library director fears loss of ‘super drunk? penal fines

Both Oxford Township and Village are proceeding with the ordinance amendment process so as to allow so-called ‘super drunks? to be prosecuted locally as opposed to under state law, thus permitting the municipalities to recoup a portion of the fines levied against offenders. However, Bryan Cloutier, director of the Oxford Public Library, is urging officials […]