$4.66 million. That’s how much the total estimated cost is to revamp and improve a large portion of downtown Oxford’s streetscape to make it more attractive, more identifiable, more pedestrian-friendly and hopefully, calm the large volume of traffic on M-24. Kevin Stephison, chairman of the Oxford Downtown Development Authority board and a member of the […]
The wait for free wireless internet service in downtown Oxford is going to be a while longer. According to a Feb. 20 e-mail from David Simmet, vice president of operations for the Frankenmuth-based Air Advantage, it could be here by June. Back in February 2011, Oakland County announced that Air Advantage ? which currently provides […]
When Dave Opalewski asked a group of Oxford Middle School eighth-graders what message they would like him to give their parents, a boy stood up and said, ‘Would you ask our parents to spend more time with us?? ‘That about broke my heart,? said Opalewski, who hosted the Feb. 13 community forum on suicide prevention […]
It started out as a great bargain at a yard sale, but now it’s turned into something of a personal quest for Frank Fogg. The 63-year-old resident of Joplin, Missouri is looking for the original owner of a 1978 class ring from Indianwood Christian Academy, which used to operate in Oxford Township. It’s sterling silver […]
As a kid, Matt Faulkner didn’t get the best grades in school and he liked to tell wildly, imaginative fibs to his mother. But if it weren’t for those experiences, the Lake Orion resident wouldn’t be the person he is today, which is a highly-successful illustrator and author of children’s books. ‘If you don’t feel […]
A local developer’s plan to purchase two parcels of land owned by the Village of Oxford was put on hold last week as officials decided to take some time studying the issue and determining how best to proceed. ‘I’m always nervous when something is that quick,? said Councilman Kevin Stephison, referring to Dave Weckle’s Jan. […]
Lake Orion High School’s gym rocked Feb. 14 with cheers, shouts and wild applause as both Dragon and Wildcat spectators alike rooted for their respective Special Olympics basketball teams. ‘To go there and have their entire student body actually be there to watch these two teams as if it was a high school varsity game […]
What if you held a public hearing and nobody came? That’s exactly what happened to the Oxford Village Council last week as it conducted a public hearing concerning a proposed zoning ordinance amendment that would effectively prohibit medical marijuana dispensaries within the village limits because the drug is illegal under federal law. Not one citizen […]
‘You’re so concerned with squabbling for the scraps from Longshanks? table that you’ve missed your God-given right to something better.? ? Mel Gibson, portraying Scottish rebel William Wallace in the 1995 movie ‘Braveheart? Next week, when I trek to the Oxford Veterans Memorial Civic Center to vote in the Republican presidential primary, I’ll be casting […]
It was greasy, messy and frankly, pretty disgusting, but in the end, it was for a good cause and heck of a lot of fun. Last week, three Oxford firefighters took on three Oxford Village cops in a no-holds-barred buffalo wing eating contest at the Oxford Tap (36 S. Washington St.). The competition was part […]