Remembering Shane Hrischuk

There’s a hole in the heart of the Oxford community as a young life brimming with potential and talent was snuffed out much too early by suicide. Wildcat country is mourning the tragic loss of Shane Philip Hrischuk, an eighth-grader at Oxford Middle School who shot himself at his home Jan. 25 with a .45 […]

Brothers make bracelets to raise funds, honor memory

A trio of Oxford brothers are doing what they can to honor a deceased student’s memory and help his grieving family by making and selling a very unique fashion accessory. Over the last week, Zack, Brendin and Joe Floyd have been hard at work producing paracord bracelets that memorialize Shane Hrischuk, an Oxford Middle School […]

Funds needed for kids dance program

Jonelle Pariseau has a lifelong passion for dance and she wishes to share it with children and teens who want to experience it all from practice to performance, but don’t have the financial means to make their dream come true. ‘I’ve been working hard to pass on an appreciation for dance not only as an […]

Weckle offers to buy village lands for $35K

Oxford Village started out looking for a real estate broker to list some vacant municipal-owned properties and ended up finding a potential buyer. Council last week voted 3-0 to refer two purchase proposals for 23 Stanton St. and 27 Pleasant St. to the village manager and village attorney for review, recommendations and further negotiations if […]

Council OKs parking, ordinance violation bureaus, sets fines

The power to write tickets and collect fines locally was granted last week by the Oxford Village Council. In separate 3-0 votes, council approved ordinance amendments establishing a parking violations bureau and an ordinance violations bureau, each complete with its own schedule of fines for violators (see public notices on Page 23). ‘Our goal is […]

Cable proposal rubs councilman wrong way

At least one member of the Oxford Village Council is not pleased with a proposal to change the voting composition and funding requirements associated with the Oxford Area Cable Communications Commission. ‘I’m thinking that it’s nice to keep our options open as a municipality and not have other governmental entities dictate to us what we […]

My Way

We are individuals born with free will and living in a free society, but that does not mean we should act without considering how it will affect others. There is a big difference between freedom and selfishness. The free man knows that he may say what he wishes, he may go where he pleases and […]

No place for bullies at OMS, OHS

Nobody likes a bully, especially Oxford High School seniors Sara Ruch and Kayli Kammerer. That’s why these two young ladies chose to help organize and promote the Bully Busters program at their school and Oxford Middle School. ‘I don’t think bullying is acceptable at any level,? Ruch said. Ruch and Kammerer are using their participation […]

OES Action Wall promotes making a difference

At Oxford Elementary, no good deed goes unnoticed. Just ask all the students and teachers whose photos and positive accomplishments are prominently featured on the school’s Action Wall. (Some of them are featured in the blue-shaded box.) ‘It’s a space we’ve created where we’re documenting students that take action,? said Rachel Hart, fourth-grade teacher and […]

Local bakery decides to ‘feed the spirits? of soldiers overseas

There’s nothing American soldiers serving overseas cherish more than being able to hear the voices of their loved ones back home. Thanks to the Sweet & Savory Bake Shop in downtown Oxford our courageous servicemen and women will receive 362.5 hours of free phone time with which to talk to their wives, husbands, sons, daughters, […]