Tuskegee Airman addresses Rotary Club

When one hears that a Tuskegee Airman is going to speak about his experiences in World War II, the expectation is there will be many gut-wrenching stories about the injustices of segregation and racism. But that clearly wasn’t the case with retired Lt. Col. Harry T. Stewart, Jr., a Bloomfield Hills resident who is one […]

Oxford loses its friendly neighborhood grocer

For nearly 20 years, Oxford residents knew Charles Drumheller as their friendly neighborhood grocer. Sadly, Drumheller, who went by Charlie or Chuck, passed away on Friday, Dec. 9, 2011. He was 83. Many remember him as the owner of the Oxford IGA store, which used to be located at Washington and Broadway streets on the […]

Crushing cans for college credits

A group of Oxford High School students last week celebrated the end of their college-level course by crushing aluminum soda cans with strange contraptions. It sounds weird, but that’s how future engineers roll. Students taking the Intro to Engineering class designed, built and demonstrated can-crushing systems for their final project. ‘This project is the culmination […]

Station mgr. fired ? again

There was another motion and another vote Nov. 30, but the outcome was the same ? Don Huegerich was terminated, effective immediately, as station manager of Oxford Community Television (OCTV) and executive director of the Oxford Area Cable Communications Commission. By a vote of 5-3, the cable commission fired Huegerich, who’s been station manager since […]

Future OCTV could include schools

The direction Oxford Community Television (OCTV) could take in the wake of station manager/executive director Don Hueguerich’s firing last week ranges from simply hiring a replacement to collaborating with the Oxford school district. To examine these options, the Oxford Area Cable Communications Commission last week created a search committee consisting of commissioners Chris Bishop, Sue […]

Spreading good cheer from the air

Santa Claus isn’t the only one who flies the friendly skies delivering Christmas gifts to children. Although she doesn’t have a magic sleigh pulled by eight flying reindeer, pilot Elizabeth McGhee does have a little Cessna 172 and she uses it every year to bring gifts to Michigan children in need as part of Operation […]

Soldier’s family lights trees, awaits hero’s return

Home for the holidays. It’s more than just the title of an old song sung by Perry Como in the 1950s; it’s something every U.S. soldier serving overseas wishes he or she could be around this time of year. But as long as the Free World needs defending from its enemies, there will be empty […]

OMS students learn consequences of substance abuse

Oxford Middle School’s eighth-graders received a sobering lesson in the consequences of illegal drug use and underage alcohol consumption when 52-3 District Court Judge Julie Nicholson visited them Dec. 1. Students witnessed firsthand some of the legal consequences of possessing illicit drugs and abusing alcohol as Nicholson conducted court proceedings in the school’s cafeteria and […]

$1.37M grant for NOTA not much help right now

The good news is the North Oakland Transportation Authority (NOTA) was awarded a $1.37 million grant from the state and federal governments. The bad news is it can’t simply be added to NOTA’s budget and freely spent on operations. It can only be used as reimbursement for a specific group of riders who are already […]

$1.37M grant for NOTA not much help right now

The good news is the North Oakland Transportation Authority (NOTA) was awarded a $1.37 million grant from the state and federal governments. The bad news is it can’t simply be added to NOTA’s budget and freely spent on operations. It can only be used as reimbursement for a specific group of riders who are already […]