My Way

It was certainly interesting reporting on the termination of Don Huegerich as station manager for Oxford Community Television (see Page 1). As I covered the Nov. 30 meeting of the Oxford Area Cable Communications Commission (what a mouthful), a few thoughts occurred to me and since it’s the season of sharing, here they are. I […]

Discussion of museum’s future to continue

Three things were made clear last week during the Oxford Village Council’s discussion of a proposal to move art exhibits and a for-profit business into downtown’s historical museum. One, the Northeast Oakland Historical Society is dead set against Robb Leland’s proposal to move his existing business, ArtCapsule Gallery & Frame, into the museum building and […]

To sell or not to sell? Voters will be asked

Next year, when Oxford Village voters go the polls to cast their ballot regarding who should occupy the White House, they must also decide whether or not they wish to see two pieces of municipal property put up for sale. The village council last week voted 4-1 to ask voters, via questions on the Nov. […]

Oxford among tops to do biz

Any community can claim it’s a great place in which to do business, but only an elite few can back it up with the empirical findings of a prestigious university’s research project. For the second straight year, the Village of Oxford was recognized as one of the top 44 communities in the state when it […]

Cruel act leads to generous gesture

It’s a story that began with an act of unthinkable cruelty perpetrated against an innocent animal, but it ended with a gesture of immense generosity. A 1?-year-old dog named Duke was shot Nov. 21 by an unknown person somewhere near his family’s Oxford home on Davison Lake Rd., near Baldwin Rd. ‘It’s just a hideous […]

DDA hires South Carolina firm to brand Oxford

How does downtown Oxford wish to promote itself to attract visitors and shoppers? That’s the question the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is hoping to answer. In order to do so, the DDA board last week voted 8-1 to hire Arnett Muldrow & Associates, a firm based in Greenville, South Carolina, to develop a branding/marketing plan […]

Come for the soup, stay for the parade

It’s all about warm bellies and warm hearts as folks of all ages are invited to kick off the Christmas season in downtown Oxford this weekend. The fun starts Friday, Dec. 2 with the Downtown Development Authority’s Second Annual Soup & Sweet Stroll (see full-color ad on Page 12). ‘Home Never Tasted So Good? is […]

Sherman named Grand Marshal of Christmas parade

A face familiar to the Oxford community for 56 years will lead the town’s Christmas parade on Saturday, Dec. 3. James A. Sherman, Sr., publisher of The Oxford Leader from 1955-93, was named Grand Marshal. ‘Of course, I’m honored to be asked,? he said. Sherman is one of those family names that’s synonymous with Oxford […]

Concerns over DDA director’s spending prompt discussion

How much money can the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) director spend without board approval? Which expenditures are appropriate and which are not? These questions, spawned by the concerns of some officials, were discussed at last week’s DDA meeting and will be brought up again at the board’s December meeting. ‘I’m tired of seeing the money […]