Those shabby-looking signs welcoming folks to Oxford Township are finally going to be replaced thanks to the vision and community spirit of a local scout. Last week, township officials voted 7-0 to allocate an amount not to exceed $1,000 to finance Life Scout Kenny Wellens? proposal to construct and erect new welcome signs along M-24 […]
It’s the type of story that both breaks and warms the heart. It’s also a story with a happy ending thanks in large part to a caring Oxford business. Pontiac resident Laurie Rougeau is now the proud owner of a functional 1999 Chevy van complete with a working electric wheelchair lift to help transport Diamond, […]
‘Overreaction.? That’s the word Oxford Village Police Chief Mike Neymanowski used to describe the situation that led to lockdowns at Daniel Axford and Oxford elementaries on Tuesday, Nov. 8. The schools, both located in the village, initiated lockdown procedures for about an hour after police informed them they were searching for a suspicious man who […]
One of the men allegedly responsible for a Nov. 1 armed robbery at Village Manor Apartments of Pontiac St. in Oxford Village is in custody, but police are still searching for the other suspects, a white male and a black male. According to Police Chief Mike Neymanowski, the 46-year-old man, whose last known address was […]
Death is just a part of life. But in Matt Smith’s world, death is something that not only pays the bills, it gives him an opportunity to serve his fellow man in a unique and personally satisfying way. The 39-year-old Oxford resident is an embalmer and restorative artist, who specializes in reconstructing dead bodies that […]
As usual, Oxford-Orion FISH is working hard to ensure no local family or individual has an empty table this Thanksgiving. ‘Everybody should have a nice, warm meal on Thanksgiving,? said FISH Pantry Coordinator Sandy Klersy. ‘It’s just a nice family tradition.? But to accomplish this, the local charity group needs help from the community in […]
It’s the type of thing that happens once in a lifetime, if you’re lucky enough to be born on the right date. On Friday, Oxford resident Shae Walters will celebrate his 11th birthday. That’s right, the Oxford Middle School sixth-grader will turn 11 on 11/11/11. ‘It’s kind of unique,? said his dad, Jeff Walters. ‘It’s […]
To most people, glass is just something that holds beverages or separates their indoors from the great outdoors. But to Oxford resident Dave Hilty, glass is an art form ? both the process of making it and the finished product. And what good is art if it’s not shared with others? That’s why for five […]
There’s an empty chair inside the main office at Oxford High School where Alyse Prince used to sit. But what’s not empty are the hearts of all those who knew Prince, who loved her and who were touched by her on a daily basis. Though they ache with grief now, those hearts are fuller, stronger […]
I hate it when any government is proud of the fact that it’s sitting on a large pile of our money. Whatever name you give it, be it fund balance, reserves, fund equity, surplus, etc., government folks never call it what it really is ? over-taxation. In the latest issue of the Wildcat Review, Oxford […]