Renewed talk of possibly creating a specific, alternate route for the truck traffic traveling through downtown Oxford was short-lived. During a special Oct. 26 meeting of the Downtown Development Authority’s (DDA) Economic Restructuring Committee, the consensus among officials seemed to be the trucks will stay on Washington St. (M-24), but there will be attempts to […]
Citizens from all walks of life are being encouraged to attend an open house and give their thoughts on what they would like to see incorporated into the new streetscape being designed for downtown Oxford. ‘This is a big project,? said Oxford Village Councilman Kevin Stephison, who also chairs the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) board. […]
Construction knowledge and artistic vision were added to the Oxford Downtown Development Authority (DDA) last week with the appointment of two new board members, Jim Bielak and Dorothy Johnston. Bielak, who owns Beadifferent Boutique at 7 N. Washington St., will serve on the DDA board until September 2014, while Johnston, who owns Johnston Photography at […]
The cast is small, but the laughs promise to be huge as the Oxford High School Theater Company brings ‘The 39 Steps? to the stage of the Fine Arts Center. ‘It’s a fun show,? said OHS teacher Katie Blaszczyk, who’s co-directing the play with fellow teacher Debby Brown. ‘You’re going to laugh. You’re going to […]
Oxford Village moved one step closer to issuing its own parking tickets and collecting its own fines. On Oct. 25, council voted 4-1 to authorize that an amendment to the code of ordinances, concerning both the amounts charged for various parking violations and the time frame in which to pay them, be presented for a […]
All those brave men and women who have ever donned a U.S. military uniform, served in a foreign land or fought in a war will be honored Thursday, Nov. 10 as Oxford Middle School choir students put on their annual Americana Concert. ‘This is our ninth annual Veterans Day concert,? said OMS Choir Director Jan […]
Legally, there’s no problem with Kevin Stephison wearing two hats in Oxford Village government. Last week, the village council voted 4-0 (with Stephison abstaining) to release a legal opinion from the municipality’s attorney, Robert Bunting, which stated that Stephison can continue serving on both council and the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) board. Bunting indicated that […]
An 18-year-old Oxford man was cited by village police for reckless driving after he crashed a 1986 Pontiac Grand Prix into a large tree on W. Burdick St. on Thursday, Oct. 27. The northbound driver was speeding along Pontiac St. when he ran through the stop sign at W. Burdick St. during a left turn, […]
Should truck traffic be allowed to continue driving through downtown Oxford along Washington St. (M-24) or should the community pursue the creation of a bypass for these giants of the road? That’s the question the Oxford Downtown Development Authority (DDA) must answer before it can move forward with designing a new downtown streetscape that’s more […]
Oxford Township planning commissioners last week took a step toward boosting the local economy and creating new jobs by giving their approval for a proposed business that plans to repair and refurbish U.S. military vehicles used overseas. ‘This is a great opportunity for the community,? said Randal Bellestri, a partner in Diamond Assembly and resident […]