Oxford Township residents will notice a slight increase on their property tax bill in December. In fact, it’s so minuscule that most people probably won’t even notice it or feel it in their pocketbook. Last week, officials set the tax rates that will support the 2011 fiscal year and all of them remained the same, […]
Smiles and hugs were the only forms of currency needed last week as nearly 200 local elementary students went on a free shopping spree. Thanks to the Rochester Hills-based Assistance League of Southeastern Michigan, 83 Oxford kids and 104 Lake Orion kids each received a brand new winter coat, knit hat, gloves, underwear, socks, shoes, […]
Attention local building owners and land barons ? the North Oakland Transportation Authority (NOTA) is in need of a new home to house its operations and fleet of vehicles. NOTA’s current lease at the Crossroads for Youth campus on E. Drahner Rd. expires in March 2011. Pat Fitchena, executive director of NOTA, explained Crossroads ‘needs […]
Peace is an admirable goal. It’s something humanity should strive for and, whenever possible, attain. But as we all know, there are times when peace is simply not feasible and wars must be fought for the good of all. Peace is on my mind this week because on Monday I attended the Peace Pole assembly […]
Not many folks can boast they saved two lives in four days, but the Oxford Fire Department can. Eight firefighters will be honored Sept. 23 by the Oakland County Medical Control Authority for literally shocking two people back to life after they went into cardiac arrest. These firefighters did an ‘extraordinary? job, according to Nancy […]
Attention local building owners and land barons ? the North Oakland Transportation Authority (NOTA) is in need of a new home to house its operations and fleet of vehicles. NOTA’s current lease at the Crossroads for Youth campus on E. Drahner Rd. expires in March 2011. Pat Fitchena, executive director of NOTA, explained Crossroads ‘needs […]
Downtown Oxford merchants who display their wares on the sidewalk can continue doing so thanks to the village council’s opposition to banning the practice. ‘I think this is taking it a little bit too far for local government,? said Councilman Tom Benner. ‘I don’t feel like I have the right to tell somebody that’s paying […]
By C.J. Carnacchio Leader Editor After months of discussion and research, Oxford Township is one step closer to regulating medical marijuana dispensaries within its borders. At its 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 23 meeting, the township planning commission is scheduled to discuss a four-page draft ordinance on the subject created by its Ordinance Review Subcommittee. The […]
Some solid police work and a lucky break ended a rash of break-ins in the Village of Oxford. ‘The officers did a phenomenal job,? said Acting Police Chief Mike Solwold. ‘They made this a priority.? A total of nine charges are pending against four male Oxford teenagers ? a 15-year-old and three 16-year-olds ? who […]
Lots of stuff to comment on this week. First of all, hats off to Oxford Township’s Ordinance Review Subcommittee for coming up with a thorough, well-thought-out proposal to regulate medical marijuana dispensaries (see Page 5). The restrictions are quite reasonable. The language is concise. The intent is admirable. Best of all, it gives the township […]