A six-month moratorium was placed last week on part of an Oxford Township ordinance that is typically never enforced and routinely violated by many folks who live on lakes. ‘My problem is if I enforce this ordinance, I’m going to have a lot of people that live on the lakes around here pretty mad,? said […]
An Oxford Township resident who’s a retired police officer is facing criminal charges for allegedly repeatedly molesting a 13-year-old girl he knew through his family. Thomas Patrick Cupples, 52, was arraigned in Rochester Hills 52-3 District Court on four charges ? first and second-degree criminal sexual conduct involving a relation and first and second-degree criminal […]
After many years of renting and moving around like gypsies, the Oxford Township Parks and Recreation Department is ready to settle down. ‘We would finally have a home to call our own,? said Parks Director Ron Davis. Township officials last week voted 4-3 to authorize the department to purchase 7 acres located at 510 S. […]
Their hearts are pure. Their bodies are tough. But the question is are their stomachs big enough to handle 9 pounds worth of sandwiches plus 32 slices of pizza? Before they start pounding the stuffing out of each other on the gridiron for the first time in 27 years, Oxford and Lake Orion will face […]
In a world where it seems like expenses do nothing but constantly increase, Oxford Village residents will be happy to learn that one of their monthly bills is about to go down. Beginning Sept. 1, village residents will pay $11.31 per month for the weekly collection of their trash and recyclable waste. They currently pay […]
Anyone who regularly attends Oxford Township Board meetings knows that compliments aren’t often doled out by the public. But last week Brian Duerden got plenty of them. ‘I feel he just does a super, super, outstanding job,? said Linda Hickmott, an Oxford native who now lives in Lapeer County’s Columbiaville. Duerden, who owns BAM Landscape […]
Lately, whenever the topic of finances comes up at government meetings, all you hear is doom and gloom as officials declare ‘The sky is falling! The sky is falling!? But Oxford Township actually received lots of positive feedback from its auditor last week and scored high marks for its fiscal conservatism. ‘Given all the economic […]
Oxford Village’s iconic water tower is going to receive a new paint job, both inside and out, along with some much-needed repairs. The only question is when. Council last week voted 3-1 to award the bid for the 500,000-gallon water tower project to the Farmington Hills-based V&T Painting for an amount not to exceed $256,800. […]
Much like an old friend of the family, Oxford Bank has always been a big part of Shirley Acheson’s life. In May 1929, the month after she was born, her parents established a savings account for her there. Her grandfather, W.O. Smith, who founded Oxford’s first gravel mining business, served on the bank’s board of […]
What began as a fun, family swim in the Upper Peninsula last week quickly turned into a tragic event as an Oxford man and his Lake Orion son lost their lives. Douglas Alan Smith, 50, and his 16-year-old son, Eric James Smith, drowned in Lake Superior after they got caught in a suspected rip current […]