Will Oxford Township residents be comfortable with a reduction in their police services or will they want to increase their property taxes in order to keep staffing levels the same plus add a school liaison officer? It appears those are probably going to be the options facing voters when they go to the polls in […]
Oxford Township’s looking into possibly amending its zoning ordinance to include businesses and other establishments related to medical marijuana. No decisions have been made as to whether such language would be to prohibit them or simply regulate them. Last week, officials voted 7-0 to direct the planning commission and its ordinance review subcommittee to review […]
A small, slow-burning fire that had the potential to turn into a major blaze occurred Wednesday, June 9 at Red Knapp’s American Grill in downtown Oxford. It was stopped in its tracks by an alert restaurant owner, Brett Knapp, and the skilled Oxford Fire Department. ‘It was definitely a good catch because if it had […]
Deceased artist Andy Warhol once predicted that in the future, everyone was going to enjoy 15 minutes of fame. Ryan Metzger already had his 15 minutes earlier this year and he’s about to enjoy another 15 minutes later this week. Metro Detroit television viewers can tune in to WWJ (Channel 62) at 10 a.m. on […]
Ron Davis is thoroughly disgusted and who could blame him? Some unknown vandal (or vandals) trashed Seymour Lake Township Park Sunday night, leaving behind an estimated $5,000 worth of damage. ‘That’s just ridiculous,? said Davis, who’s director of the Oxford Township Parks and Recreation Department. ‘It’s disheartening. You try to have something nice and one […]
Two individuals who have donated countless hours over the years in support of high school sports were honored by the Oxford Wildcat Athletic Boosters last week. Diana Eldridge received the Booster Lifetime Achievement award for doing just about everything for the student-athletes including packing lunches, putting up tents, cooking hot dogs and hamburgers, providing Gatorade […]
Those who think of volunteerism as something only for the young should have a chat with Jo Ann Hitch. The 69-year-old Oxford resident has spent so many years volunteering with so many different organizations that she’s the living embodiment of community spirit. ‘I think if you belong to a community, you have to give to […]
A bomb threat stating Oxford High School will be blown up on Thursday, June 17 has officials taking numerous precautions even though it is “considered to be low level,” according to information provided by Principal Mike Schweig. Deputies from the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department will be present at OHS during the school day June 17 […]
Editor’s Note: The following was originally written as an e-mail response to Mr. Terry’s letter to me, I decided to use it as my column this week to respond in the newspaper as well. Dear Mr. Terry, As I have said repeatedly in numerous columns, I have nothing against teaching Chinese language or culture to […]
?(China has) the second most millionaires. They have the second most billionaires . . . You cannot be communistic and have people who own property and acquire wealth.? ? Dr. William Skilling In my previous columns about China, I’ve been a bit harsh. I shouldn’t be focusing on the fact that the Chinese government is […]