District looks to move central office downtown

Oxford Community Schools has nixed its plans to buy a local church to house its preschool programs and is instead, looking to purchase a historic building in downtown Oxford with the intention of moving the district’s central administration and board of education offices there. During a Jan. 29 special meeting, the school board approved the […]

Schools explore privatizing services

It appears once again Oxford Community Schools is ahead of the curve when it comes to educational reforms. This time it’s in the area of non-instructional services for students. Recently, state Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop (R-Rochester) introduced a series of proposals designed to restructure and downsize government at all levels. One of those proposed […]

Councilman announces run for county commission

Another Oxford official has tossed his hat into the ring in the race to represent District 1 on the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. This time it’s Oxford Village Councilman Tony Albensi. He’ll be running as a Republican in the August primary. ‘I think I can serve the residents of Oxford and the entire first […]

Bill seeks to put state’s groundwater into public trust

Oxford resident Ray Van Tine is warning people about a piece of proposed legislation he claims is designed to take away the right of property owners to freely use the groundwater flowing underneath their land and give ownership of it to the state. ‘I was furious when I heard about it,? said the 68-year-old owner […]

Local soldier earns award for training Iraqis to fire mortars

One of Oxford’s brave sons serving in Iraq has done his community proud by winning an award for his work training native soldiers to defend their homeland. Specialist Stephan Stothers, who serves in the U.S. Army’s 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, recently received the ‘Task Force Marne Hero of the North? award. […]

Addison man lands winning pike

ADDISON TWP. ? Dressed warmly and huddled in shanties, 33 hearty fishermen braved Saturday’s frigid temperatures and punched through Lakeville Lake’s thick sheet of ice in search of a toothy predator known as the northern pike. It was all part of the Bear Paw Cafe’s second annual ice fishing contest, which ran from 7 a.m. […]

Library offers speed dating

Everyone knows the library as a place to check out a good book or two. But the Oxford Public Library is offering a new service for Valentine’s Day ? the chance to find true love. On Thursday, Feb. 11, the library, located at 530 Pontiac Road, will host a speed dating event for book lovers. […]

Journalist teaches interview skills at Kingbury

Middle school students at Kingsbury Country Day School in Addison Township spent a couple days last week learning interview and research techniques from a veteran journalist. ‘Those skills are things they can carry on and use for the rest of their life,? said Roberto Santiago, director of communications and strategic marketing for the Museum of […]

Convicted internet predator busted again

His alleged crime involved computers, the internet and hacking into unsecured wireless connections, but in the end, it was good, old-fashioned police work that led to a 33-year-old Oxford man’s arrest Jan. 26. Andrew Kyle Holland was arraigned in United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan, on the federal charge of transferring obscene material […]