Oxford Township’s new ordinance enforcement officer started work Monday, so if you see Jim Lehtola out and about, stop and say hello. Don’t worry, he won’t ticket you. Lehtola, 59, is certainly no stranger to this community. ‘We’re kind of newcomers. My wife and I have only lived here for 36 years now. According to […]
Attention out there in TV land ? if you’re looking to watch Oxford and Addison government meetings and community events, they’re no longer on Channel 19. As of Tuesday, Dec. 1, Oxford Community Television’s programming is now being broadcast on Channel 97 in basic cable. ‘I was watching it yesterday on 19 and today I’m […]
It’s been my experience that government folks are generally an unimaginative bunch who only know one way to increase revenue ? raise taxes. Got a deficit? Raise taxes! Want to fund that great new program? Raise taxes! Salary and kickbacks not enough to afford that vacation home in Tahiti? Raise taxes, then salaries! That’s why […]
Say the term HypnoBirthing and some folks might picture a man wearing a monocle and speaking with a thick Eastern European accent as he dangles a gold watch in front of a pregnant woman in the delivery room. ‘It is a difficult name at times because hypnosis can conjure up images like you’re going to […]
Sometimes long shots do come in. After five years of hard work and one disheartening denial, the Michigan Natural Resource Trust Fund board last week awarded Addison Township a $428,000 grant to purchase 80 acres of land ? located one mile west of Leonard Village at the northeast corner of Leonard and Haven roads ? […]
By C.J. Carnacchio Leader Editor If everyone had just blindly accepted the medical community’s diagnosis and basically ignored her, Phyllis K. Klenk would probably still be lying in a bed somewhere, trapped in her body and living out her days as a nonperson. She might even be dead. But thanks to her husband and a […]
To physical education teacher Megan McTaggart, gym class isn’t just a chance for kids to run around, play dodgeball and climb the big rope. It’s also an opportunity to break down cultural and language barriers and help diverse groups of kids get to know each other in a fun setting. For her efforts in this […]
Sizzling circuits! Did you hear that the Oxford Elementary Rockin? Robots are headed to the state finals Dec. 12 at Carman-Ainsworth Middle School in Flint? ‘They’re really excited about this,? said Barbara Johnston, the team’s adviser and a fourth-grade teacher at OES. ‘I told them if we make top five, I’ll be happy.? The competitive […]
Oxford students will be spending some extra time at home as the district decided to cut some days in order to give its staff more time for training and save some money in light of the state’s funding cuts. Parents mark your calendars because there will be no school for all K-12 students on Dec. […]
Chalk up another victory for the free market and the entrepreneurial spirit. Steve Stoll got the green light he needed last week from the Oxford Village Planning Commission to transform the vacant James Lumber property (43 E. Burdick St.) into a multipurpose commercial enterprise. ‘I’m really excited to get going on this,? said the 38-year-old […]