Search for new library director narrowed to two

And then there were two. The Oxford Public Library Board of Trustees will interview two finalists for the director position Wednesday, April 18 at the library. Bryan Jay Cloutier, director of the Ruth Hughes Memorial Library in Imlay City since April 2003, will be interviewed at 5 p.m. Jacalynn Harvey, assistant director of the Roseville […]

Marijuana found in car of driver who left crash

A 35-year-old Oxford man could be facing multiple charges after leaving the scene of an accident Saturday. The man was apprehended by an Oakland County Sheriff’s deputy on Barr Road at Apache Ct. after fleeing the scene of a crash at Lakeville Road and Bay Pointe Drive. According to the sheriff’s report, the suspect was […]

Gun, cash, jewelry stolen from Addison home

A 68-year-old Addison man returned to his home on Ray Road late Sunday afternoon and discovered he was missing between $1,700 and $2,450 in cash and personal items including a handgun. When he arrived home, he found a gray two-door car pulling out of his driveway. When the homeowner stopped the car, the driver, a […]

Museum offers glimpse of past fashions

Remember rummaging through the attic in your grandparents or great grandparents? house? Remember playing dress up wearing all those neat old clothes that smelled of mothballs and memories? You can relive some of that black-and-white magic as the Northeast Oakland Historical Society museum presents a display of antique fashions now through May 19. Men’s and […]

BAT forming to help business owners

When Gotham City needed help, it looked to its caped crusader, Batman. Downtown business owners in need of help will soon be able to turn to the OXBAT team. While not a collection of superheroes, OXBAT (short for Oxford Business Assistance Team) will be available to offer ideas and advice on topics ranging from financial […]

Book puts the spotlight back on Sister Aimee

By C.J. Carnacchio Leader Editor Long before preachers like Pat Robertson and groups like the Christian Coalition melded religion, politics and mass media into an evangelical juggernaut powerful enough to elect presidents, there was a woman named Aimee Semple McPherson. Don’t feel bad if you just muttered, ‘Who?? ‘Folks in their 70s and 80s, almost […]

Smiles of the Week

Bernard and Edith Boisvert, formerly of Addison Township, celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary Saturday at Kalloway’s Restaurant and Pub surrounded by a room full of family and friends. The couple was married in 1937 at St. James Catholic Church in Ferndale. Bernard, 95, and Edith, 93, have led long and productive lives, touching many people […]

My Way

So much of life involves being in the right place at the right time. One cold and rainy night in November 2006, I was in the right place at the right time on Dennison St. and ended up rescuing a tiny kitten. I heard her crying in the darkness and when I approached, she practically […]

Bakery offers sweet Easter treat!

For the third year in a row, the folks at Sweet & Savory Bake Shop in downtown Oxford held a free cookie decorating event for kids, complete with an opportunity to meet the Easter Bunny.

If the big fuzzy slipper fits…

We all know the story of Cinderella. Fairy godmother, glass slippers, be back by midnight, blah, blah, blah. It’s old news. Been there, done that. Bet you haven’t heard the story of ‘Prince DA.? Teachers at Daniel Axford Elementary performed this unique play for the entire student body April 4 as a reward for all […]