Man injured in Brandon Township house fire

By David Fleet Editor Brandon Twp.-At 2:47 a.m., Jan. 14, Brandon Fire Department responded to the 5000 block of Seymour Lake Road on the report of a residential structure fire. Upon arrival, the attached garage was fully engulfed in flames and firefighters fought to keep the fire from spreading to the residence, said Brandon Fire […]

Public Notice: Brandon Township

January 15, 2018 RESOLUTION Resolved, that the regular monthly meeting of the Brandon Board of Education, Brandon School District, shall be held on the third Monday of each month beginning at 6.30 p.m. at the Brandon School District I-TEC Center, 609 S. Ortonville Road, Ortonville, Michigan, 48462. Regular Meeting Dates February 12, 2018 (2nd Monday […]

‘This is not a drill’

By David Fleet Editor About 7:40 Saturday morning Savannah Katulski woke up in paradise. The 23-year-old, 2011 Goodrich High School graduate had just moved into a small studio apartment in the city of Kapaa located on the fourth largest Hawaiian Island of Kauai. “It was just a little after 8 a.m. when the alarm on […]

Brandon Twp. park snags DNR grant

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.-Phase two of the Brandon Township Community Park master plan is in full swing with the recent addition of a grant from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Land and Water Conservation Fund. The fund was established by Congress in 1964 and uses zero taxpayer dollars, rather invests earnings […]

‘If not for Leo there would not have been an ‘us.’

By David Fleet Editor (Editor’s note, BHS student Noah Cox contributed to this story). During the very early hours of July 13, 1944, Coolidge Holt and his best friend Leo Flood were trying to get some sleep in the slip trenches they dug in on a battle field in Italy. “They both tossed and turned […]

BFIS sale OK’d

By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.- Sold. By a 6-0 vote on Monday night, the Brandon School Board of Education accepted an offer from local business owner Barry Bass to purchase the Brandon Fletcher Intermediate School building. School board vice-president Bob Eisiminger abstained from the vote since he is a member of the Bridgewood […]

Who’s got mail?

Who’s got mail?

An adult Screech Owl  found a home in a mailbox along Bald Eagle Lake Road on Saturday. Lisa Harrison, an Ortonville Post Office mail carrier for the past 11 years found the owl during her route. Photo by Lisa Harrison.

‘Bald is beautiful’

By David Fleet Editor Goodrich- Hats off to Emily Koon. But just until Jan.19 when the Martian Varsity basketball teams take on Beecher High School at home. Koon, 17, a GHS Senior is currently selling Martian hats for $20 embossed with ‘Bald is beautiful’ as her Capstone project. Her mission is to raise awareness of […]

Future of Iron Belle Trail considered

By David Fleet Editor About three months following township board of trustees vote ending the future of the Iron Belle Trail through Brandon Township, deliberation on just how the trail will move forward remains murky. Kristen Bennett, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources’ Iron Belle Trail coordinator said debate over a revised route between Orion […]

Public Notice: Brandon Township

SYNOPSIS CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BRANDON REGULAR MEETING January 8, 2018 Call to order at 7:00 p.m. Present:  Allen, Broughton, Darnall, DePalma, Kordella, Marshall & Thurman. Presentation: MI Long Term Care Approved: Consent Agenda 2nd Reading and Adoption of Amendment to Modify Ordinance Sec. 46-6 Definitions to Include Transient Redistricting Petition for Paint Creek Drain Appointments […]