Septemberfest 2017 Dear Editor, Brandon Township Parks and Recreation has been honored to host our 28th annual Septemberfest. By our side were our many support groups and businesses with a majority of funding coming from Gold sponsors, Genysis Credit Union and Meijer of Oxford. Our Platinum sponsors were Randy Wise Ford, MSU Federal Credit Union, […]
By David Fleet Editor If Pickle the Cow could talk her tale would be an “udder” delight. Les and Elizabeth Roggenbuck are the owners of Pickles an 800 pound red poll and short horned mix cow. Pickles along with the Roggenbucks reside at East River Organics, 2265 North Oxford Road, in rural Oxford Township about […]
By David Fleet Editor Ortonville- By a 4-3 vote on Monday night the village council dashed any plans to allow chickens. Denied was a motion by Brice, seconded by Dylus to instruct the village manager to prepare ordinance revisions for Village Ordinance 90.35-90.62 in order to allow the keeping of chickens within the village with […]
Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Brandon Twp.-The more than 4,000 township voters from precincts one and two will have a new location in the next election. Earlier this year the Brandon School District closed the Fletcher Intermediate School building, the previous home to precincts one and two. As a result, the Brandon High School gymnasium,1250 South […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer Short mission. Big results. That’s how the members of Lakeview Community Church, 10023 S. State Road, Goodrich, have found a recent project reaching out to help kids in their own community this year. Led by Pastor John Grimshaw, in June the church planned out a week of volunteer work in […]
By David Fleet Editor Ortonville- On Monday night the village council voted 4-3 to not renew the MiWaters Michigan Department of Environmental Quality National Pollutant Discharge System permit for the village. The motion was made by council member Dan Eschmann, seconded by Mark Butzu to not pursue or renew the wastewater treatment plant permit issued […]
By David Fleet Editor Brandon Twp. -At 7 p.m., Oct. 5 the board of trustees will meet at the Brandon High School Preforming Arts Center to take public comments, deliberate and reach a decision on whether or not the township wants the Iron Belle Trail to come through the township. The Iron Belle Trail segment […]
MAY, RICHARD RAYMOND of Orion Twp.; died September 26, 2017. He was 79. Born February 7, 1938 in Detroit, Michigan to the late Walter R. and Lorraine (nee: Worth) May. He is survived by his brother, Walter May; three grandchildren, Tyler May, Calley May and Caitlin Edwards; four great grandchildren, Elizabeth Lufkin, Dylan Lufkin, Alyssa […]
By Shelby Stewart Staff Writer The 37th annual Ortonville area CROP Walk will be Oct. 1 starting at the Ortonville United Methodist Church at 93 Church St. Registration begins at 1:30 p.m. and following that will be warm-up exercises. The walk begins at 2 p.m. The three mile trek will help battle world hunger by […]
James H.; “Big Jim” Lane, of Fenton formerly of Keego Harbor died September 24, 2017. He was 79. Father of Jimmy Lane III & Todd (Tonya) Lane; grandpa “Pa” of Michael, Halie, Harrison, Hunter & Heston; great grandpa of Brooklyn; special nephew of Pat “Fat Pat” Kelly; also survived by many other family members & friends. Jim […]