Goodrich OKs bonds for Dutch Bridge, Erie Street work

By a 4-0 vote the village council approved bonds to finance the cost of improvements to the Dutch Road Bridge over the Kearsley Creek and repairs to Erie Street. The total cost of both projects is $718,900’of which the village will pay about $276,000 for engineering and design costs. The balance, $442,900, will be paid […]

District OKs trim 2012-13 budget with seven fewer teachers

Goodrich- By a 7-0 vote on Monday night, the school board approved the 2012-13 budget. The new budget reflects an estimated $16,558,969 in revenues with $16,710,664 in expenses. About $151,695 is needed from a fund equity account leaving $1,813,835 at the end of the 2013 fiscal year.. A fund equity balance of $1.9 million will […]

Consumers Energy to open service center

Groveland Twp.- Following a 7-0 vote at a special township planning commission meeting, Consumers Energy has moved one step closer to construction of a new service center. On Tuesday, township planning officials and Consumers Energy representatives which included Chris Laser, facilities project manager, and Ursula Warren, area manager, attended the special meeting to discuss plans […]

Gary Barns will return as GHS basketball coach

Goodrich- When the Martians varsity boys basketball team hit the hardwood this November, Gary Barns will be their coach. ‘I’m pleased to return for my 22nd year as head coach,? said Barns during the school board meeting on Monday night. ‘I’m aware some community members have taken issues with me’but please note I’ve never intended […]

Police funding advisory committee issues report

Atlas Twp.-A growing cost for police protection coupled with a slide in taxable home values could soon cost township residents. About a year ago township officials established a police funding advisory committee comprised of nine area residents to study not only the funding needs for law enforcement, but also maintaining sufficient levels of protection necessary […]

Village fund equity just over 50 percent

Goodrich-While taxable values continue to sag, state funds increased, helping add to growing village coffers. Such financial details were included in the 2012-13 budget that was approved at the June 11 village council meeting by a 4-0 vote. Council President Rick Horton was absent. Key indicators of the overall health of village finances included an […]

Village to seek bids for demolition of apartments

The village council voted 4-0 earlier this month to seek bids for demolition of the former Goodrich House on Hegel Road in the downtown area. Genesee County 7th Circuit Judge Farah has signed an order to secure the Goodrich House. The funds for the demolition will come out of the village general funds’the money will […]

Principal, soldier returns

He’s home. Goodrich High School Principal and Army Lt. Col. David St. Aubin returned home last week after completing nine months of active duty as part of forces stationed in Afghanistan. He will return as high school principal this fall. ‘Some ask, ‘What we are doing in the Middle East?? We’re taking on the terrorists […]

‘Important People of Ortonville? photos on display at library

So who’s who in town? A local photographer captured the results on film. On display at the Brandon Township Public Library are 20 fine art photographs titled, ‘Important People of Ortonville,? taken by Mark Kelly, owner of MPKphoto. ‘My objective was to find some people in Ortonville that would be respected and appreciated,? said Kelly. […]

Vote could turn future $1.5 million Oakhill Road project

A few curves may soon be added to an already rough mile of rural roadway. The mile section of Oakhill Road between Dixie and Kier roads divides both Groveland and Springfield townships. Due to the rough condition of the gravel road the section was placed on the county’s 30-year paving program list years ago. ‘Typically […]