Goodrich-The village council will seek resumes for a temporary village administrator. Council member Richard Saroli said the job opening will be listed in several local publications in an effort to fill the post. ‘Right now we’re looking for an interim manager,? said Saroli. In March, long-time Village Manager Jakki Sidge vacated her office following a […]
Atlas Twp.-Jeff Valley started the home tent buisiness in 1996 with two tents, earning some extra cash on the side. Fifteen years later, Valley rents more than 60 tents and 25 inflatables during peak season, utlizing eight delivery trucks to set up the equipment. ‘The home business just outgrew our home,? said Valley, a Goodrich […]
Goodrich-On Aug. 2 Goodrich voters elected Richard Saroli with 204 (58 percent) votes to serve the remainder of ousted village council president Patricia Wartella’s term in office. Candidate Greg Konkle recieved 123 votes (35 percent), Franklin First garnered 15 (4 percent) and Beth Sommers had 6 votes (1 percent). There are 1, 313 voters registered […]
Goodrich-On Aug. 2, Goodrich voters elected Richard Saroli with 204 votes (58 percent) to serve the remainder of ousted village council president Patricia Wartella’s term in office. Candidate Greg Konkle received 123 votes (35 percent), Franklin First garnered 15 (4 percent) and Beth Sommers had 6 votes (1 percent). There are 1,313 voters registered in […]
Goodrich-Ric Adams recalls the Tiger Lilies that bloom along the roadways. ‘I call em Ditch Lilies or some call em Outhouse Lilies,? said Adams. ‘I thought those would be great to hide my LP tank, so I transplanted a few to my house. That was 25 years ago.? Since then, plenty have been growing for […]
At about 3 a.m., July 29, Brandon fire fighters responded to Wildwood Loop at Clarkston Lakes Mobile Home community after a report of a structure fire. When firefighters arrived smoke was coming from the back of the house, said Captain Jerry Wivo. ‘Two residents who were home at the time reported hearing a loud bang,? […]
Groveland Twp.- Ron Stead has spent the last 24 years underground. During the 1970s, Stead agreed with economic forecasters that oil production was going to peak between 2010 and 2020. ‘No more cheap oil,? said Stead, 59. So in 1985, with plans from Formwork, Stead, along with assistance from various contractors, constructed an in-ground home. […]
Goodrich-Less than a week after Mike Tripp was replaced as school board president, he announced his resignation from the school board effective July 31 after serving more than 16 years. The district has 30 days to fill the seat with an interim board member. Tripp’s term will expire in December 2013. ‘The time has come […]
Riders head West. Ortonville businessmen Bob Wilk and Ron Brosseau will fire up their Harley-Davidsons and travel 1,256 miles west on I-90 to join more than 500,000 motorcyclists who converge between Aug. 8-14 on the western South Dakota City of Sturgis. The 71st annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally was first organized on Aug. 14, 1938 by […]
The Goodrich Village Council has been ordered not to conduct meetings until after the Aug. 2 election. That’s the word from 7th District Court Judge Geoffrey Neithercut, who decided Monday to halt further council meetings following a challenge by village resident Cynthia Beebe-Johnson. The suit named the Village of Goodrich, the Goodrich Village Council and […]