Maybe it was the borrowed golf shoes. Maybe it was the used Titleist driver. Or maybe just a few lucky bounces. Any which way, Zack Doyen played the par four, 352-yard, sixth hole at Brentwood Golf Course to perfection on July 15 with a hole-in-one. ‘Honestly, it’s 99 percent luck,? said Doyen, 24, a Brandon […]
For more than two decades, Athletic Director Al Martus guided Goodrich Martians on the field. On July 18, the stellar leader, who had a career highlighted by eight state championships, lost his battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 66. Martus was born in Brown City, Mich. on March 10, 1945, the son of Robert and […]
In just one meeting the Goodrich School board chopped $250,000 from the school budget. The Goodrich School Board voted 5-2 on Monday night to eliminate the district’s paid extracurricular positions and make them unpaid volunteer positions. The group of activities will include school class sponsors, National Honor Society and SADD (Students Against Drunk Drivers). A […]
Lake Huron is the third largest fresh water lake in the world’just over 23,000 square miles. Sailing the expanse of water in about 50 hours is a great accomplishment’one that Hadley resident Paul Heumaier has done 17 times. ‘The race is won or lost at night’especially on the second night,? said Heumaier, 46, a Lake […]
Close, but no tower. By a 33-27 secret ballot on Sunday, the voting members of the Christ Lutheran Church rejected a proposal by the Lapeer County 9-1-1 to construct a tower on a section of church cemetery. The decision comes after the Hadley Township Planning Commission approved an application by a 6-0 vote on July […]
We want to talk. That’s the latest message from the Goodrich Schools administration to the Goodrich Education Association ‘which represents about 100 district teachers. ‘This is a difficult financial time,? said John Fazer, district superintendent. ‘With the collaborative spirit of all the employees working together, we as a district provide the best educational setting for […]
For most area residents, cell towers are a common fixture of the urban landscape’needed to keep cell phones chirping. However, a handful of local osprey have found another use for the steel behemoth’a highrise home. On Wednesday afternoon, Eric Schmitt, site supervisor for American Tower Corporation, helped coordinate a visit to a local osprey nest. […]
Hadley Twp.-Arlene Sapian never imagined the property her family donated to the Christ Lutheran Church to expand the congregation’s cemetery could be leased for financial gain. ‘I would be very disappointed,? said Sapian, 92. ‘Some members (of the church) have been there four or five generations. It’s a sacrilege what they are doing.? In the […]
The last train left Ortonville April 25, 1931. Only a handful of residents can still recall the era when steel track was the major mode of transportation in Southeastern Michigan. Those interested in learning more about local railroads are invited to attend a special presentation by historian Ken Schramm. ‘The Detroit United Railway went north […]
The Michigan Merit Exam scores declined or remained unchanged for juniors in the Goodrich School District in 2011, compared to the 2010 test scores. In the 2011 MME results released eariler this month, Goodrich had 66 percent mastery in math, (down 7 percent), 72 percent in reading (down 7 percent), 75 percent in science (even), […]