To Allen Hatch, the recipe was simple. Eight decades of American automotive history coupled with a relentless desire to promote Flint and Genesee County’grounded on a passion for classic automobiles. The results: Back to the Bricks Cruise Weekend, which in just short four years has triggered a following that spans north America. Hatch, an Atlas […]
Groveland Twp.-Jack Gabbard, Ortonville Cemetery sexton for the past nine years, said that sometime late Friday night or early Saturday morning vandals damaged a cemetery office window, a mercury light, and other parts of the structure. About $2,500 in damages were reported. Troopers from the Michigan State Police, Groveland Post responded to the call. ‘There’s […]
Brandon Twp.- During the years that Brian Hosner, owner of Brian’s Small Engine Repair, has worked on outdoor equipment, he’s had a few scrapes and bruises. However, on the morning of May 24, the 35-year-old entrepreneur faced an injury that could have ended his life. Hosner was working on a tractor used to move equipment […]
By David Fleet Editor Ortonville-Tipping the scale at just over 20 pounds,’Mia,? an overweight 3-year-old miniature Doberman pinscher, is not all that fierce. However, what Mia lacks in stature? she makes up in luck. Just after daylight on May 20 Mia, along with ‘Sophie,? a 60-pound chocolate lab, were turned out into the backyard of […]
For the second time in school history, the Brandon girls? varsity tennis team has qualified for the Michigan High School Athletic Association state finals June 4-5 in East Lansing. The top two teams in each regional qualify along with any team scoring 18 points or more. A team gets one point for each match won […]
By David Fleet Editor Groveland Twp.-A picture should tell the story. The mantra of Polly Clements, owner of Personal Choice Portrait Studio, 15045 Dixie Highway, Suite E Holly, has kept the shutter clicking for almost two decades, capturing thousands of memories for area residents. ‘Customers should be able to look back and relive the day […]
By David Fleet Editor Goodrich-Wage concessions and layoffs’key components presented by the school board on Monday night to balance a sagging budget gripping the district. The two pronged effort, which will hopefully erode a staggering $2.2 million deficit, was initiated by a 6-1 vote to lay off 16 teachers in the district, cutting more than […]
By David Fleet Editor Atlas Twp-It’s what township residents and officials did not hear at 1 p.m., May 1 that concerned the board of trustees on Monday night. After a failure of the Hegel Road emergency siren during the May 1 test period the board of trustees voted 5-0 to pay West Shore Services $650 […]
Goodrich-Just a little more than $330 per month. That’s how much the school board was being compensated for serving on the board’until Monday night. In a possible effort to set the tone for a host of pending cuts that could top $2.2 million needed to balance the district budget’the board voted 6-0 (trustee Jim Bertrand […]
Atlas Twp.-Two area ambulance providers are encouraged by the Genesee County 9-1-1 plan to streamline emergency medical services and enhance assessablity to the township. Following Lloyd Fayling, 9-1-1 director for Genesee County, announcement that within a year a new mode of EMS dispatch could be in place that could speed service to the southeastern regions […]