Hair today, gone tomorrow?

Pine Tree Elementary students filed into the school gymnasium Oct. 25 and took their places on the floor. Six students stood facing the student body, holding large pieces of black poster board close to their bodies as four students were called to the low stage. Principal Diane Dunaskiss took the microphone and began to address […]

An evening for education

Over 100 luminaries from across Orion Township enjoyed dinner, drinks, and dancing at the Seventh Annual Evening for Education fundraiser for Lake Orion Education Foundation (LOEF). Held on Oct. 27 at the King’s Court Castle in Canterbury Village, the evening featured live music from Full Tilt, a silent auction, and gaming tables. LOEF gathered $6,000 […]

Lake Orion Colors

The summer was long and hot, and just when Autumn was getting started, it decided to ‘leaf.? Here the colors reflect off Indian Lake. Photo by L. Farrell

Orion Township’s hands tied on cell phone tower decision

Orion Township can hear you now. For months, some Orion Twp. residents have been voicing concerns over a proposed Verizon cell phone tower. The 145-foot monopole will be constructed at the corner of Baldwin and Waldon roads in southern Orion Township. Despite some residents? objections to the tower, Orion Township has little to no discretion […]

The Orion Beat

The ancients believed celestial objects emitted a distinct tone as they tripped through the cosmos. This ‘Harmony of the Spheres? theory held that the quality of life on Earth was a byproduct of the heavenly hum. Pythagoras and his band may have intended it literally, but we still consider art to be a barometer of […]

Lions are giving away pups

Who wants tickets to Disney World? That’s only one of the items up for grabs at the November 3 ‘Christmas for Everyone? charity auction put on by the Lake Orion Lions Club at Milosch’s Palace Auto dealership. Lions member and auction organizer Rich Howard said the dinner normally has ‘a great turnout.? Money raised is […]

Home Depot volunteers for Orion

Volunteers from Home Depot stores from around Oakland County descended on Lake Orion last week. They were in town to remodel the home of Sieglinde Leavens who won a Team Depot Foundation grant. Thanks to American Legion Commander Steve Treadway and Home Depot’s Alana Hart, the funds secured new carpet, new appliances, new paint and […]

Citizens upset with Verizon

Concerned citizens assembled on Monday to hear if the Orion Township Board would authorize construction of a 145-foot tall new cell phone tower on the corner of Baldwin and Waldon roads in southwest Orion Township. The Board voted to table the proposal until the Oct. 29 meeting, citing the need for further study of safety […]

LOEF grant money awarded

Christmas came a bit early for teachers in Orion this year. Santa must have had a full list this September, because teachers from across the Lake Orion district found funding for classroom tools in their stockings. Funded by the Lake Orion Education Foundation (LOEF), over $9,300 in grant money was awarded at the September 26 […]

News Brief — LOCS unofficial headcount

Lake Orion schools conducted a head count of all students on Oct. 9. Total students attending Lake Orion Schools is 7,602. 3,211 attend Orion elementaries, 1,832 attend middle school, and 2,534 attend LOHS. Adult Education consists of 25 students. Superintendent Ginopolis expects a 40-student reduction to have approximately a $100,000 impact on the adopted 2013 […]

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