New face on City Council

While most of the members on the Clarkston City Council will remain the same, Carol Eberhardt is new to the council. In the general election, Eberhardt won 305 votes. Peggy Roth secured 237 votes, and Mike Sabol garnered 290 votes. All council members serve two-year terms. ‘I’m looking forward to Carol joining the team,? said […]

Rotarians raise their glasses

With the pop of a cork and the clink of glasses, the Rotary’s annual ‘Taste for the Holidays? began at Bordine’s nursery on November 1. Over 500 people arrived to sample foods from fourteen different restaurants and wines from ten countries. From Cajun pasta to pitas and smoothies, there was a tasty treat for everyone. […]

9% Less for township budget

Despite continued dropping property values, Independence Township’s general fund is projected to have a surplus to add to its fund balance in 2013. The budget disclosed at a public hearing on Oct. 20, shows a general fund surplus of $105,407. This is $145,468 less than 2012’s surplus of $250,875. According to Budget Analyst Rick Yeager, […]

Board cuts $10,600 in longevity pay

Four Independence Township non-union employees will not receive annual longevity payments after 2012 since the board voted unanimously to eliminate longevity on Oct. 20. Longevity pay rewarded senior non-union employees after they worked for over five years. After eight years, those employees would receive an increased longevity payment, and they would see those pay increases […]

Ghost-napping in downtown

Instead of treats, the downtown was tricked when two of the 25 ghosts decorating Main Street were stolen. According to the Clarkston Farm and Garden Club, one ghost is missing from a planter in front of the Woodshop while another was taken near the Washington and Main Street parking lot. The specters in white sheets […]

Make way for Monarchs

Picnickers and playful youngsters aren’t the only visitors to Depot Park these days. It is also a favored location for nectar-loving butterflies. In particular, it’s a preferred spot for the Monarch butterfly, especially now that the park and Rain Garden will be maintained as a ‘Monarch Depot.? According to North Oakland Wild Ones Vice President […]

Comedy and tragedy in 43 scenes

‘It’s an unconventional comedy,? said Director Dale Dobson of The Clarkston Village Players? latest production Not Waving. With witty and often hilarious lines, the cast of Not Waving delivers a comedic look at the struggle of unconventional individuals to understand their place and purpose. The play offers a peek into the lives of Gabby (performed […]

New liquor license policy?

Treasurer Curt Carson hopes to keep liquor licenses in the community to encourage businesses to stay within Independence Township. The number of liquor licenses state law allows in a community is based on population, and Independence Township has already issued its total of 23 licenses. Those hoping to serve beer, wine, or liquor in their […]

Revised McLaren plans Okd

The state denied McLaren hospital’s Certificate of Need (CON) application for Clarkston and stripped it from Bill 1269, but McLaren’s not giving up. Bill 1269 was proposed by state Sen. Mike Kowall. Its amendments to state health code no longer include a provision to allow McLaren to relocate 200 beds from Pontiac to Clarkston, said […]

What does a Trauma II hospital mean?

Current plans for the $300 million McLaren hospital project in Clarkston ensure the facility will be on track to become a Level II Trauma Center. To find out how a hospital earns this designation, The Clarkston News spoke to Connie Mattice, a site reviewer for the American College of Surgeons (ACS) and recently retired from […]

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