About $100,000 spent in primary races

Candidates in the 2012 Primary raised over $100,000 to fund their campaigns, according to finance reports submitted to County Clerk Bill Bullard on September 6. Of the candidates for supervisor, Terry Fortuna raised the most at $16,963 with $15,500 being self-donated. Although he succeeded at obtaining more money than Pat Kittle, Fortuna’s fundraising didn’t gain […]

Township ends interdepartment administrative fees

Independence Township’s fire, police, safety paths, water, and sewer departments will have more money to spend in 2013. In a 3-2 vote, the township board eliminated administrative fees for next year during a budget meeting on August 21. Clerk Barb Pallotta and Treasurer Curt Carson were opposed to getting rid of the fees while Trustees […]

Board split on Belcher

David Belcher retained his position as the head of the Building Department after a contentious township board meeting on Sept. 4. However, he must continue to report to Superintendent Bart Clark. Three motions, one to keep Belcher as building inspector with oversight and additional staff, another to immediately terminate Belcher, and a motion to reclassify […]

Sashabaw funds sought

Independence Township hopes to get $1.551 million to fund road improvements on Sashabaw. In August, the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) offered up to $2.9 million in tri-party funding to any Oakland County communities who apply for projects that will improve road conditions and safety. If Independence can get a $1.551 million chunk of […]

Downtown road repairs on the way

Clarkston residents will hit fewer bumps while driving downtown because the city approved a bid of $35,280.50 from Asphalt Specialists Inc. (ASI) for road repairs. While the council was able to fund fixing cracks and holes in the roads, money for such projects may not be so easy to come by in the long term. […]

City hopes to get new trucks

The City may get two new dump trucks, but not for free. The Village Council will hold a special meeting on September 6 at 7 p.m. in the Village Hall to discuss a grant from the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG). SEMCOG’s Transportation Improvement Plan has awarded the council $163,633 to ‘replace two diesel […]

Water woes for township resident

If you take a boat ride on Whipple Lake, you’ll see the usual cattails, ducks, piers, and boat hoists, but what might catch your eye is a sign painted on the underside of a wooden dock propped up on the shore stating, ‘Removed per township ordinance. Are you next?? The sign was made by Whipple […]

Residents learn how to grow their own food at home

Instead of stopping by the supermarket for fruits and veggies, Mark Angelini and Trevor Newman of Roots to Fruits Ecological Design want you to grow it yourself. Residents learned about North Oakland County’s agricultural history and brainstormed ways to get the community involved in growing their own foods at the ‘Local Food Starts at Home? […]

Anticipation high for Labor Day parade

This year’s Labor Day parade, sponsored by the Clarkston Rotary Club, is certain to draw a crowd. With almost 60 entries and Detroit Redwings? Karen Newman singing The Star Spangled Banner to kick off the event, it is no surprise that parade-goers are excited. At 10 a.m. on Sept. 3, crowds will line downtown Clarkston’s […]

Union workers remember historic struggle

To some, celebrating Labor Day may mean catching candy at a parade or warming up the grill for a backyard barbecue, but for local workers, commemorating Labor Day is about much more. ‘I celebrate it as a working man,? said Independence Township firefighter and union member Don Herbert. When Herbert thinks about Labor Day he […]

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