Superintendent says goodbye

With a new supervisor taking office, there’s no need for a superintendent, which is why Superintendent Bart Clark will be out of a job on November 20 when Pat Kittle is sworn in. Bart Clark has been serving Independence Township as Superintendent since November 16, 2011, and ‘it’s been a terrific job,? he said. As […]

Councilman wants market back downtown

The Clarkston Farmers? Market has been held at Renaissance High School on Saturdays since June 23, but some would like to see the market move back downtown. ‘I think the [downtown Clarkston] atmosphere is better than a parking lot,? said Councilman Mike Sabol who has been talking with Clarkston Farmers? Market Manager Anissa Howard about […]

Locals get a taste of ice-cold homebrews

Brewers from all over Michigan faced off at the Third Annual Michigan Homebrew Festival, and the competition was fierce with over 800 beers entered into the contest. From pale ales to creamy stouts, Davisburg resident Mike Winnie had his work cut out for him as a judge of the best of the best beers at […]

Clarkstonite’s art exhibit in New York City

Since graduating from Clarkston High and Cranbrook Academy of Art, artist Laura Ginn’s photography and video work has been displayed in Detroit and Atlanta, but her exhibition in New York City is one of a kind. It opened on July 25 with an elegant dinner at the Allegra LaViola Gallery, and ‘the main ingredient was […]

Winners point to change, positivity in primary election

‘It takes a lot to throw your hat in the ring. You have to have respect for everyone who put themselves out there,? Trustee David Lohmeier said. From dog bites to walking door-to-door in 100-degree heat, the candidates for Independence Township were truly challenged before Election Day. Many of those who came out ahead in […]

Candidates to continue civic involvement

‘The township will be in good hands,? said Treasurer Curt Carson, who wasn’t able to hold on to his position after the results of the Aug. 7 primary were tallied. Carson isn’t alone in feeling like the voters made good choices. Even though his bid for supervisor wasn’t successful, Terry Fortuna feels like the township […]

Dirty politics reported in race

Residents and candidates had a rough ride in the Independence Township primary election. Many candidates reported stolen or misplaced campaign signs during the primary season, which ended on Aug. 7. Supervisor candidate Todd Waring said eight of his supporters received suspicious letters the weekend before Election Day. The letters ‘attacked Todd’s three-year-old? son and called […]

Roots to Fruits hopes to revive local foods culture

Most believe the economy could use a boost, but is the answer to financial woes in fruits and vegetables? According to the owners of Clarkston’s Roots to Fruits ecological design firm, farming isn’t only an avenue to a stronger economy; it is also a road to reviving local culture. At one time, North Oakland County […]

Ghost Walk brings history back to life

An air of mystery surrounds the first Ghost Walk event organized by the Clarkston Community Historical Society and Heritage Museum. Toni Smith, museum director, is keeping most of the eight stops on the walking tour a secret, but gave The Clarkston News a few details. On Aug. 11 from 9-11 p.m., costumed storytellers will share […]

Township faces lawsuit over 2011 missing-tractor case

Wallace Parker believes the township owes him an apology, and he’s decided to sue both Independence Township and Trustee Neil Wallace to get it. Parker filed a complaint on Aug. 2 in which he accuses the township and Wallace of ‘Defamation and Disparagement of reputation.? He also includes a ‘Complaint for Declaration of Innocence? in […]

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