Crossers complain about crosswalk

Some Independence Township residents have made a habit of dodging traffic because of a non-functional crosswalk on Sashabaw and Bow Pointe roads. ‘Somebody’s going to get hit,? said Lori Powell, who has dodged traffic trying to get across the road. The traffic light on Sashabaw flashes yellow, allowing traffic to continue at the posted 50 […]

City sees light on sign ordinance

Downtown Clarkston may look a little brighter now that City Council has agreed to wave the $750 application fee and pay up to $2,000 to amend their zoning ordinance. The current ordinance doesn’t allow internally illuminated signs. ‘The retailers are very important to the city,? said Mayor Joe Luginski, July 23. Downtown retailers in attendance […]

Churches welcome new role in elections

Most of the time, churchgoers are not supposed to judge others, but on August 7, registered voters who arrive at North Oaks Community Church are expected to do so. North Oaks on Ortonville Road is home to Precincts 3 and 4 on Election Day. ‘Part of our mission is to serve the community,? said North […]

Dirty politics in township races

Several Todd Waring supporters received shocking letters about their favored supervisor candidate in the mail over the weekend. While the envelopes postmarked July 27 had Waring’s return address in the corner, the supervisor candidate says he didn’t send any such correspondence to his supporters. In fact, Waring has contacted the Oakland County Sheriff’s department, hired […]

Big bucks in Independence supervisor campaigns

When it is all tallied, Independence Township supervisor-hopefuls will likely spend over $50,000 on their campaigns. Every candidate revealed his or her contributors to Oakland County on July 27 in their Pre-Election statements. Pat Kittle has raised the most campaign funds so far reporting a total of $13,875. Neil Wallace’s contributions reached $11,635 while Terry […]

SCAMP cruises through auto history

The rain couldn’t keep car enthusiasts away from SCAMP’s Concours in the Park fund raiser on July 27. ‘This is the most fun you can have without a swimsuit on,? said George Farley, who brought the 1926 Ford T Roadster he finished building just this year. Laura Respecki of Waterford Hills Road Racing was enthusiastic […]

Drought hits crops, bees, bottom line

If you did a rain dance in celebration of the precipitation last week, you’re not alone. Michigan, like 50 percent of the United States, is suffering from drought conditions. While Michigan’s drought isn’t as severe as some other states, farmers in Davisburg and Clarkston are feeling the impact of the hot, dry weather, and so […]

Water Woes

For Bob Ryeson, the upper portion of Mill Pond ‘needs dredging? to get rid of accumulated sediment in the water. In 1975, Mill Pond residents paid approximately $40,000 for dredging. The Mill Pond subcommittee has already looked into dredging as a solution, said representative Frank Shoebel. ‘As far as dredging it, it’d be hard to […]

Rain Garden offers more than beauty

If you’ve noticed a few extra blooms in Depot Park, you might be looking at the Wild Ones? Rain Garden. It’s more than just a pretty spot, however. ‘It’s helping to manage parking lot run off, filtering, and taking out salt in the storm water,? said Jim Breuck, president of the North Oakland Wild Ones. […]

Burn revision fizzles out

It wasn’t leaves that went up in flames at the Independence Township Board meeting, July 17, but the second reading of the Open Burn Ordinance. It was voted down, 3-2. Revisions to the ordinance would have included tougher penalties for burn violators, lower age limit for those supervising a fire, ban of leaf burning on […]

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