Supervisor candidate Kittle offers ‘fresh approach,’ no compromise

Patrick Kittle is running for a full-time position, but he doesn’t want the $80,000/year with the health care perks. Instead, he’s willing to be Independence Township supervisor as a contract employee with just a salary. Kittle wants the township to save the money because ‘I’m not doing this to become a professional politician.? Instead, he’s […]

Gardens renewed

Gardeners young and old rose early on a showery Saturday morning, wearing garden gloves and rubber boots. They were coming to Clarkston Farm and Garden Club’s Plant Exchange 2012 at the corner of Washington and Main to exchange perennials. Green thumbs examined the pots of strawberries, lilies, black-eyed susans, irises, daisies, and hostas primed for […]

New places to cast votes

When you vote Aug. 7 primary, you may be headed to a new polling place. Instead of an elementary school as you’ve probably done in the past, you’ll likely cast your ballot at a church or library. Township Clerk Barb Pallotta has renumbered the precincts, a plan she’s hoped to implement for some time because […]

Community garden ready for planting

The first planting day for the Clarkston Community Garden is set for June 2, and according to Garden Manager Jim Tesnar ‘it will be a good year.? In 2010, local gardeners grew 10,500 lbs of produce and donated it to Lighthouse North and Gleaners Food Bank in Pontiac. Now that the soil is ready for […]

Wild Ideas A column by Mary Keck

I’ve heard you should keep your friends close and your enemies closer, but in the case of gardens, I’m not so sure this saying holds true. Vegetables like to form cliques. So when we planned our garden, we kept companion planting in mind. Our tomatoes grow right next door to garlic while our pole beans […]

New additions to Memorial Day ceremony

Those attending the Memorial Day Ceremony, Monday, May 28, can look forward to honoring our fallen soldiers with some new proceedings. American Legion Post 63 invites the public to enjoy the annual parade at 10 a.m. in downtown Clarkston. Afterward, they can join the veterans in the Lakeview Cemetery for a ceremony to honor our […]

Fire millage up for vote

Independence Township voters will be asked two questions about the Fire Department ? renewal of the current millage rate at 3.1688, and an increase of .59 mills. The board voted unanimously, May 15, in favor of the fire mill increase. ‘We haven’t had a tax increase on the fire department since 2000,? Trustee Neil Wallace […]

Library lowers millage request

In light of the recent school bond defeat, caution rules the day in library-tax talks. ‘It would be nice to have 1.38 (mills), but I don’t think that’s going to fly very well,? said Richard Bisio, Clarkston City Council member at the May 14 council meeting. Library Director Julie Meredith presentd three millage options for […]

Trustees cautious about Bay Court fracking idea

Before any drilling occurs in Bay Court Park, Independence Board of Trustees wants to know its cut of the royalties. The board voted unanimously, May 15, to fund a title search, which would reveal how much of the park’s minerals the township owns. Trustee Neil Wallace also asked Chris Bickley, a representative from Jordan Development, […]

Clarkston considers passing sewer service to township

Clarkston may give control of the city sewer system to Independence Township as a cost-saving measure. ‘It’s come to the point that we need to take a serious look at it,? Mayor Joe Luginski said. Along with the mayor, Independence Township DPW Director Linda Richardson, City Manager Dennis Ritter, and township Superintendent Bart Clark are […]