Top scholars win awards

Clarkston Community Schools recognized 30 seniors at an Awards Breakfast sponsored by Clarkston State Bank on May 15. ‘This group of students really challenged themselves academically,? Principal Gary Kaul said. Most of those accepting awards took advanced studies courses, earned strong GPAs, or scored well on the ACTs. Although they’ll be graduating, their hard work […]

Seniors figure out social networking

If you haven’t been careful about what you post on Facebook, you may want to reconsider next time you log on because grandma or grandpa may just send you a ‘friend? request. At the Senior Center in Clintonwood Park, seniors have been learning how to navigate the popular social media site, and ‘they do a […]

Clarkston exercises on the edge

When you want to get fit, do you look to NASA or the Navy Seals for inspiration? Shar Saffold, owner of Encore Pilates does. ‘We offer things to residents they can’t get anywhere else,? she said. ‘Everything we do is cutting edge.? Saffold’s studio is the only one in North Oakland County with Pilates equipment, […]

Occupy at Bank of America

With signs declaring, ‘We are the 99%? and ?’Bad? for America,? Occupiers gathered in front of Bank of America on Ortonville Road, May 9. Demonstrator Pam Belding of Ortonville said Bank of America is ‘one of the leaders of the foreclosures in this country. The 99 percent wants Bank of America to help people avoid […]

Frack plan moves forward for Bay Court

When the hammer fell, Jordan Development Company Vice President Ben Brower had lease to oil, natural gas, and other mineral resources beneath Bay Court Park. He bid $444 for mineral leases in Independence Township, and other sites in Oakland County, for $12 per acre during an auction in Lansing, May 8. The rights of Independence […]

Retailers pay to change sign law

To brighten up the downtown, Clarkston Retailers Group may have to pay $3,750 to amend the city’s ordinance on illuminated signs. Since their talk with the City Council about amending city ordinances to allow lit signs, April 9, business owners have been weighing their options. ‘There’s a science to retail, and light is important,? said […]

Burns at park to curb shrubs

If you’ve driven near the intersection of Sashabaw and Oak Hill road recently, you may have noticed some burnt trees and shrubs in Independence Oaks North. That’s because on March 17 and April 2, Dave Borneman LLC and the Parks and Recreation department started a controlled fire there to destroy invasive species. They hoped to […]

Locals Hungry for Wild Foods

Clarkston resident Mark Angelini led the first of many monthly classes on edible plants in Oakland county parks. The two-hour course, Apri 14, was a blend of plant identification, discussion, and hiking for people of all ages. While walking along the trails, Angelini pointed out edible plants such as trout lilly, juniper berries, blue spruce […]

Firefighters favor higher millage rate

If Independence Township Fire Department doesn’t get more funding, ‘we’re going to be in trouble,? said Acting Chief Mitch Petterson. They’re down one person per shift and have lost $1 million in revenue over the past four years, Petterson explained. Petterson and Captain Gary Sharp presented four millage options to Independence Township Board, May 1. […]

CPAC turns dial to ‘Independence Television?

If you see ‘Independence Television? on your screen, don’t grab the remote; you’re still watching Clarkston Public Access Center (CPAC) but under a new name. ‘We’re trying to signal that things are changing,? said Manager Joe Barnhart, who joined CPAC in February. As for dropping ‘Clarkston? from the name, Barnhart explained, ‘geographically, we’re bigger than […]