HR director axed

Human Resources Director Carol Gabris will no longer serve Independence Township now that the board voted unanimously to eliminate her position and return HR duties to Supervisor Pat Kittle. The HR Director position was created in 2009. ‘This is being done for monetary purposes only,? said Kittle at his first meeting on November 27. ‘We’re […]

Belcher back on duty

Belcher regains duties by Mary Keck After a 6-1 vote, Building Director David Belcher now has staff reporting directly to him. Previously, employees within the Building Department were supervised by former superintendent Bart Clark. While most on the board felt the building director should lead the department, Trustee David Lohmeier was the sole voice opposed […]

Lights in motion at parade

Expect even the lights to move at the 2012 Holiday Lights Parade this weekend. “The theme is ‘Lights that Move, Tunes that Grove,’ which emphasizes moving lights and music,” said Kyle Hughes, advisor for Clarkston High School’s Team RUSH, which is organizing the parade. About 40 floats will march in the parade, 6 p.m., Saturday, […]

City cautious about seismic survey

A letter requesting permission to complete a seismic survey piqued Clarkston’s curiosity, but that curiosity wasn’t enough for the city council to allow the test. ‘We don’t know enough about it,? said Mayor Joe Luginski. ‘There were too many questions,? said Councilman Mike Sabol. In response to a letter from West Bay Exploration, the city […]

Residents debate library mill rate

‘If it was all going to the library, I would have voted for it,? said Independence Township resident Leonard Graunstadt. On Nov. 6, he didn’t vote in favor of the Clarkston Independence District Library’s ballot measure for a 1.25 mill rate to replace the current .691 mills for the library. Graunstadt said he voted against […]

Changes coming for Building Department

Independence Township’s Building Department will see some changes in the coming year. Employees in the Building Department previously reported to former Superintendent Bart Clark; however, they may soon answer to Director David Belcher. Not only will employees report to a different supervisor, the Building Department is also seeking two new hires: a fulltime building inspector […]

Downtown holiday shopping

From sweet treats and stocking stuffers, shops in downtown Clarkston have rolled out festive favorites for the busy shopping season. Theo Morgan of Essence on Main said custom gift baskets make great presents, while Tammy Darr of Clarkston Travel pointed out, ‘you can always give the gift of travel.? KH Home has gifts for people […]

‘Raise your right hand’

‘We promise to work our tails off for you,? said Supervisor Pat Kittle after taking the oath of office led by Judge Kelly Kostin on Nov. 19. Independence Township Hall was full of citizens who applauded as Clerk Barb Pallotta, Treasurer Paul Brown, and Trustees David Lohmeier, Andrea Schroeder, Ron Ritchie, and Jose Aliaga were […]

Think harvest for holiday meals

Joan Donnay, owner of Essence on Main, hopes you’ll think local and organic when you prepare your holiday meals. Not only will local, seasonal foods have health benefits, but Donnay says they offer other advantages. ‘You want to cook with seasonality,? she said while chopping up sweet potatoes. In other words, she suggests cooking with […]

Turkey Time

Independence Township Seniors got an early taste of Thanksgiving during a luncheon on Nov. 14. Tables at the Carriage House off Clarkston Road were decorated with floral arrangements in festive orange and yellow colors. From cranberries to turkey, Seniors enjoyed traditional Thanksgiving flavors provided by OPC (Older Persons? Commission).

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