Blazing trails in cancer prevention

Providing mammograms to uninsured women – that’s Pat Nolf’s mission with Pink Ribbon Trailblazers.
The Lake Orion resident is a breast cancer survivor and founded the non-profit organization to raise money for free breast cancer screenings.
‘A woman should be given a choice to take care of her body and someplace to go even without insurance,? Nolf said.
She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001, battled with a lumpectomy, mastectomy and staph infections, and is now fully recovered. After an 11-day stint at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Nolf said she wanted to give back to St. Joes after they took such good care of her.
‘I was driving with my husband and wondered, ‘how can I make money for their programs??? she said.
Her brainstorming produced Trailblazers, which hosts a Stroll/Ride/Run fundraiser on the Polly Ann Trail in Oxford, the second week in September.
Nolf’s goal for the first event in 2007 was to raise enough money to give away 30 mammograms and at $108 a piece, they’re not cheap. Instead, Nolf said, Trailblazers raised enough for 130 mammograms.
Since then, the organization’s raised $20,040 and donated it to St. Joes.
‘Losing your insurance is like being lost out at sea,? said Sue Yun, a registered nurse the hospital.
Yun is also a volunteer for Pink Ribbon Trailblazers, and said the organization’s efforts have been very successful.
‘We found breast cancer in our very first screening,? Yun said of their clinic in 2007.
The screenings made possible by St. Joes and Trailblazers is particularly unique among pink ribbon groups because there is no age limit and the screening is very comprehensive, according to Nolf and Yun.
‘Come in, get a mammogram and see a doctor the same day,? said Yun.
She added that the screenings are attracting women who have other medical problems and have no other place to go for care or follow-ups.
‘We open the door for care,? she said. ‘If they have a problem, we’re going to work out a plan to take care of it.?
This year’s Trailblazer event will be September 12. Those interested in participating or donating can visit or contact Nolf, the organization’s chair, at 248-693-3182. Participants should aim at raising enough money for at least one mammogram, but for those who can’t come up with the $108, Nolf said she writes personal checks to make up the difference.
‘That’s how much I believe in the program,? she said.
At the event, there will also be a silent auction with gift-certificates and items donated by local merchants.