Boy’s tennis sweeps season openers

The boy’s tennis team came out swinging this season. Dragons swept everyone in their first matches during the Clarkston Invitational and Romeo Apple Open.
Last year, the team only won once.
‘The whole team right now is on cloud nine,? said new Head Coach Eric Bracciano.
Bracciano returned to Lake Orion High School as coach this year. He previously headed up boys tennis until three years ago.
?[Winning the tournaments] was such a payoff for the boys,? Bracciano said. ‘Hard work and dedication doesn’t always produce.?
The boys took on Clarkston, Brandon and Auburn Hills Avondale teams at Clarkston’s invitational, August 24.
Adam Ilenich took a first place win in singles, while teams Kyle McDonnell and Raj Singh, and Tyler Anderson and Tyler Jackson had firsts in doubles.
‘They were training hard and working hard, and it’s a pleasure to go out and win a tourney.? said their coach. ‘You never know what to expect. We had a chance to do well, but it’s one thing to think that and another to go out and win.?
At the Romeo Apple Open, the boys left in first place out of eight teams.
Bobby Michaels, Ilenich and Steve Nawrocki each placed first in singles.
Jackson and Corbin Hadley took home a first in doubles.
The tournament was ‘incredibly exciting,? said the coach, with results coming down to the last game.
Dragons won by one point.
‘It was a total team effort,? said Bracciano. ‘Everybody really pulled together as a team.?
Feeding off energy from their first wins, the team hopes to finish at the top of their league and qualify for states.
Seniors, Michaels and Tyler Berry, lead the team as captains.