Brandon Schools- At the April 14 monthly meeting of the Brandon School Board, the following topics were discussed and/or addressed.
? Brandon School District Outstanding Teacher Awards; Donna Preece, Brandon Fletcher Intermediate teacher and Christine Welling, Harvey Swanson Elementary teacher. Also presented was the Michigan Student Leader of the Year Award, to high school student Carly Fletcher, as given by the Michigan Association of Student Councils. High school students Joel Pappas and Michael Ross received honorable mention in All-State Hockey, Amanda Getzmeyer for honors in All-State Band and to the High School Choir for their outstanding performance in the State High School Choir Solo and Ensemble Festival.
? The board approved the resignation of four staff members, Nancy Grice a longtime second grade teacher who is retiring; Lindsey Walker and Carrie Bowen, both teachers at HT Burt, and Jason Katt, the potential middle school teacher and head football coach.
? The board approved that Beth Nuccio, Kenneth Queisenberry and Bill Connelly would run for two board seats which will be up for election on June 9, 2003. The seats hold a four year term. Nuccio and Queisenberry are running for re-election, while Connelly is a new candidate. The board also approved the appointment of election officials from Oakland County be present during the regular election, date as noted above.
? The Brandon School Board adopted a revised policy for the use of medications. This policy follows the Michigan Public Act 50 and is modeled after the State Model for these procedures. The change in policy will be effective beginning in 2004. Prior to the beginning of the 2004 school year, notification will be given to parents/guardians and the proper training will be provided to all personnel affected.
? In a curriculum update given to the board by Deb Greenwood, it was highlighted that all buildings in the Brandon School District have all made adequate yearly progress under Title One, and No Child Left Behind. Greenwood also addressed two North Oakland Consortiums which Brandon Schools have joined. The aim of these consortiums is to work toward professional staff development with other county schools, and gaining funding under Title Three, to provide the school district with educational funding for students who speak English as a second language. Greenwood pointed out that the funding would not be much, perhaps as little as $5,000, but that every little bit helps.