Brief–Flasher arraigned

On October 21, 2012 Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Deputies identified an Orion Township resident as the individual two Kroger shoppers and one Kroger employee reported to be walking throughout the store exposing himself.
The incident took place on Oct. 16th at 6:30 p.m. at the Orion Township Baldwin Road Kroger food store. Three independent witnesses reported a white male walking throughout the store fully exposed.
Due to media attention surrounding the incident, a 43 year old Orion Township resident came into the Sheriff’s Orion Station to explain he is the man involved with the Kroger indecent exposure. The suspect states the incident is a misunderstanding and he may have had his fly open. However, witnesses state there was no misunderstanding about what they witnessed inside the store and this was no accident. Store video of the incident was collected by investigators.
On Oct.31, he was arraigned on charges of indecent exposure at the 52-3 District Court before Magistrate Maria Soma and a $2,000 personal bond was set. His next court date is set for November 20th, 2012 before Judge Lisa Asadorian. Indecent Exposure is a Circuit Court two year misdemeanor charge.