Candidates to continue civic involvement

‘The township will be in good hands,? said Treasurer Curt Carson, who wasn’t able to hold on to his position after the results of the Aug. 7 primary were tallied. Carson isn’t alone in feeling like the voters made good choices.
Even though his bid for supervisor wasn’t successful, Terry Fortuna feels like the township is moving in the right direction.
‘Pat Kittle’s a good guy,? Fortuna said. ‘The old guard is gone.?
Fortuna isn’t sure if he’ll throw his hat in the ring again just yet. It all depends on ‘if anything compels me to run,? he said.
He said he was motivated to run this time because Independence Township wasn’t in the best shape.
While he feels positive about parts of his campaign, like starting a Facebook page and knocking on doors, Fortuna thinks he might do a few things differently if he runs in the future.
‘I could have used the print media more? and ‘had a more strategic approach,? he said.
When Carson looks back on his campaign, he notes, ‘I enjoyed the contact with the people.?
He spent time at Concerts in the Park and SCAMP’s Concours in the Park to get the word out to voters.
After serving the township as treasurer and a member of the Planning Commission, Carson feels like he has much to be proud of as he prepares to finish out his term.
‘It’s been a great honor,? he said.
Carson feels ‘it’s too early to tell? if he’ll run for another elected position, but he promises to continue being involved in the community.
Like Carson, trustee candidate Joette Kunse intends to remain civically active even though she isn’t thinking about running again at the present.
She plans to continue on the Cable Commission and serve on the Senior Advisory board.
As Kunse reflects on her campaign, she considers it a learning experience.
‘I’m glad I ran,? she said.
‘I learned a lot about the community? and had the pleasant surprise of meeting ‘a lot of the kids I had in school. You never know who will answer the door,? the former teacher noted with a laugh.
Besides bumping into a few of her old students, Kunse was ‘surprised at how much it cost to run,? she said.
Her campaign was self-funded and campaign signs, postcards, and T-shirts weren’t cheap.
‘That bothers me a little,? she said. ‘You want everyone to have the opportunity.?
Kunse notes those who can’t afford it are less likely to join the race. Although she isn’t fond of the high price candidates have to pay to reach voters, ‘I’m glad I participated,? Kunse said.
To those who won, she says, ‘I wish everyone well.?