Cardinal Adam Maida visits Everest Academy

The Cardinal of the Detroit Diocese, Cardinal Adam Maida visited Everest Academy recently.
The Cardinal made the visit to officially bless the new elementary and girls school which opened this year. The new building features 22 additional classrooms along with the latest technology for education.
The students greeted the Cardinal in the lobby with cheers and the Cardinal was able to individually greet many students. The students then processed into the chapel, each placing a fresh flower in a basket in front of the Blessed Mother.
The Mass was concelebrated by Fr. Jeffrey Monforton, Fr. Lorenzo Gomez, Fr. Ernest Daly and Fr. Juan Guerra. During his homily, the Cardinal commented on all the beautiful growth of the number of students at Everest, as well as the campus itself.
After Mass, representatives from the elementary and girls school, as well as the boys school, presented spiritual bouquets to the Cardinal. The students offered a multitude of Masses, Sacrifices, Decades of the Rosary and Communions for the Cardinal and the Catholic Church.
Fr. Gomez took a moment to thank Cardinal Maida, on behalf of Everest Academy, for all of his dedication to the Catholic Church and specifically the entire diocese of Detroit. He pointed out the memory of the Cardinal’s Mass and visit will continue to guide, encourage and help to be a reminder of the responsibility we have as Catholic educators to cooperate and serve the Cardinal and Catholic Church. He thanked the Cardinal for his historic support of Everest Academy as it was Cardinal Maida who came to Everest Academy in 1990 to bless the first bricks of the original school building.
The students all stood along the sidewalk as the Cardinal drove away and released a helium balloon as his car passed.