SYNOPSIS TAKEN BY THE TOWNSHIP BOARD THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE Supervisor Stuart called the March 18, 2003 meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Independence Township Library. Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Present: Kelly, McCrary, Rosso, Stuart, Travis, Wagner, Wenger. Absent: None There is a quorum. 1 . Approved the minutes of the […]
CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE At a Regular meeting of the Township Board held on March 18, 2003 the Board authorized a First Reading of a Rezoning Request for Amendment of Oakhurst P.R.D. Phase X – Middlesboro, parcel 08-24-200-003, northeast comer of Clintonville Road and Waldon Roads. Map is in the Clarkston News, 3-26-03 issue.
TOWNSHIP BOARD AGENDA 7:30 p.m. TOWNSHIP LIBRARY DATE: April 01, 2003 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Opening Statements and Correspondence 5. Approval of Agenda 6. Public Forum -Individuals in the audience have the opportunity to address the Township Board on an issue that is not on the agenda […]
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Charter Township of Independence will hold a Public Hearing on the proposed Final Project Plan for Water System Improvements for the purpose of receiving comments from interested persons. The hearing will be held at 7:30 p.m., April 15, 2003 at the following location: Independence Township […]
PUBLIC NOTICE SPRING LEAF PICKUP SERVICE Village residents may rake their leaves to the curb, where they will be picked up by the Village leaf vacuum. The leaf vacuum makes regular rounds of the Village to pick up leaves. Wet leaves are difficult to pick up, and brush and limbs cannot be mixed with the […]
March 20, 2003 Present: Frank Mclsaac, John Cirner, Mary Pergeau. Jim Abramczyk, MaryAnne Thorndycraft, Alexis Iveson trustees, Linda Sickles, director President John Cirner called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. 1. Agenda approved as amended. 2. Minutes of February 20, 2003 regular meeting approved. 3. Financial statement and treasurer’s report for January, February 2003 […]
Village of Lake Orion Board of Zoning Appeals A Regular Meeting of the Village of Lake Orion Board of Zoning Appeals wilI be held on THURSDAY, April 3, 2003, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Lake Orion Village Hall, 37 E. Flint St., Lake Orion, MI 48362 The following applications, for Zoning […]
In wars past, a Blue Star Service Banner was hung in windows of families who had a loved one serving in the US Armed Forces. Lake Orion’s American Legion Post #233 has brought these banners back and is giving them free to immeidate familes in the area who have a son/daughter currently enlisted. These Blue […]
When Ruth Costigan and her family left to go up North on March 14, they never dreamed they would return on that Sunday to find their Conklin Road home surrounded by a newly formed lake. “We came home Sunday at noon, and found it,” Costigan said. “When we left on Friday, the drain was just […]
Construction inspections in the village will still be done by the state, while village officials continue to ponder alternatives. Lake Orion Village Manager JoAnn Van Tassel recommended at the March 24 council meeting that the village either contract with or join the Construction Code Authority based in Lapeer. The Construction Code Authority is a municipal […]