OK’d by the village council on July 14 was Lake Orion Village Manager JoAnn Van Tassel’s recommendation to hire Janet Adams as the new finance director/treasurer. Her starting salary has been set at $41,600. Adams has been a part-time employee for the village for two years in the treasurer’s department. According to Van Tassel, Adams […]
Soon, you might think twice about trespassing on another’s property in the village. Lake Orion Police Chief Jerry Narsh has requested the village council adopt a law that would outline the regulations regarding the unlawful entry of a person on the property of another person and the penalty for doing do. Narsh said the proposed […]
Drivers who are waiting for construction of a roundabout at the Baldiwin/Indianwood/Coats intersection in Orion Townhip will have to wait a little longer. The road project has been pushed back to next spring. According to Road Commission for Oakland County Director of Engineering Thomas Blust, there have been problems with obtaining the necessary right-of-way from […]
Intersection widening begins in September Widening the Adams Road and Orion Road intersection is expected to begin in early September. The project has been on hold until the Road Commission for Oakland County obtained the right-of-way necessary to redo the intersection. “Due to the late start and the utility relocations, construction may not be completed […]
Beth Webster never dreamed she would one day be relying on the kindness of strangers to help take care of her elderly mother. But that is exactly what Webster, 63, and her husband Richard, 65, who live in Lake Orion and operate Photos Unique in the village, have had to do as they have seen […]
A parks and recreation committee that was created four years ago to improve village parks is being restructured. Lake Orion Village Council members have agreed with LO Village Manager JoAnn Van Tassel’s suggestion to change the group of volunteers into a task force. They would meet with Van Tassel three to four times a year […]
The boating accident on Lake Orion on Saturday night reinforced some of the worries lakefront owners expressed in a recent survey conducted by the Lake Orion Lake Association. LOLA received 229 survey responses back from the 950 it sent out last fall. Questions centered on summer and winter usage, water quality, weeds, zoning and public […]
Openings are available for Lake Orion School District’s early childhood programs. Call 248-693-5439 for more information. The programs include: • Fully licensed services for infants, toddlers, preschool and latchkey • Low child ratios: 1:3 infant/toddlers, 1:8 preschool. 1:17 latchkey • Latchkey available at every elementary school from 7 a.m.-6 p.m. • Infant, toddler and preschool […]
Dear Lake Orion, Lake Orion doesn’t need a Wal-Mart. There’s already enough traffic in Orion and Oxford. Wal-Mart doesn’t treat its employees fairly and it buys a lot of its products from China, which most of it is slave labor! Wal-Mart has been stepping on others too long!! Jerome King
Dear Lake Orion, Complements to Representative Ruth Johnson who had the political courage to point out the overpriced, underachieving cost of our school administrations. We have over 600 school districts in Michigan, each with an outrageously expensive administration. We should have countywide schools districts (as some states have) and thusly reform financially our education system. […]