Three Ortonville residents earn degrees from Grand Valley State

Ortonville natives Adam J. Butrynski, Stacy N. Butrynski and Jillian L. Tryska are among the more than 1,700 students who earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Grand Valley State University in April. Adam Butrynski graduated magna cum laude (meaning his cumulative grade point average was between 3.868 and 3.999) with a bachelor of arts degree; […]


Lawrence and Cheryl Yeager of Ortonville are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Erin to Kevin Waring, son of Jodi and Tom Hammond of Ortonville and Terri and Marcia Waring of Evart. Erin graduated from Oakland University with a degree in nursing. Kevin graduated from Lawrence Tech with a mechanical engineering degree. A […]

Ortonville’s Larsen selected for Governor’s Honor Guard

Shannon Larsen of Ortonville was selected earlier this year to be on the Mackinac Island Governor’s Honor Guard. This was her second year in the MIGHG. Her service duty was from Aug. 2-9. Her service position is in the fort at the Kids? Quarters, working with children. Larsen is a member of local Troop 416. […]

Cody Tyler Boadway

Casey and Breanna Boadway would like to introduce to you their new brother, Cody Tyler Boadway. He was born May 29, weighing 7 lbs. 13 oz. and measuring 20 inches long. Proud parents are Dale and Julie Boadway of Ortonville. Grandparents are Bill and Eileen Flynn of Otter Lake and Howard and Shirley Boadway of […]

Clare Josephine Starr

Gracie Starr proudly announces the birth of her new baby sister, Clare Josephine Starr. She was born to proud parents Billy and Beth Starr of Brandon Township on Thursday, July 30. Clare weighed in at 9 lbs. 2.6 oz. and measured 20-1/2 inches long. The proud grandparents are David and Kerry Borst of Ortonville and […]

It’s not a tumor, I’d vote for him

Call me a flabby-armed girly man. Call me kooky. Call me naive. Call me a puddin? head — call me what you will, but, were I living in California and had to vote for governor, I’d cast my vote for ye-old muscle head, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Go ahead. Yuck it up, if you must. But, damn […]

Mazda MPV’s a minivan with get-up-and-go

Somewhere in the distance I can hear a freckle-faced kid wearing Catholic School clothes repeating the Mazda mantra. ‘Zoom, zoom, zoom . . .? This in tandem with a mini-van?! Go figure! The first thing I noticed about the MPV — after its stylish design — was its get-up-and-go. Here’s what the muckity-mucks at Mazda […]

Reminiscing on columns and Kaline

Perhaps it was the advent of an approaching birthday, but for some reason I looked up some of my old columns. Goodness gracious, I’ve been writing a personal weekly column for nearly 49 years. I started with a sports column September 2, 1954 while covering the St. Johns High School Redwings for the Clinton County […]

State of Michigan

STATE OF MICHIGAN PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF OAKLAND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Decedent’s Estate FILE NO. 2003-289, 620 – DE Estate of Lena Ethel Pelty, Deceased. Date of Birth: February 26, 1908 TO ALL CREDITORS: * NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The decedent, Lena Ethel Pelty, Deceased who lived at 516 Sarsfield, Rochester, Michigan died May 25, 2003. […]

Independence Township

ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS The Independence Township Board of Appeals will meet Wednesday, August 20, 2003 at 7:30 pm at the Independence Township Library, 6495 Clarkston Road, Clarkston, MI 48346 to hear the following cases: Case #03 -0071 Bridgewood Church, Petitioner APPLICANT REQUESTS EXTENSION OF VARIANCE- GRANTED ON 9/24/02 TO ALLOW (1) TEMPORARY TRAILER FOR […]