Winter agreement OK

As in the past, the Road Commission for Oakland County will be paying the Village of Lake Orion to take care of snow and ice control on small areas of two roads. The areas include on Bellevue from Heights north to the village line and on Central from Indianwood east to the east limit of […]

Conklin Road SAD up for another public hearing

Another public hearing will be held on the Conklin Road Chloride #1 Special Assessment District (SAD), this time on the proposed SAD roll. The hearing will be on Aug. 18 at 8 p.m. The project calls for chloriding Conklin from Golfview to Indian Lake. The first year’s assessment is $19.30 per benefit, including set-up fees. […]

Elkhorn Lake SAD moves to next stage

The Orion Township Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing on the Elkhorn Lake #3 proposed SAD roll on Aug. 18, immediately following an 8 p.m. hearing on a Conklin Road SAD. The Elkhorn Lake SAD is for water quality control on Elkhorn Lake.


Telemarketers should close up shop and find a new career. The Federal Trade Commission announced last week, more than 30 million of us signed up for the government’s do-not-call list. For those of you who have been out of the country for the past year, the list is a free registry for blocking unsolicited phone […]

What is the fire department priority?

Recently my family member had a heart attack and members of the Orion Township Fire Department responded. Following their arrival, they provided oxygen and took vital signs. When questioned why they were just standing around instead of loading my family member into the ambulance, they responded, ‘we don’t transport; AMR is on their way and […]

Thanks, trustees, for your support

I would like to thank everyone on the Orion Township Board for my appointment to the open trustee’s position. I’m looking forward to serving the residents of the township in the future. Will Wilsher, Orion Township Trustee

Board got just the trustee it wanted

Welcome Will Wilshire (Mister Soccer), or better yet, the person who if I’m not mistaken asked the trustees for $150,000 for the soccer fields a little while back! In my opinion, Wilshire is what this present board was looking for — a westsider who thinks like they do. Well, Wilshire, have fun with Bastonia and […]

Looking Back

Ten Years Ago Aug. 11, 1993 ~~~The Lions Club is hosting a Countryfest this October. Country western bands will provide entertainment in a beer tent near Children’s Park. ~~~Slade Schell, 15 months, won first runner-up in the National Baby America Pageant in Hollywood in July. ~~~Hikers, including Lake Orion retired school teacher Carol McCormick, while […]

Fire Call

Monday, Aug. 4 12: 56 p.m.-A person on Lawson had an allergic reaction. Station #1 responded. 2:15 p.m.-A person on Buckhorn had a diabetic reaction. Station #1 responded. 2:64 p.m.-A person at a Lapeer Street apartment had numbness in the arm. Station #1 responded Tuesday, Aug. 5 7:52 a.m.-A man on Pineridge Court was non-responsive […]