I wonder if Mrs. Bellairs has ever made a mistake? I would think that a person of her age should wonder why she rushes to the negative in people. Is there nothing in the whole community that she can speak positively about. I would suggest to Mrs. Bellairs and her former police associates those who […]
This letter was not for or against Joe Young ? or Gary Ford for that matter. My point was that Oxford officials entered into contracts with these individulas with both eyes open. They might tell you otherwise ? but if they did the interviews and check-ups like they said they did ? then these facts […]
In response to C.J. Carnacchio’s recent column concerning the wisdom of building a new township hall in Oxford, I can only say, that to conclude the piece by saying ‘By all means, let’s keep the lazy, the nasty, and the rude on the payroll? was in itself nasty and rude. It would appear The Oxford […]
Overture, curtains, lights. Last Wednesday night, Lakeville Elementary hit the heights. Dubbed ?100 Years of Broadway,? the one-hour musical showcase put on by the school’s staff and parents was a smash hit. From powerful solos that filled the high school’s Performing Arts Center to perfectly choreographed group routines, the show featured a medley of classic […]
Erik William Anderson Soccer 2004-05-06 Elizabeth Delight Ardelan Football Cheer 2004-05-06 Competitive Cheer 2004-05-06-07 Alexander Gordon Bergel Cross Country 2003-04-05-06 Danielle Nichole Bizzotto Softball 2006-07 Mitchell James Blose Football 2004-05-06 Wrestling 2004 Track 2006-07 Samantha Rose Bono Soccer 2004-05-06-07 Dustyn Richard Brown Football 2005-06 Samantha Len Bryant Swimming 2006 Jeremy John Bukoski Football 2004-05-06 Baseball […]
Sunday’s on-and-off rain showers made for soggy ground and wet clothes, but nothing couldn’t dampen spirits at Kingsbury Country Day School’s annual fair.
Monday, May 28, skateboarders reported at McDonald’s on South Broadway. Operating while under the influence arrest at M-24 and Clarkston Road. Pit bull reported loose on Algene. *** Tuesday, May 29, suspicious person reported at Children’s Park. *** Wednesday, May 30, truancy reported on North Park Boulevard. Larceny reported on West Flint. *** Thursday, May […]
Monday, May 28, mirror damaged on a vehicle on Woodbridge Court. Identity theft reported on Cedar Key Drive. Retail fraud arrest at K-mart on Lapeer Road. Threats reported and failure to pay at the Big Boy Restaurant on Baldwin Road. *** Tuesday, May 29, jewelry reported stolen from a home on Clarkston Road. Operating a […]
Monday, May 28, 2:56 p.m.-burn violation reported on Bunny Run Boulevard. Station #1 responded. *** Wednesday, May 30, 9:00 a.m.-smoke investigation reported on Armstrong Drive. Stations #3 responded, while Stations #1, #2 and #4 assisted. 1:28 p.m.-truck fire reported on Dutton, west of Squirrel. Station #2 responded. *** Friday, June 1, 6:09 p.m.-down wires and […]