Ortonville Village

NOTICE TO THE ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF ORTONVILLE Take notice that the Village of Ortonville Council has amended Village Ordinance No. 55, this amendment designates regulated flood hazard areas under the provisions of provisions of the State Construction Code Act, Act No. 230 of the Public Acts of 1972 as amended. This amendment was […]

Ortonville Village

VILLAGE OF ORTONVILLE MARCH 26, 2007 MEETING SYNOPSIS President Bess called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.. All Council members, Manager Coy, Deputy Clerk Treasurer Karnsey, approximately 4 citizens were also present. The following items were acted on: Approved the agenda as amended. Approved the Consent Agenda including the following: ? Approve Minutes of […]

Ortonville Village

VILLAGE OF ORTONVILLE APRIL 9, 2007 MEETING SYNOPSIS President Bess called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Six Council members, Manager Coy, Clerk/Treasurer Clark and 6 others were present. The following items were acted on: Approved the agenda as amended. Approved the Consent Agenda including the following: ? Approve minutes of Village Council Meeting […]

Goodrich Village

PUBLIC HEARING VILLAGE OF GOODRICH PLANNING COMMISSION CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION The Village of Goodrich Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to review an application for a Conditional Use for the purpose of constructing a wireless communication tower.; DATE: MAY 21, 2007 TIME : 7:00 PM PLACE: 7338 S State Road, Lower Level, Village Office […]

Brandon Township

zoning board of appeals NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REGULAR MEETING The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing May 25, 2007 at 7:30 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462. To hear the following appeals: 1) Appeal # 007-07 Sidwell # 03-30-201-010 Name: Asghar & […]

Goodrich Village

PUBLIC HEARING VILLAGE OF GOODRICH PLANNING COMMISSION CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION The Village of Goodrich Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to review an application for a Conditional Use for the purpose of allowing an automobile, recreational vehicle, mobile home showroom and outdoor sales space for the sale of used automobiles, new and/or used mobile […]

Independence Township

SYNOPSIS TAKEN BY THE TOWNSHIP BOARD THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE Clerk VanderVeen called the May 1, 2007, meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., at the Independence Township Library. Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call: Present: Rosso, VanderVeen, Wenger, Travis, Kelly, Dunn Absent: Wagner There was a quorum. 1. Opening Statements and Correspondence 2. Approval of […]


SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP BOARD Fire Station No. 1 6500 Citation Drive Thursday, May 10, 2007 7:00 p.m. AGENDA Reconsideration of the Sashabaw Road Corridor Improvement Authority

Independence Township

BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Date and Time: May 15, 2007, at 7:30 p.m. Place: Independence Township Library 6495 Clarkston Road, Clarkston, MI 48346 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Opening Statements and Correspondence 5. Approval of Agenda 6. Public Forum ? Individuals in the audience have the […]

Springfield Township

SPRING CLEAN-UP DAY Saturday, May 19, 2007 Time: 8 a.m. ? 2 p.m. Springfield Oaks Youth Activity Center 12451 Andersonville Road. Davisburg, MI 48350 NO TRASH PICKING, DUMPSTER DIVING OR SCAVENGING ALLOWED. Proof of Residency or Property Ownership Required. FEES Cars: $1.00 Trailers $10.00 & $15.00 depending on size SUV/Minivan $5.00 Batteries $5.00 each Pick-up […]