Members present: Lapp, McCreery, Owen, Willett, Stowell, Palmer, Carlson
1. Approved agenda as amended.
2. Approved the minutes of the January 5, 2004 Regular meeting.
3. Approved appointment of Trustee Sandy Willett to the Planning Commission.
4. Approved 2004 rates of reimbursable mileage.
5. Approved Amended Allocation for CDBG Reduction.
6. Approved the CDBG Budget Amendment.
7. Approved the No Haz contract renewal.
8. Approved keeping Trustee Charlene Carlson as representative on the No Haz Committee.
9. Approved the Township’s Regular bills.
10. Approved the Township’s Pre-pays.
Approved by Ronald Lapp,
Brandon Township Supervisor
Approved by B. Jean McCreery,
Brandon Township Clerk
Publish in The Citizen Feb. 2, 2004
Brandon Township
planning & building notice of planning commission meeting
The Brandon Township Planning Commission shall hold a Public Hearing on February 10, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. at Brandon Township Offices at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462. To consider the following request:
A request by Mr. & Mrs. Tommie Bliss to park and/or store commercial highway truck and trailer at 3900 Oakwood Road. This is a special permitted use as authorized by the Brandon Township Zoning Ordinance Section 8.03 – 10.
Parcel ID # 03-10-226-021
Common Description: 3900 Oakwood
For any additional information regarding the above hearing please contact Tim Palulian at the Brandon Township Planning & Building Department at 248-627-4916.
Joseph Rohovsky
Planning Commission Chairman
Publish in The Citizen Feb. 9, 2004
charter township of brandon
planning & building
Notice of planning commission meeting
The Brandon Township Planning Commission shall hold a Public Hearing on February 10, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. at Brandon Township Offices at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462. To consider the following request:
A request by Mr. & Mrs. Jim Coffey to maintain a home occupation (Matco Tool Distributorship) at 972 Bald Eagle Lake Road. Authorization for this request is found in Section 5.25 of the Brandon Township Zoning Ordinance.
Parcel ID # 03-30-301-016
Common Description: 972 Bald Eagle Lake Road
For any additional information regarding the above hearing please contact Tim Palulian at the Brandon Township Planning & Building Department at 248-627-4916.
Joseph Rohovsky
Planning Commission Chairman
Publish in The Citizen Feb. 9, 2004
regular meeting
February 2, 2004
Members present: Lapp, Owen, Willett, Stowell, Palmer, Carlson
1. Approved agenda.
2. Approved the minutes of the January 13, 2004 Study Session.
3. Approved the minutes of the January 20, 2004 Regular meeting.
4. Approved Resolution of Support and funds for Creekfest 2004.
5. Approved Motion of Support for 2004 Tri-Party Project.
6. Approved motion for ventilation/exhaust system for Fire Station #2.
7. Approved motion to add parking lot drains to Fire Station #3.
8. Approved motion to pay $3,000 to the North Oakland Mutual Aid Association.
9. Approved Spring Clean-up 2004 dates.
10. Approved the Township’s regular bills.
11. Approved the Township’s pre-pays.
12. Approved the Trustee timesheets.
Approved by
Ronald Lapp,
Brandon Township Supervisor
Approved by
Gail Glaspie,
Brandon Township Deputy Clerk
Publish in The Citizen Feb. 9, 2004
Posted by B. Jean McCreery, CMC, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462 Phone 248-627-2851
The 2004 March Board of Review will meet at the Brandon Township Office at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, on the following dates and times:
Monday March 8th 9:00 a.m. to noon & 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday March 9th 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Wednesday March 10th 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
APPOINTMENTS REQUIRED. Please call 248-627-4918 or 248-628-2720 during regular business hours for an appointment. Please have your parcel identification number when calling.
Letters of appeal are also accepted. They must be received in the Supervisor’s office no later than 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 9, 2004.
Applications for hardship appeals are available in the Supervisor’s Office. You must show proof of house hold income by providing current copies of your Federal and State tax return for 2003. Also, copies of any other information to prove financial need. Failure to provide the required information will result in denial of the hardship appeal.
Ronald Lapp, Supervisor
Charter Township of Brandon
Publish in The Citizen Feb. 16 & 23, 2004
Posted by B Jean McCreery, CMC, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462 Phone 248-627-2851
charter township of brandon
Planning & building
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing February 25, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462.
To consider the following appeals:
1) Appeal #002-04 Sidwell #03-25-326-014
Name: Ron Lyons
Location: 5428 Seymour Lake Road
Request: Applicant requests a variance of 863 square feet to construct a pole barn 2000 square feet in size. A maximum area of 1137 square feet is permitted by ordinance.
Any further information regarding the above hearing may be obtained at the Brandon Township Planning & Building Department during regular office hours, or telephone 627-4916 & 627-4917.
Publish in The Citizen Feb. 16, 2004
Posted by B. Jean McCreery, CMC, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462 Phone 248-627-2851
The 2004 March Board of Review will meet at the Brandon Township Office at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, on the following dates and times:
Monday March 8th 9:00 a.m. to noon & 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday March 9th 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Wednesday March 10th 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
APPOINTMENTS REQUIRED. Please call 248-627-4918 or 248-628-2720 during regular business hours for an appointment. Please have your parcel identification number when calling.
Letters of appeal are also accepted. They must be received in the Supervisor’s office no later than 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 9, 2004.
Applications for hardship appeals are available in the Supervisor’s Office. You must show proof of house hold income by providing current copies of your Federal and State tax return for 2003. Also, copies of any other information to prove financial need. Failure to provide the required information will result in denial of the hardship appeal.
Ronald Lapp, Supervisor
Charter Township of Brandon
Publish in The Citizen Feb. 16 & 23, 2004
Posted by B Jean McCreery, CMC, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462 Phone 248-627-2851
Charter Township of Brandon
will hold a Public Hearing
March 1, 2004
6:00 P.M.
at the Township Offices
395 Mill Street
Ortonville, MI 48462
The Charter Township of Brandon will hold a
public hearing to discuss a proposed five-year
RECREATION PLAN prepared for the
Township. Once finalized, the Recreation Plan
will be submitted to the Department of Natural
Resources for their approval. An approved
recreation plan on file with the DNR will allow the
Township to apply for grant funding and serves as
a guide for moving recreation issues forward over
the next five years.
A copy of the Recreation Plan can be viewed at
the Clerk’s office.
Posted by Brandon Township Clerk, B. Jean McCreery, CMC, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462 Phone 248-627-2851
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Publish in The Citizen Mar. 1, 2004
charter township of brandon
planning & building
notice of planning commission meeting
The Brandon Township Planning Commission shall hold a Public Hearing on March 23, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. at Brandon Township Offices at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462, beginning at 7:30 p.m. To consider the following request:
A request by Mr. Fred Stern to rezone 77 plus acres from existing REC Commercial Recreation to RE Rural Estates Residential minimum 2.5 acres lot size.
Parcel ID# 03-21-200-003
Common Description: Property is also known as Camp Nahelu (see map).
For any additional information regarding the above hearing please contact Tim Palulian at the Brandon Township Planning & Building Department at 248-627-4916.
Joseph Rohovsky
Planning Commission Chairman
Publish in The Citizen Mar. 1 & 15, 2004
Charter Township of Brandon
395 Mill Street, PO 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
will hold a Special Meeting
March 10, 2004
6:00 P.M.
at Brandon Fire Station #1
15 South Street
Ortonville, MI 48462
for the purpose of holding an executive session
pertaining to a real estate purchase proposal
Posted by Brandon Township Clerk, B. Jean McCreery, CMC, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462
Phone 248-627-2851
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Publish in The Citizen Mar. 8, 2004
charter township of brandon
planning & building
Public notice to all demolition contractors
Brandon Township is accepting bids for the demolition and removal of the partially collapsed home and accessory building at 1076 Legault Blvd. This includes removing all debris, construction material, equipment and filling in the existing open excavation.
An on site inspection of the property with the Township Building Director is required prior to bid submittal.
Sealed bids must be received by the Brandon Township Clerks office no later than the end of business hours on March 31, 2004, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462.
The successful bidder shall be fully insured and bondable. Please contact Tim Palulian at the Brandon Township Building Department to schedule the required on site inspection of this property. 248-627-4916
B. Jean McCreery, C.M.C.
Brandon Township Clerk
Publish in The Citizen March 8, 15 & 22, 2004
charter township of brandon
regular meeting
March 1, 2004
Members present: Lapp, McCreery, Owen, Willett, Stowell, Palmer, Carlson
1. Approved agenda.
2. Approved the minutes of the February 17, 2004 regular meeting.
3. Adopted the proposed five-year recreation plan with the discussed changes.
4. Approved the motion for the Building Department to move forward and secure bids to demolish 1076 Legault.
5. Approved the Township’s regular bills.
6. Approved the Township’s pre-pays.
7. Approved the Trustee time sheets.
Approved by Ronald Lapp,
Brandon Township Supervisor
Approved by B. Jean McCreery, CMC,
Brandon Township Clerk
Posted by B. Jean McCreery, CMC, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462 Phone 248-627-2851
Publish in The Citizen 3-8-04
charter township of brandon
planning & building
notice of planning commission meeting
The Brandon Township Planning Commission shall hold a Public Hearing on March 23, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. at Brandon Township Offices at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462, beginning at 7:30 p.m. To consider the following request:
A special use request by Mr. Mark Ugo to park and store a commercial highway tractor and trailer at 1701 Honert Road, over 10,000 G.V.W. This is a permitted use after special review and approval by the Planning Commission per Section 8.03-10 of the Brandon Township Zoning Ordinance.
Parcel ID# 03-05-251-001
Common Description: 1701 Honert Road
For any additional information regarding the above hearing please contact Tim Palulian at the Brandon Township Planning & Building Department at 248-627-4916.
Joseph Rohovsky
Planning Commission Chairman
Publish in The Citizen Mar. 15, 2004
charter township of brandon
planning & building
Public notice to all demolition contractors
Brandon Township is accepting bids for the demolition and removal of the partially collapsed home and accessory building at 1076 Legault Blvd. This includes removing all debris, construction material, equipment and filling in the existing open excavation.
An on site inspection of the property with the Township Building Director is required prior to bid submittal.
Sealed bids must be received by the Brandon Township Clerks office no later than the end of business hours on March 31, 2004, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Mi 48462.
The successful bidder shall be fully insured and bondable. Please contact Tim Palulian at the Brandon Township Building Department to schedule the required on site inspection of this property. 248-627-4916
B. Jean McCreery, C.M.C.
Brandon Township Clerk
Posted by B. Jean McCreery, CMC, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 MIll Street, Ortonville, MI 48462 Phone 248-627-2851
Publish in The Citizen March 8, 15 & 22, 2004
planning & building
Notice of public hearing regular meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing March 24, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462.
To consider the following appeals:
1) Appeal #003-04 Sidwell #03-20-101-022
Location: 955 East Glass Road
Request: Applicant requests the following variances to permit expansion of attached garage:
1. Front yard set back variance of 21 feet (50 feet is required by ordinance).
2. An area variance of 1440 square feet.
2) Appeal #004-04 Sidwell #03-01-200-030
Name: David Wilkins
Location: 141 Hollyhock Lane
Request: Applicant requests a vairance of 242 square feet to permit the use of the second floor in his existing barn for office/recreation space.
3) Appeal #005-04 Sidwell #03-36-451-023
Name: Steven Syerson
Location: 3760 Melanie Ct.
Request: Applicant requests a variance of 846 square feet to construct a barn 1920 square feet in size. Maximum permitted size by ordinance is 1074 square feet.
4) Appeal #005-04 Sidwell #03-26-351-010
Name: Charles & Elizabeth McGhee
Location: 4161 Seymour Lake Road
Request: A request by the Brandon Township Planning & Building Department to consider revocation of temporary variance granted to Charles & Elizabeth McGhee on 4161 Seymour Lake Road for the maintenance of sheep & horses on their property.
Any further information regarding the above hearing may be obtained at the Brandon Township Planning & Building Department during regular office hours, or telephone 627-4916 & 627-4917.
Publish in The Citizen Mar. 15, 2004
charter township of brandon
planning & building
notice of planning commission meeting
The Brandon Township Planning Commission shall hold a Public Hearing on March 23, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. at Brandon Township Offices at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462, beginning at 7:30 p.m. To consider the following request:
A request by Mr. Fred Stern to rezone 77 plus acres from existing REC Commercial Recreation to RE Rural Estates Residential minimum 2.5 acres lot size.
Parcel ID# 03-21-200-003
Common Description: Property is also known as Camp Nahelu (see map).
For any additional information regarding the above hearing please contact Tim Palulian at the Brandon Township Planning & Building Department at 248-627-4916.
Joseph Rohovsky
Planning Commission Chairman
Publish in The Citizen Mar. 8 & 15, 2004
Bid Sheet for
Sherman Village Park Ball Diamonds Infield Renovations
Brandon Township Recreation is accepting bids for the following renovations to infields one and two, located at the Sherman Village Park on the corner of Cedar and Ball streets within the Village of Ortonville. All sealed bids are to be sent to the Brandon Township Clerk’s office at 395 Mill St. Box 929 Ortonville, MI 48462-0929 by Monday April 5, 2004 by 2:30 p.m. Bids will be opened at 3:00 p.m., all are welcome to attend. Please itemize your bid accordingly. Brandon Township holds the right to contract for all or part of the following services.
1) Enlarge the infield so that 70 foot base running is possible (currently they are at 60 feet). Install 60 and 70 foot base anchors.
2) Remove 3″ of old infield soil and haul away.
3) Remove the necessary topsoil from the outfield to lengthen the infields.
4) Refurbish the infield with 2.5 inches of soil that has a mix of 60% fine sand, 28% screened clay and 12% silt.
5) Add .5 inches of Marco red clay
6) Reinstall out of bounds poles with larger foundation
7) Install pitcher’s mounds and two pitcher foot rubbers
8) Install batter box with red clay brick and cover with Marco red clay
Brandon Township Recreation Director can be reached at 248-627-4640 (office) or 248-840-2397 (cell), for any questions.
Publish in The Citizen Mar. 29 & Apr. 5, 2004
Petitions are available in the Clerk’s office for the following elected positions:
Partisan: Township Supervisor, Clerk, Treasurer, four (4) Trustees, And One (1) Township Constable
The filing deadline for the August 2004 Primary Election is 4:00 p.m. MAY 11, 2004. Withdrawal deadline elapses at 4:00 p.m. on May 14
Non-partisan: Six (6) Library Trustees
Candidates for Library Trustees may pay a $100 filing fee to Brandon Township in lieu of gathering a minimum of 40, maximum of 100, signatures on the petition.
Michigan Election Law Act 116 of 1954, Section 168.544c, subsection (6) states: ‘An individual shall not sign more nominating petitions for the same office than there are persons to be elected to the office. An individual who violates this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor.?
For further information or questions, please call the Clerk’s office.
Posted by B. Jean McCreery, CMC, Brandon Township Clerk 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462 Phone 248-627-2851
Publish in The Citizen Apr. 5, 2004
Bid Sheet for
Sherman Village Park
Ball Diamonds Infield Renovations
Brandon Township Recreation is accepting bids for the following renovations to infields one and two, located at the Sherman Village Park on the corner of Cedar and Ball streets within the Village of Ortonville. All sealed bids are to be sent to the Brandon Township Clerk’s office at 395 Mill St. Box 929 Ortonville, MI 48462-0929 by Monday April 5, 2004 by 2:30 p.m. Bids will be opened at 3:00 p.m., all are welcome to attend. Please itemize your bid accordingly. Brandon Township holds the right to contract for all or part of the following services.
1) Enlarge the infield so that 70 foot base running is possible (currently they are at 60 feet). Install 60 and 70 foot base anchors.
2) Remove 3″ of old infield soil and haul away.
3) Remove the necessary topsoil from the outfield to lengthen the infields.
4) Refurbish the infield with 2.5 inches of soil that has a mix of 60% fine sand, 28% screened clay and 12% silt.
5) Add .5 inches of Marco red clay
6) Reinstall out of bounds poles with larger foundation
7) Install pitcher’s mounds and two pitcher foot rubbers
8) Install batter box with red clay brick and cover with Marco red clay
Brandon Township Recreation Director can be reached at 248-627-4640 (office) or 248-840-2397 (cell), for any questions.
Publish in The Citizen Mar. 29 & Apr. 5, 2004
Planning & building
The Brandon Township Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on April 27, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. at the Village of Ortonville Old Town Hall at 486 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462, at 7:30 p.m.
The purpose of the hearing is to receive public comment regarding the following proposed amendments to the Brandon Township Zoning Ordinance.
1. Buildable Area. The Interior portion of the net lot area that remains after the minimum yard requirements have been met pursuant to the application of the appropriate zoning district regulations specified in this ordinance.
2. Lot, Gross Area. The total area of a parcel within the lot lines.
3. Lot, Net Area. The portion of a parcel that is not encumbered by open water, creek, stream, river, flood plain, wetland as designated by the Goemaere-Anderson Wetlands Protection Act, public or private right-of-way, and/or major electrical or oil transmission line easement.
G. Minimum land area required for each dwelling unit in the RM District shall be:
Area In Square Feet
Dwelling Unit Site Apartment Townhouse
Efficiency or one bed 5,500 6,700
room unit
Two bedroom unit 6,700 7,900 Three bedroom unit 7,900 9,700
Four or more bedroom 9,700 9,7000
1. Net Lot Area in Square Feet with Sewer and Water
Row, Townhouse, Single-family
Type of Unit Apartment Terrace, Garden Detached 1, 2
Efficiency or 1 BR 5,500 6,700 NA
2-Bedroom 6,700 7,900 2 to 4 bedroom
3-Bedroom 7,900 9,700 homes
4-Bedroom3 9,700 10,000 12,000
1 Deduct 20% of the net parcel area for the complex to represent new right-of-ways before determining the density of the complex.
2 The minimum net lot area of any lot in a RM Multiple-famlly Residential Zoning District being designed for a Cluster Single-family, detached residential development shall be 6,600 square feet.
3 For every unit with 5 or more bedrooms or rooms that can reasonably be converted to a bedroom add 2,000 square feet to the net lot area of the 4-bedroom unit.
2. Net Lot Area In square feet The land area shall be as W/O Sewer and Water permitted by the Oakland County Health Department
but shall not be more dense than what the net lot area requirements will permit.
Row, Townhouse Single-family
Type of Unit Apartment Terrace, Garden Detached 1,2
Efficiency or 1 BR 12,000 NA NA
2-Bedroom 20,000 28,000 2 to 4 bedroom
3-Bedroom 28,000 35,000 homes
4-Bedroom3 35,000 42,000 42,000
1 Deduct 10% of the net lot area for the complex to represent new right-of-way before determining the density of the complex.
2 The minimum net lot area of any lot in an RM Multiple-family Residential Zoning District being designed for a Cluster Single-family, detached residential development shall be 10,000 square feet.
3 For every unit with 5 or more bedrooms or rooms that can reasonably be converted to a bedroom, add 2,000 square feet to the net lot area of the bedroom unit.
For any additional information regarding the above hearing please contact Tim Palulian at the Brandon Township Planning & Building Department at 248-627-4916.
Joseph Rohovsky
Planning Commission Chairman
Publish in The Citizen Apr. 12, 2004
Members present: Lapp, McCreery, Owen, Willett, Stowell, Palmer, Carlson
1. Approved agenda as amended.
2. Approved the minutes of the March 15, 2004 regular meeting.
3. Approved the minutes of the March 18, 2004 special meeting.
4. Approved the minutes of the March 24, 2004 special meeting.
5. Approved disposal of the Senior Center pool table.
6. Approved reassignment of the Architectural Agreement/Old Mill Renovation to Design Resources.
7. Approved hiring of part-time firefighters Ronald Schoonover
and Bryan Messer.
8. Approved the Fire Department Medtronics Service Agreement.
9. Approved the Fire Department pumper purchase.
10. Approved the Fire Department credit card, pending policy adop tion.
11. Approved the road chloride annual bid from Oakand County.
12. Approved the Building Department – Stern/Camp Nahelu rezoning first reading.
13. Approved the Brandon Recreation-Skate Park Sign Purchase.
14. Approved the MTA Voluntary Contribution for assistance to court case.
15. Approved the township’s regular bills.
16. Approved the township’s pre-pays.
17. Approved the trustee time sheets.
Approved by
Ronald Lapp, Brandon Township Supervisor
Approved by
B. Jean McCreery, CMC, Brandon Township Clerk
Publish in The Citizen Apr. 12, 2004
Please remove any personal artifacts, artificial flowers, wreaths, etc that you wish to retain, prior to
MAY 15, 2004.
The Cemetery will undergo spring clean-up and after that date, winter remains will be considered debris to be disposed.
Posted by Brandon Township Clerk B. Jean McCreery, CMC
395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462 Phone 248-627-2851
Publish in The Citizen Apr. 12, 19, & 26, 2004
Charter Township of Brandon
Special Board Meeting
February 22, 2016
Held at Village or Ortonville Offices
486 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462
Call to order, Pledge of Allegiance at 7:02 p.m.
Roll call: Present ? Allen, Darnall, DePalma, DeWitt, Rumball and Thurman
Waters arrive at 7:04 p.m.
Approved: Agenda
Grant writer contract for park development grant projects
MMRMA Insurance contract renewal
No Citizen’s Comments
Adjournment at 7:34 p.m.
Publish in The Citizen 2-27-16
The 2016 March Board of Review will meet at the Brandon Township Office at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI on the following dates and times:
Wednesday March 16th 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Thursday March 17th 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
APPOINTMENTS REQUIRED. Please call 248-627-4918 during regular business hours for an appointment. Please have your parcel identification number when calling. All appeals must be accompanied by a completed L-4035 Form ‘Petition to the Board of Review? in order for your appeal to be valid. It is recommended that a detailed explanation, an appraisal and/or other documents be provided to support your appeal. The L-4035 will be provided by the Assessing Office or is available online at :
Letters of appeal are also accepted. Appeals must be received in the Supervisor’s office no later than 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 16th, 2016.
Applications for Poverty Appeals are available in the Supervisor’s Office. You must show proof of household income by providing current copies of your Federal and State income tax return for 2015 and copies of any other information to prove financial need. Failure to provide the required information will result in denial of the poverty appeal.
The year 2016 tentative equalization ratios and multipliers are:
Agricultural 49.64% 1.0073
Commercial 48.69% 1.0269
Industrial 48.60% 1.0288
Residential 46.10% 1.0846
Publish in The Citizen 2-27-16, 3-5-16
The Brandon Township Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing March 15, 2016 beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Brandon Township Office, at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462.
To consider for a ‘Special Use? approval in C-4 Zoned District to operate an open air business for a used car dealership.
Parcel identification number: 03-18-351-009
Common Description: 830 S. Ortonville Road
For any additional information regarding the above hearing please contact the Brandon Township Planning & Building Department at 248-627-4916.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 2-27-16
To the Qualified Electors of Brandon Township:
Notice is hereby given that a Presidential Primary Election will be held in the Charter Township of Brandon, County of Oakland on Tuesday, March 8, 2016 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. for the purpose of voting on a Presidential Candidate.
For assistance in determining the accessibility of the polling place locations and the availability of voting instructions in alternative formats such as audio and Braille, please contact the Brandon Township clerk’s office.
Persons wishing to obtain an absentee ballot may do so by contacting the Brandon Township clerk’s office. The Clerk or their designee will be available in the Clerk’s Office on the Saturday preceding the election, March 5, 2016 from 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m., the deadline for requesting an absentee ballot which will be mailed.
Precinct 1 & 2 ? Fletcher Intermediate School ? 300 South St., Ortonville
Precinct 3 ? Oakwood Elementary School ? 2839 Oakwood Road, Ortonville
Precinct 4 ? Fire Station #2, 3065 S. Sashabaw Rd., Oxford, Brandon Township
Precinct 5 ? Clarkston Lakes Clubhouse ? 4260 Dogwood Blvd., Clarkston, Brandon Township
Precinct 6 ? Old Town Hall ? 486 Mill Street, Ortonville
For full list of the Candidates for President of the United States, please contact the:
Brandon Township Clerk’s Office
395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462
Monday ? Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(248) 627-2851
POSTED BY: Brandon Township Clerk ? Candee Allen
Publish in The Citizen 2-20-16
February 8, 2016
Call to order at 6:30 p.m.
Present: Allen, Darnall, DeWitt, Rumball, Waters & Thurman
Absent with notice: DePalma
Agenda as presented
Part-Time Senior Van Driver hours
Part-Time employee hours, Treasurers office
Website host
Fire Department Emergency Support Operations Plan and Resolution
Building Department statistics
Waste hauler Ordinance
Property maintenance Code
International Fire Code
Adjourned at 8:54 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 2-20-16
charter township of brandon
regular meeting
February 1, 2016
Call to order and roll call at 7:04 p.m.
Approved: Agenda
Consent Agenda
2016 Deposit of Funds
Senior Housing Fund
Contract with I.T. Right
contract with Bedrock for 2016 Clean-up Days
Purchase ADA Door Opener with Acton Rental and Sales Co.
Presentation by Lois Robbins of NOLHLC
Discussion: Map Committee
Adjournment at 8:23 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street. PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 2-13-16
A public accuracy test is scheduled for the purpose of testing the accuracy of the tabulating equipment and programs which will be used to tabulate the voted ballots for the March 8 Presidential Primary Election in Brandon Township, Oakland County, Ortonville, Mi. 48462.
On Wednesday, February 17 at 5:00 PM in the township offices at 395 Mill St., Ortonville, Mi. 48462
If necessary, the alternate date for the test will be Thursday, February 18, at the same time and address as above.
Interested citizens are encouraged to attend.
For further information, contact Brandon Township Clerk, Candee Allen at (248) 627-2851.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact Supervisor, Kathy Thurman at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk 395 Mill St. Ortonville, 48462 248/627-2851
Publish in The Citizen 2-13-16
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing February 24, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeals:
Appeal #16-0001 Property ID #03-03-226-006
Name: Jordan Reinert
Location: 4094 Big Fish Lake Road
Request: Applicant requests variances from:
1. Section 46-242 (1) c. to construct detached accessory structure in front yard
2. Section 46-215 Schedule of Regulations of 20? of required front yard setback
3. Section 46-242 (1) d. 5. for additional sq. ft. of 2,160
Appeal #16-0002 Property ID #03-11-300-018
Name: Brian Hansen
Location: 4299 Hummer Lake Road
Request: Applicant request variances from:
1. Section 46-242 (1) d. 5. for additional sq. ft. of 808
2. Section 46-242 (1) d. 1. for two additional detached accessory buildings
Appeal #16-0003 Property ID #03-19-430-017
Name: Richard Hanes
Location: 344 E. Glass Road
Request: Applicant requests variances from:
1. Section 46-242 (1) d. 3. for additional sq. ft. of 380
2. Section 46-242 (1) d. 1. for an additional detached accessory building
Appeal # 16-004 Property ID #03-19-326-016
Name: Consumers Energy
Location: 1695 S. Ortonville
Request: Applicant requests variances from:
1. Section 46-215 Schedule of Regulations with C-4 zoned district, for front yard setback of 27?
2. Section 46-215 Schedule of Regulations for 5? side yard setback
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 a minimum of 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
for Brandon Township
To the qualified electors of Brandon Township, the County of Oakland, and State of Michigan:
NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN that the Brandon Township Clerk’s Office, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville will be open:
MONDAY, February 8, 2016
FROM 8:30 a.m. ? 5:00 p.m.
Precinct 1 & 2 ? Fletcher Intermediate School ? 300 South St., Ortonville
Precinct 3 ? Oakwood Elementary School ? 2839 Oakwood Rd., Ortonville
Precinct 4 ? Brandon Fire Station #2 ? 3065 S. Sashabaw Rd., Oxford, Brandon Township
Precinct 5 ? Clarkston Lakes Mobile Clubhouse ? 4260 Dogwood Blvd., Clarkston, Brandon Township
Precinct 6 ? Old Town Hall ? 486 Mill St., Ortonville
For the purpose of nominating candidates for the following office: PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES
Posted by Candee Allen – Brandon Township Clerk’s Office, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, 248-627-2851
Publish in The Citizen 1-23-16
January 4, 2016
Call to order at 7:04 p.m.
Present Allen, Darnall, DeWitt, Waters, Rumball, Thurman
Late with notice: DePalma
Also in attendance: Parks and Recreation Director Waybrant, Township Tax Assessor Kim Feigley.
The following actions were taken:
1. Approved the Agenda as amended.
2. Approved Consent Agenda as presented.
3. 3Approved hiring HRC to perform engineering services.
4. Agreed to alter the OCSD Law enforcement contract. To add 1 Lieutenant
5. Approved the METRO Act Right of Way permit extension.
6. Approved Security Benefits 457 DC Plan adopting resolution and Adoption agreement.
7. Approved hiring of Kapala Heating and A/C to replace 3 heat exchangers and 1 gas shutoff on township equipment, on the approval of Bill DeWitt.
8. Approved the correction of HUD dollar amount for CDBG, $32,137.00
9. Approved the first reading of Code of Ordinance, Chapter 18, Article IV, Sections 18-71 to 18-77, Public buildings and facilities.
10. Adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 1-16-16
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing January 27, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeals:
Appeal #15-0027 Sidewell #03-34-300-022
Name: Mary Lynn Shindorf
Location: 3731 Perry Lake Road
Request: Applicant requests variances from:
1. Section 46-488 (1) for increasing a nonconforming structure.
2. Section 46-242 (1) to add the lean-to on the nonconforming structure in a front yard.
Appeal #15-0028 Sidwell #03-24-400-033
Name: Michael Strader
Location: 5775 Sherwood Road
Request: Applicant request variance from Section 46-242 (1) c. to construct detached accessory structure in front yard.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 a minimum of 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 1-9-16
December 7, 2015
Call to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Darnall, DeWitt, Rumball, Waters & Thurman.
Absent with notice: Allen & DePalma
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the Agenda as amended.
2) Held Brandon Township 2016 Budget public hearing.
3) Approved Consent Agenda as presented.
4) Approved Capital Improvement Fund as presented
5) Adopted 2016 Brandon Township Budget as amended.
6) Approved 2016 Calendar as amended.
7) Approved CDBG contract amendment as presented.
8) Approved CDBG application resolution as presented.
9) Postponed door replacement until further information is gathered.
10) Approved Cable Coordinator contract as presented.
11) Approved the opting out of Public Act 152 of 2011.
12) Approved Life Insurance Provider for 2016.
13) Adjourned at 8:52 p.m.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 12-19-15
Board of Trustees
The following are dates of the regularly scheduled Meeting that will begin at 7:00 p.m. and will be held at the Brandon Township Municipal Building, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462:
January 4 July 11 (Due to 4th of July)
February 1 August 8 (Due to Election)
March 14 Tuesday, September 6
(Due to Election) (Due to Labor Day)
April 4 October 3
May 2 November 14 (Due to Election)
June 6 December 5
The above calendar was approved at the regular board meeting held on December 7, 2015.
Motion by: Rumball
Seconded by: Waters
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
This notice posted in compliance with PA 267 of 1976 as Amended (Open Meetings Act) MCLA 41.72(S) (3) and the American with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Posted Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 12-19-15
00030 / 1
Brandon Township is accepting sealed proposals from Contractors for the Seymour Lake Cemetery Parking Lot and Fire Station #2 Drive Replacement. The proposals will be received by the Brandon Township, 395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929, Ortonville, Michigan 48462, Attention Township Clerk, until 12:00 p.m., Local Time on Thursday, December 17, 2015 at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read.
Bidders shall review and comply with the Instructions to Bidders, which are incorporated by reference, and carefully review all Contract Documents, as defined in the Instructions to Bidders. Bids submitted after the exact time specified for, receipt will not be considered.
Requested services include, but may not be limited to; pavement removal and reconstruction of concrete and new asphalt parking lots, grading and other earthwork, limited drainage improvements, driveway adjustments, and other miscellaneous items of work necessary to parking lot and driveway repairs.
Copies of the Specifications will be available on or after 12:00 p.m. (noon) November 30, 2015 at the offices of Hubbell, Roth & Clark? Inc., Consulting Engineers, 555 Hulet Drive, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48302-0360. A non-refundable payment of Forty-five Dollars ($45.00), check or credit card ONLY, payable to “Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc.” will be required for each REQUEST procured. The Specifications can be ordered by phone and shipped by U.P.S. ground for a shipping and handling charge of Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars, check or credit card only, non-refundable, to Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc. Please call 248-454-6300 and a copy of the specifications will be overnighted upon payment. A copy of the Specifications will be available for Contractor review at the offices of the Brandon Township, 395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929, Ortonville, Michigan 48462.
A pre-bid meeting will be held on Thursday, December 10, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at Brandon Township Fire Station #2 3065 S. Sashabaw Road, Ortonville, Michigan 48462. Contractors are recommended to field walk or drive the project before the pre-bid meeting.
Proposals submitted by Contractors who have been debarred, suspended, or otherwise made ineligible by any Federal or State Agency will not be evaluated. Any Contractor who submits a proposal agrees to waive any claim it has or may have against the Owner, the Architect/Engineer, and their respective employees, arising out of or in connection with the administration, evaluation, or recommendation of any Statement.
Brandon Township reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive irregularities in this process. No bid will be received and evaluated unless delivered to the Township on or before the date and time specified. All proposals shall be enclosed in sealed envelopes, and labeled as indicated below. Bids are firm and cannot be withdrawn for a period of 60 days after opening of the bids. If mailed, the sealed envelopes containing proposals shall be inserted in a separate mailing envelope labeled and addressed as follows:
Addressed to: Labeled as:
Brandon Township Proposals for
395 Mill Street Seymour Lake
P.O. Box 929 Cemetery Parking Lot
Ortonville, MI 48462 Fire Station #2 Drive Replacement
Attn: Township Clerk Brandon Township,
Oakland County, Michigan
HRC Job No. 20150242
Questions may be directed to Mr. Albert Mickalich, P.E., at Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc., Telephone: 248-454-6380. Published in MITN and CAM on Monday, November 30, 2015.
Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc.
Job 20150242
Publish in The Citizen 12-05-15
Brandon Township will hold a PUBLIC HEARING at its Regular Meeting on December 7, 2015 at 7:00 pm at 395 Mill St., Ortonville, MI 48462 to receive public comments on the proposed 2016 budget.
A copy of the budget will be available for public inspection at the Clerk’s office after 12:00 pm on November 25, 2015.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 11-21-15
November 2, 2015
Call to order at 7:05 p.m.
Present: ?’Allen, Darnall, DePalma, DeWitt, Rumball, & Thurman.
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the Agenda as amended.
2) Held a Public Hearing for the 2016 Community Development Block Grant fiscal year.
3) Approved the Consent Agenda as presented.
4) Approved the appointment of Elizabeth Waters as Trustee.
5) Approved a 2016 services agreement with the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department.
6) Approved 2015 budget amendments as presented.
7) Approved appointment of Trustee DeWitt to the Election Committee.
8) Approved costs for relocation of the welcome sign on M-15 near Oakhill Road.
9) Approved processing all 2015 bills as prepays through the end of the year.
10) Discussed Operations Manual revisions in workshop format.
11) Adjourned at 9:24 p.m.
Publish in The Citizen 11-7-15
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 248-627-2851
Publish in The Citizen 11-7-15
Charter Township of Brandon
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing November 18, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeals:
Appeal #15-0022 Sidewell #03-30-126-006
Name: Steven Smith
Location: 2081 Dunwoodie Ct. ‘NONCONFORMING LOT OF RECORD?
Request: Applicant requests variances from:
1. Section 46-215 Schedule of Regulations of 3? least side yard
2. Section 46-215 Schedule of Regulations of 14? 6″ total side yard
3. Section 46-242 (1) c. to construct detached accessory structure in front yard
4. Section 46-215 Schedule of Regulations of 15? of required front yard setback
Appeal #15-0023 Sidwell #03-18-351-002,
3-18-351-006, 03-18-351-007
Name: Stonehouse Development, LLC
Location: 850 S. Ortonville Road
Request: Applicant request variance from Section 46-215 with a zoning of C-4, which requires minimum lot size of 40,000 sq. ft. of area and 200? minimum road frontage.
Appeal #15-0024 Sidewell #03-29-200-013
Name: Adam Rush
Location: 2444 S. Hadley Road
Request: Applicant requests variances from:
1. Section 46-242 (1) c. to construct detached accessory structure in front yard
2. Section 46-215 Schedule of Regulations of 50? of required front yard setback from the unimproved Electa Drive proposed 20?, requiring a variance of 30?
Appeal # 15-0025 Sidewell #03-09-326-009
Name: Ben Detavernier
Location: 315 N. Hadley Road
Request: Applicant requests variance from Section 46-242 (1) f. of 12? 11 ?? side yard setback
Appeal #15-0026 Sidewell #03-19-279-005
Name: Rick Fisher
Location: 1571 Michael St. ‘NONCONFORMING LOT OF RECORD?
Request: Applicant requests variances from:
1. Section 46-215 Schedule of Regulations of 8? least side yard
2. Section 46-215 Schedule of Regulations of 18? total side yard
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, you are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 10-31-15
Charter Township of Brandon
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Brandon will hold a public hearing on the use of Community Development Block Grant Funds. The Hearing will be held on Monday, November 2, 2015 at 7:00 the Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462 for the purpose of hearing public comments on the CDGB Program Year 2016 application in the approximate amount of $32,137.00 to fund eligible projects. All interested citizens are requested to attend the hearing. Comments will also be received in writing or in person at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office at 395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 until 5:00 PM Wednesday, November 18, 2015.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under
Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact Supervisor Kathy Thurman at
(248) 627-4918 at least
72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Posted by Brandon Township Clerk, Candee Allen 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462 Phone 248-627-2851
Publish in The Citizen 10-24-15
The Charter Township of Brandon Board of Trustees is currently accepting applications for a Trustee position. The term of office will be from November 3rd, 2015 to November 20, 2016. Applications are available in the Clerk’s office and on the township website:
Applications are due by 5:00 PM, Thursday, October 22, 2015. (Any application submitted after 5:00 PM will not be considered). Please submit application in person or by mail to:
Charter Township of Brandon
Attn: Clerk’s Office, 395 Mill St.
PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462-0929
This municipality is an equal opportunity employer. For questions, contact Candee Allen, Clerk at 248-627-2851.
Publish in The Citizen 10-10-15, 10-17-15
NOVEMBER 3, 2015
To the Qualified Electors of the Village of Ortonville:
Notice is hereby given that a Special Election will be held in the Village of Ortonville, County of Oakland on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. for the purpose of voting on the Sewage Disposal System Contract Proposition.
The proposed Oakland County Ortonville Sewage Disposal System Contract between the County of Oakland and the Village of Ortonville dated as of December 1, 2015, provides for the acquisition and construction of sewage disposal facilities comprising the Oakland County Ortonville Sewage Disposal System Project at an estimated cost of $20,000,000, for the issuance of bonds by the County of Oakland in one or more series to defray the cost of such facilities and for the pledge of the full faith and credit of the Village of Ortonville to the payment amounts to the County of Oakland which are sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds. Pursuant to such pledge, the Village of Ortonville is obligated, subject to constitutional, statutory and charter tax limitations, to levy ad valorem taxes on all taxable property to the County of Oakland to the extent that other funds, including special assessment and sewage disposal system revenues, are not available. Shall the contract be approved?
______ No
For assistance in determining the accessibility of the polling place location and the availability of voting instructions in alternative formats such as audio and Braille, please contact the Brandon Township clerk’s office.
Persons wishing to obtain an absentee ballot may do so by contacting the Brandon Township clerk’s office. The Clerk or the designee will be available in the Clerk’s Office on the Saturday preceding the election, October 31, 2015 from 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m., the deadline for requesting an absentee ballot which will be mailed.
Precinct 6 ? Old Town Hall ? 486 Mill Street, Ortonville
Full text of Sale of Bonds or any other information, please contact the:
Brandon Township Clerk’s Office
395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462
Monday ? Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(248) 627-2851
Publish in The Citizen 10-17-15
Charter Township of Brandon
Regular Board Meeting
October 5, 2015
Call to order at 7:03 p.m.
Present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, DeWitt, Rumball, & Thurman. Absent with notice: Lapp.
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the Agenda as amended.
2) Held a Public Hearing on Shelmar Lane Special Assessment District #2.
3) Took citizen comments on agenda items.
2) Approved the Consent Agenda which contained the following:
a. Regular meeting minutes of September 8, 2015.
b. Special meeting minutes of September 14, 2015
c. Special meeting minutes of September 24, 2015.
d. Regular bills in the amount of $39.089.80.
e. Pre-pays in the amount of $406,733.44.
f. Trustee time sheets in the amount of $1,164.00.
3) Approved a resolution confirming the Shelmar Lane Road Improvement Special Assessment District #2.
4) Approved a budget amendment and funds transfer for the Parks & Recreation Department.
5) Approved contracting with Burnham & Flower Insurance Group for healthcare.
6) Approved transfer of cable franchise funds to the township general fund and to remit to the Village of Ortonville their proportion of funds in 2016.
7) Approved the 2015 Oakland County CISMA Memorandum of Understanding as presented.
8) Approved to participate in the Oakland County Cooperative CISMA 2015 DNR grant application.
9) Accepted the resignation of Trustee Lapp.
10) Adjourned at 8:36 p.m.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 248-627-2851
Publish in The Citizen 10-10-15
Charter Township of Brandon
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing October 28, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeals:
Appeal #15-0014 Sidewell #03-17-100-043
Name: Jonathon Sheppard
Location: 130 Pinetree
Request: Applicant requests a variance from zoning ordinance 46-242 (1) d. 5. Proposed attached accessory structure will exceed sq. ft. allowed, requiring a variance of 636 sq. ft.
Appeal #15-0016 Sidwell #03-12-400-038
Name: Daniel Williams
Location: 5800 Bliss Drive
Request: Applicant request two variances :
1. Combination of parcel #03-12-276-015 & 03-12-400-038 which will exceed allowable width to depth ratio of 4 to 1.
2. Zoning ordinance 46-242 (1) c. states that detached accessory building or structures shall not be erected in any residential front yard. Proposed structure is in a front yard by definition.
Appeal #15-0021 Sidewell #03-19-476-034
Name: Lisa Orsini
Location: 1959 Viola Drive
‘Nonconforming Lot of Record?
Request: Applicant requests variances from:
1. Section 46-215 Schedule of Regulations of 3.2? least side yard
2. Section 46-215 Schedule of Regulations of 6.5? total side yard
3. Section 46-491 (b) (4) of .2? for side yards less than required for fire prevention
4. Section 46-242 (1) c. to construct detached accessory structure in front yard
5. Section 46-215 Schedule of Regulations of 19.6? of required front yard setback
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, you are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 10-10-15
November 3, 2015
To the Qualified Electors:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Accuracy Test for the November 3, 2015 Special Election has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 21st at 8:30 A.M., the alternate day if necessary Will be Thursday, October 22nd at 8:30 A.M. in the Township Municipal Meeting Room, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI. 48462.
The Public Accuracy Test is conducted to demonstrate that the program and computer that will be used to tabulate the results of the election in the manner prescribed by law.
Candee Allen, Clerk
395 Mill St., PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462-0929
Publish in The Citizen 10-10-15
Charter Township of Brandon
Special Board Meeting
October 1, 2015
Call to order at 6:43 p.m.
Present: Allen, Darnall, DeWitt, Thurman
Absent with notice: DePalma, Rumball, Lapp
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved Agenda as presented.
2) Discussed a proposal for health and workers compensation insurance needs.
3) Discussed Recreation Department budget with Director Waybrant.
4) Reviewed and discussed the general fund budget.
5) Discussed 2016 wage increase proposal.
Adjourned at 8:43 p.m.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 248-627-2851
Publish in The Citizen 10-10-15
The Charter Township of Brandon Board of Trustees is currently accepting applications for a Trustee position. The term of office will be from November 3rd, 2015 to November 20, 2016. Applications are available in the Clerk’s office and on the township website:
Applications are due by 5:00 PM, Thursday, October 22, 2015. (Any application submitted after 5:00 PM will not be considered). Please submit application in person or by mail to:
Charter Township of Brandon
Attn: Clerk’s Office, 395 Mill St.
PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462-0929
This municipality is an equal opportunity employer. For questions, contact Candee Allen, Clerk at 248-627-2851.
Publish in The Citizen 10-10-15, 10-17-15
September 24, 2015
Call to order at 6:32 P.M.
Members present: Allen, DeWitt, Rumball, Thurman, DePalma, Darnall
Absent with notice: Lapp.
The following took place:
1. Approval of agenda as amended. Removed item A. from the workshop.
2. Public Hearing: Truth in Taxation
3. Approval of 2015 Millage Rates as presented.
4. Closed Session on Country Oaks Settlement
5. Approval of closed session minutes.
6. Denial of proposed Country Oaks Settlement
7. Workshop discussion of Operations Manual policy revisions.
Adjourned at 8:50 P.M.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 10-03-15
SAD #2
ON OCTOBER 5, 2015
AT 7:00 P.M.
The Assessment Roll, as prepared by the office of the Township Supervisor, has been filed with the office of the Township Clerk at 395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929, Ortonville, Michigan, and is available for examination at said location, along with the Resolution of 2015, during regular business hours.
Persons objecting to the Roll must present objections at the hearing or by filing the objections in writing with the Township Clerk before the close of the public hearing to preserve their right of appeal to the Michigan Tax Tribunal.
Shelmar Lane SAD #2 has been established for the maintenance, repair, dust control and snow removal. All real property located within the Special Assessment District will be assessed a proportion of the cost of the project.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.?
Posted by Brandon Township Clerk, Candee Allen, 395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48642; 248-627-2851
Publish in The Citizen 09-26-15
Charter Township of Brandon
Special Board Meeting
September 14, 2015
Call to order at 6:32 P.M.
Members present: Allen, DeWitt, Rumball, Thurman.
Absent with notice: Darnall, DePalma, Lapp.
The following actions were taken:
a) Accepted the agenda as presented.
b) Discussed in workshop format the revised Township and Fire Department policies, procedures, benefits and operations.
Adjourned at 8:21 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 09-19-15
FOR THE November 3, 2015 Special Election for Village Residents Only
To the Qualified Electors of the Brandon Township, County of Oakland:
Notice is hereby given that the last day to register for the November 3, 2015, Special Election will be Monday, October 5, 2015.
If you are not currently registered to vote or need to register at a new address, you may do so at the following locations and times:
In Person:
? Brandon Township Clerk’s office 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462, Monday ? Friday, 8:30am ? 5:00pm.
? County Elections Division, 1200 N. Telegraph Rd., Pontiac, MI 48341, Monday ? Friday, 8:00am ? 4:30pm.
? Secretary of State Branch Offices ? hours vary.
? At specified agencies for clients receiving services through Family Independence Agency, the Department of Community Health, Michigan Jobs Commission and some offices of the Commission for the Blind.
? At military recruitment offices for persons who are enlisting.
By Mail:
Voter Registration Application – Mail to the election official as directed on the application by the close of registration deadline.
Note: Persons registering by mail are required to vote in person unless they have previously voted in person in the state or are at least 60 years of age or are handicapped.
The election will be conducted in the following voting precinct of Brandon Township for the purpose of Sale of Bonds for Village Residents Only:
Precinct #6, Old Town Hall, 486 Mill Street
Full text of the proposal may be obtained from the Brandon Township Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 248-627-2851. Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk
Publish in The Citizen 09-19-15
The Charter Township of Brandon will hold a public hearing at a special meeting on September 24, 2015 at 6:30 P.M. at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan for the purpose of receiving public comment on the proposed millage rates for 2015.
The proposed 2015 millage rates are:
Year 2014 2015 Maximum allowable
Township Operating 1.0000 .9966 .9966
Police Operating 4.2500 4.0000 4.2232 Fire Operating 3.8000 3.8000 5.0000
Fire Equipment & Housing .5905 .5905 5.0000
Township Debt (Library) .6700 .6300 .9455
Total 10.3105 10.0171 16.1653
Millage roll back factor .9985
2014 taxable values for (real and personal) $443,578,669
2015 taxable values for (real and personal) $488,662,330
Increase in taxable values of $ 45,083,661
PLEASE NOTE: Fire millage rates will be levied on real property only.
All other millages are levied on real and personal.
2014 real property taxable values $423,422,049
2015 real property taxable values $438,727,530
Increase in real property taxable value $15,305,481
These millage rates will be levied on the 2015 December tax bills.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact Supervisor, Kathy Thurman at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk 395 Mill St. Ortonville, 48462 248/627-2851
Publish in The Citizen 09-12-15
Charter Township of Brandon
Special Meeting
August 31, 2015
Call to order at 6:30 p.m.
Present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball, & Thurman. ?
Absent with Notice: DeWitt
1) Approved agenda as presented.
2) Discussed next OPEB report
3) Discussed in workshop format the following:
a. Proposed 2016 Police Budget
b. Fire Department benefits & policy manual
4) Adjourned at 9:02 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 09-05-15
Charter Township of Brandon
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing September 23, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeals.
Appeal #15-0016 Sidwell #03-12-400-038
Name: Daniel Williams
Location: 5800 Bliss Drive
Request: To construct an accessory building applicant request two variances:
1. Combination of parcel #03-12-276-015 & 03-12-400-038 will exceed allowable width to depth ratio of 4 to 1.
2. Zoning ordinance 46-242 (1) c. states that detached accessory building or structures shall not be erected in any residential front yard. Proposed structure is in a front yard by definition.
Appeal #15-0017 Sidewell #03-19-102-052
Name: James Cartwright
Location: 1140 Ortonville Road Lot 52
Request: Applicant request a variance to the consent judgement with Clearwater Campground Association regarding the ‘one weekend per month? requirement and have son (Wayne Cartwright) stay with them as a caregiver to allow occupancy through the closed season.
Appeal #15-0018 Sidewell #03-19-102-012
Name: Donald Buza Sr.
Location: 1140 Ortonville Road Lot 12
Request: Applicant requests a variance to the consent judgement with Clearwater Campground Association regarding the ‘one weekend per month? requirement to allow occupancy through the closed season.
Appeal #15-0019 Sidewell #03-19-102-010 & 011
Name: Shelly Sammons
Location: 1140 Ortonville Road Lot 10 & 11
Request: Applicant requests a variance to the consent judgement with Clearwater Campground Association regarding the ‘one weekend per month? requirement to allow occupancy through the closed season.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 09-05-15
AT 7:00 P.M.
OF THE BOARD DATED August 26, 2015
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Township Board has passed a Resolution tentatively declaring its intention to undertake the project and to establish a Special Assessment District and has further tentatively found the Petition for the road maintenance to be in compliance with statutory requirements. If the project is undertaken the cost will be spread among the properties noted below.
The Plans and Cost Estimates are on file with the office of the Township Clerk at 395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929, Ortonville, Michigan, and are available for examination at said location, along with the Resolution of August 26, 2015, during regular business hours.
A map of the proposed special assessment district and the parcels included is attached hereto.
At such hearing, the Board will consider any written objections to any of the foregoing matters which might be filed with said Board, at or prior to the time of said hearing as well as any revisions, corrections, amendments, or changes to said Petition, Estimates and Costs or to said Special Assessment District.. An appearance and protest or the filing of a protest in writing with the township prior to the close of the public hearing is required in order to appeal the special assessment to the state tax tribunal.
If the Special Assessment District is approved, Periodic Redetermination of Costs may be made without a change in the Special Assessment District and without further Notice to Record Owners or Interested Parties.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Posted by Brandon Township Clerk, Candee Allen 395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48642; 248-627-2851
Publish in The Citizen 08-29-15
August 17, 2015
Call to order at 7:30 P.M.
Members present: Thurman
Absent with notice: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, DeWitt, Lapp and Rumball
No action was taken due to lack of quorum.
Adjourned at 7:34 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 08-29-15
August 19, 2015
Call to order at 8:00 p.m.
Members present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, DeWitt, Lapp and Rumball
Absent with notice: Thurman ? arrived at 8:10 p.m.
Approved contract with Natural Community Services
Adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 08-29-15
The Charter Township of Brandon will hold a public hearing within its? regularly scheduled meeting on September 08, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. At 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan for the purpose of receiving public comment on the proposed millage rates for 2015.
The proposed 2015 millage rates are:
Year 2014 2015 allowable
Township Operating 1.0000 .9966 .9966
Police Operating 4.2500 3.7500 4.2232 Fire Operating 3.8000 3.8000 5.0000
Fire Equipment & Housing .5905 .5905 5.0000
Township Debt (Library) .6700 .6300 .9455
Total 10.3105 9.7671 16.1653
Millage roll back factor .9985
2014 taxable values for (real & personal) $443,578,669
2015 taxable values for (real & personal) $488,662,330
Increase in taxable values of $ 45,083,661
PLEASE NOTE: Fire millage rates will be levied on real property only.
All other millages are levied on real and personal.
2014 real property taxable values $423,422,049
2015 real property taxable values $438,727,530
Increase in real property taxable value $ 15,305,481
These millage rates will be levied on the 2015 December tax bills.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact Supervisor, Kathy Thurman at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk 395 Mill St. Ortonville, 48462 248/627-2851
Publish in The Citizen 08-29-15
Charter Township of Brandon is currently accepting
proposals for:
Architectural Design & Management Services for the Edna Burton Senior Center Restroom & Kitchen Renovations
Submittal Requirements: Place both proposals for ADA Restrooms design and construction management and for Kitchen design and construction management into one envelope.
Sealed bids are due to the office of Brandon Township Clerk, by 10:00 AM on Thursday, August 27, 2015. (Any bid submitted after 10:00 AM will not be considered).
Charter Township of Brandon
Attn: Clerk’s Office, 395 Mill St. PO Box 929,
Ortonville, MI 48462-0929
The proposal shall be placed in a sealed envelope including all enclosures and labeled as follows:
Architectural Design &
Construction Management Services
for the Edna Burton Senior Center
ADA Restrooms & Kitchen Renovations
Ortonville, MI?
Firm’s Name
Firm’s Address
BID OPENING: at 10:30 a.m. on
Thursday, August 27th, 2015
Charter Township of Brandon
Township Conference Room
395 Mill Street ~ PO Box 929
Ortonville, MI. 48462-0929
DESCRIPTION: The proposal shall include architectural design and construction management services to renovate two (2) ADA restrooms and kitchen at the Edna Burton Senior Center and include a complete set of construction documents (plans and specifications) to meet current Michigan Building Code of sufficient clarity to request contractors to bid the work to be performed as described above. This project is federally funded and requires compliance with HUD.
PROPOSAL: Please include your familiarity with the Davis Bacon program and other federal programs.
Experience with ADA bathrooms.
Experience with ADA kitchens.
Overall project management requirements will include, but not be limited to recommendations to approval
payments and CDBG requirements.
Provide unit costs for all staff capacity and three (3) complete references plus total costs for this project.
POINT SYSTEM: Each candidate will be based on a point system.
20 points ? Total cost
20 points ? Complete references
20 points ? Experience with ADA restrooms
20 points ? Experience with construction management
20 points ? Experience with CDBG
This municipality is an equal opportunity employer, businesses owned by women or minorities are strongly encouraged to bid. Any or all bids may be accepted or rejected by the Brandon Township Board.
For questions or to schedule a walk through at the Edna Burton Senior Center, contact Candee Allen, Clerk at 248-627-2851 or email at by Tuesday, August 25, 2015.
Publish in The Citizen 08-08-15
Charter Township of Brandon
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing August 26, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeals.
Appeal #15-0013 Sidwell #03-24-200-002
Name: Howard Studt
Location: 568 Forest Hills
Request: Applicant requests a variance of 27 feet from ordinance 46-215, Schedule of regulations, Minimum Front Yard Setback.
Appeal #15-0014 Sidewell #03-17-100-043
Name: Jon Sheppard
Location: 130 Pine Tree Lane
Request: To construct an accessory building applicant request two variances:
1. From section 46-242 (1) d. 5, variance of an additional 588 sq. ft.
2. From section 46-242 (1) d. 1, variance of one additional detached structure.
Appeal #15-0015 Sidewell #03-08-200-044
Name: Jason Hallberg
Location: 1999 Oakwood Road
Request: To construct an accessory building applicant request three variances:
1. Zoning ordinance 46-242 (1) c. states that detached accessory building or structures shall not be erected in any residential front yard. Proposed structure is in a front yard by definition.
2. Zoning ordinance 46-215 Schedule of Regulations in the RE zoned district requires a front yard setback of 50 feet. Plans indicate a setback of 25 feet therefore in violation of this ordinance of 25 feet.
3. Zoning ordinance 46-242 (1) d. 5. By calculations allows an accessory structure of 1788 sq. ft. Proposed structure of 1800 square feet is in violation of the ordinance by 12 square feet.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 08-08-15
Brandon Township Parks & Recreation is accepting applications for a Part-Time programming Assistant position. Up to 22 hours per week, must be flexible with working hours.
Job Description is available for review at the recreation office, 395 Mill St. Ortonville, MI 48462.
Preference will be given to existing employees.
Please submit cover letter and resume no later than 12:00 Noon, Date July 31, 2015
Fred Waybrant
Brandon Township Recreation Director
395 Mill St. PO Box 929
Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Questions can be directed to the Recreation Office, (248) 627-4640.
Brandon Township is an equal opportunity employer. It is our policy to make all personnel decisions without discriminating on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, physical disability, mental disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, citizenship status, national or ethnic origin, and any other protected status.?
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 07-18-15, 7-25-15
July 20, 2015
Call to order at 6:30 p.m.
Present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, Rumball, & Thurman. Absent with notice: DeWitt, Lapp.
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the Agenda as amended.
2) Discussed in workshop format drafts of the revised Employment Policies and Procedures and Fire Department Employee Benefits and Policies Manuals.
3) Adjourned at 8:44 p.m.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 07-25-15
The Charter Township of Brandon is accepting sealed bids for : Architectural Design & Management Services for the Edna Burton Senior Center Restroom Renovations, located at 345 Ball Street, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Submittal Requirements:
Sealed bids may be mailed or delivered personally to the office of Brandon Township Clerk Candee Allen, at the following address by 2:00 P. M on Thursday, July 30th, 2015. (Any bid submitted after 2:00 P.M. will not be considered).
Charter Township of Brandon
Attn: Clerk’s Office, 395 Mill St. PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462-0929
The proposal shall be placed in a sealed envelope including all enclosures and labeled as follows:
Architectural Design & Management Services
for the Edna Burton Senior Center
Renovation/Repair & Expansion?
Firm’s Name
Firm’s Address
No faxed or emailed proposals will be accepted.
BID OPENING: at 2:30 p.m. on
Thursday, July 30th, 2015
Conference Room
Charter Township of Brandon Township
395 Mill Street
Ortonville, MI. 48462
The work shall include architectural design and management services to renovate two (2) ADA restrooms at the Edna Burton Senior Center. The design services shall include the designing of and to provide construction documents (plans and specifications) to meet Michigan Building Code 2009 requirements and of sufficient clarity to request contractors to bid the work to be performed as described above.
Please include your familiarity with federal programs.
Experience with ADA bathrooms fixtures, lighting, flooring, etc. design and management.
Include all fees and three (3) references including company name, contact person, address and phone number.
Each candidate will be based on a point system and once proposals are reviewed the award will be given within 30 days.
This municipality is an equal opportunity employer, businesses owned by women or minorities are strongly encouraged to bid. Any or all bids may be accepted or rejected by Brandon Township.
Contact Candee Allen, Clerk at 248-627-2851 or email at with questions.
Publish in The Citizen 07-25-15
Brandon Township Parks & Recreation is accepting applications for a Part-Time programming Assistant position. Up to 22 hours per week, must be flexible with working hours.
Job Description is available for review at the recreation office, 395 Mill St. Ortonville, MI 48462.
Preference will be given to existing employees.
Please submit cover letter and resume no later than 12:00 Noon, Date July 31, 2015
Fred Waybrant
Brandon Township Recreation Director
395 Mill St. PO Box 929
Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Questions can be directed to the Recreation Office, (248) 627-4640.
Brandon Township is an equal opportunity employer. It is our policy to make all personnel decisions without discriminating on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, physical disability, mental disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, citizenship status, national or ethnic origin, and any other protected status.?
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 07-18-15, 7-25-15
July 20, 2015
Call to order at 6:30 p.m.
Present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, Rumball, & Thurman. Absent with notice: DeWitt, Lapp.
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the Agenda as amended.
2) Discussed in workshop format drafts of the revised Employment Policies and Procedures and Fire Department Employee Benefits and Policies Manuals.
3) Adjourned at 8:44 p.m.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 07-25-15
The Charter Township of Brandon is accepting sealed bids for : Architectural Design & Management Services for the Edna Burton Senior Center Restroom Renovations, located at 345 Ball Street, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Submittal Requirements:
Sealed bids may be mailed or delivered personally to the office of Brandon Township Clerk Candee Allen, at the following address by 2:00 P. M on Thursday, July 30th, 2015. (Any bid submitted after 2:00 P.M. will not be considered).
Charter Township of Brandon
Attn: Clerk’s Office, 395 Mill St. PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462-0929
The proposal shall be placed in a sealed envelope including all enclosures and labeled as follows:
Architectural Design & Management Services
for the Edna Burton Senior Center
Renovation/Repair & Expansion?
Firm’s Name
Firm’s Address
No faxed or emailed proposals will be accepted.
BID OPENING: at 2:30 p.m. on
Thursday, July 30th, 2015
Conference Room
Charter Township of Brandon Township
395 Mill Street
Ortonville, MI. 48462
The work shall include architectural design and management services to renovate two (2) ADA restrooms at the Edna Burton Senior Center. The design services shall include the designing of and to provide construction documents (plans and specifications) to meet Michigan Building Code 2009 requirements and of sufficient clarity to request contractors to bid the work to be performed as described above.
Please include your familiarity with federal programs.
Experience with ADA bathrooms fixtures, lighting, flooring, etc. design and management.
Include all fees and three (3) references including company name, contact person, address and phone number.
Each candidate will be based on a point system and once proposals are reviewed the award will be given within 30 days.
This municipality is an equal opportunity employer, businesses owned by women or minorities are strongly encouraged to bid. Any or all bids may be accepted or rejected by Brandon Township.
Contact Candee Allen, Clerk at 248-627-2851 or email at with questions.
Publish in The Citizen 07-25-15
Township is seeking
1. Municipal Life Insurance Services
2. Health Care Insurance Services
3. Workers Compensation Insurance Services
Request for proposals are available at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office, 395 Mill St., Ortonville, MI 48462 and online at -for questions call 248-627-2851.
Brandon Township will accept sealed bids of any proposal or any combination of proposals. Submission deadline is Friday, July 17at 10:00 a.m., with the bid opening to take place at 10:30 a.m. in the Brandon Township Municipal Building. Bids not received by the deadline date and time will be disqualified, no exceptions.
Brandon Township is an equal opportunity employer, businesses owned by women or minorities are strongly encouraged to bid. The Charter Township of Brandon Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids in the discretion of the board.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 07-04-15
Charter Township of Brandon
Planning & Building Department
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing July 22, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeals.
Appeal # 15-0012 Sidwell #03-22-200-060
Name: Joseph Mannino
Location: 300 Sleepy Hollow
Request: Applicant request two variance:
1. A variance to construct an accessory structure in the residential front yard which is not allowed per section 46-242 (1) c.
2. A variance of 9 feet from rear/side yard line per section 46-242 (1) f.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 07-04-15
Charter Township of Brandon is accepting sealed bids
for the Under Floor Space Project at the
Edna Burton Senior Center located at 345 Ball Street, Ortonville, MI 48462
Bid packets are available beginning July 6, 2015 at the Brandon Township’s Clerk’s Office located at 395 Mill Street 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929 Ortonville, MI 48462-0929
Sealed bids will be received until Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at the Brandon Township Clerk’s
Office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462-0929. Bids will not be accepted by fax or email
and will be disqualified if not received by the deadline date and time.
BID OPENING will occur Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. in the large conference of the Brandon
Township Municipal Building.395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462. For questions call 248.627.2851.
The Contractor and Subcontractors on this project must comply with HUD contract provisions 24CFR part
85.36 (i), the Davis-Bacon Act, Nondiscrimination, Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Section 3 requirements, Anti-kickback Act, Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act, and Department Of Labor Standards and Regulations as set forth in the Contract Bid Documents.
Brandon Township is an equal opportunity employer, businesses owned by women and minorities are strongly encouraged to bid.
The Owner reserves the unconditional right to waive any informality or irregularity, reject any or all proposals, or to accept proposals which in the judgment of the Owner will serve its best interests, and to make in its judgment a determination as to the adequacy of the Contractor’s qualifications, experience, and capability.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462-0929.
Publish in The Citizen 07-04-15
JUNE 18, 2015
Present: ?’Allen, Darnall, Rumball & Thurman. Absent with notice: DePalma, DeWitt & Lapp. ?
Approved Agenda as amended; cancelling the scheduled closed session due to lack of quorum.
Approved revised FOIA policy as presented and stipulated.
Discussed in workshop format draft sections revised Employment Policies and Procedures Manual.
Adjourned at 9:12 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 06-27-15
JUNE 1, 2015
Call to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, DeWitt, Rumball, & Thurman. Absent with notice: Lapp. ?
The following actions were taken:
Michigan Municipal Risk Authority gave a presentation
Approved Agenda as corrected
Approved Consent Agenda as presented
Approved 2014 Audit as presented.
Approved Permit for Chamber & DDA Fireworks Display on Saturday, June 20, 2015.
Approved $1,000.00 firework contribution
Approved West Nile Virus Resolution
Received Citizen Comments
Adjourned at 8:04 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Charter Township of Brandon
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing June 24, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeals.
Appeal # 15-0007 Sidwell #03-33-100-067
Name: Dale Whittaker
Location: 2424 Seymour Lake Road
Request: Applicant requests a variance from Section 46-242(1) d. 5. The accessory building will exceed sq. ft. allowed, requiring a variance of 320 sq. ft.
Appeal # 15-0008 Sidewell #03-34-451-017
Name: Barry Patterson
Location: 3888 Morel Lane
Request: Applicant request two variances:
1. To construct an accessory structure in the residential front yard per Section 46-242 (1) c.
2. Applicant requests a variance from Section 46-242(1) d. 5. The accessory building will exceed sq. ft. allowed, requiring a variance of 800 sq. ft.
Appeal # 15-0009 Sidewell #03-16-351-008
Name: David Bratt
Location: 2071 Granger Road
Request: Applicant requests a variance from Section 46-242(1) d. 5. The accessory building will exceed sq. ft. allowed, requiring a variance of 400 sq. ft.
Appeal # 15-0010 Sidewell # 03-26-301-010
Name: Mark LaRaia
Location: 4144 Ramsey Road
Request: Applicant request two variances:
1. A variance from Section 46-242(1) d. 5. The accessory building will exceed sq. ft. allowed, requiring a variance of 400 sq. ft.
2. A variance of 17 feet from side yard line per Section 46-242 (1) f.
Appeal # 15-0011 Sidewell # 03-30-152-022
Name: Steven Ahonen
Location: 487 Aarons Way
Request: Applicant requests a variance from Section 46-215 Schedule of regulations, Minimum Yard Setbacks, Total Side Yard which requires 30 feet. A variance of 2.5 feet would be required for the total side yard setback. Also, a variance of 1? 10? would be required for least side yard.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 06-06-15
May 4, 2015
Call to order at 7:06 p.m.
Present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball, & Thurman. Absent with notice: DeWitt.
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the Agenda as presented.
2) Approved the Consent Agenda as presented.
3) Accepted Citizen Comments on Agenda Items.
4) Approved a proposal for Fire Station 2 and Seymour Lake Cemetery parking lots.
5) Authorized application for a DNR 2015 Iron Bell Trail reimbursement grant.
6) Approved the 2015-2016 Intergovernmental Agreement providing a Police Liaison Officer for Brandon Schools and to contract for an additional Patrol Investigator beginning June 20, 2015.
7) Denied a request by the Brandon Board of Education asking for partial funding for the Police Liaison Officer.
8) Adopted amendments (second reading) to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 46:
a. Article I, Sec. 46-6, Class I Animal.
b. Article I, Sec. 46-6 Definitions (2) Class II Animal, a-f.
c. Article I, Sec. 46-6 Definitions (3) Class III Animal.
d. Sec. 46-282 (b) (3) a. Class III Animal.
9) Approved increasing the township’s half-time Deputy Sheriff Position to full-time.
10) Approved allocating up to $2,000.00 to survey and estimate treatment of invasive plant species along township roadways and authorized application for Oakland County Right-of-Way Treatment Funds.
11) Approved contribution of $2,000.00 to Brandon Groveland Youth Assistance from the 2015 budget.
12) Accepted Citizen Comments.
13) Adjourned at 9:22 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 05-16-2015.
APRIL 21, 2015
Call to order at 6:30 p.m.
Present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, DeWitt, Lapp, Thurman. Absent with notice: Rumball. ?
The following actions were taken:
1) ?’Approved the Agenda as amended.
2) ?’Approved closing the township offices on May 5, 2015 for the special election.
3) Discussed in workshop format:
a) 2015 Police budget amendments.
b) Township goals and financial projections; 2015 – 2018.
4) Adjourned at 9:01 pm.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929,Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 05-02-15
To the Qualified Electors:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Accuracy Test for the May 5, 2015 Special Election has been scheduled for Wednesday, April 22 at 8:30 A.M., the alternate day if necessary will be Thursday, April 23at 8:30 A.M. in the Township Municipal Meeting Room, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI. 48462.
The Public Accuracy Test is conducted to demonstrate that the program and computer that will be used to tabulate the results of the election and counts the votes in the manner prescribed by law.
Candee Allen, Clerk
395 Mill St., PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462-0929
Publish in The Citizen 04-11-15
APRIL 6, 2015
Call to order at 7:03 p.m.
Present: ?’Allen, Darnall, DePalma, DeWitt, Lapp, Rumball, & Thurman. ?
The following actions were taken:
1) ?’Approved Agenda as presented.
2) ?’Approved Consent Agenda as presented.
3) Approved a 2-year park grounds maintenance agreement with Northern Pines Lawn & Landscaping Inc.
4) Approved a 2-year park turf maintenance agreement with TruGreen, Flint.
5) Approved the first reading of an amendment to Chapter 46, Article I, Sec. 46-6 Class II animals.
6) Approved a 2-year cemetery maintenance contract with Northern Pines Lawn & Landscaping, Inc.
7) Approved participation in the Oakland County 2015 West Nile Virus Program.
8) Approved the 2015 Oakland County Road Commission dust control program.
9) Approved road projects with 2015 Tri-Party and road repair funding for gravel and Geo Teck fabric applications.
10) Adjourned at 7:59 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 04-11-15
Request for Proposal
Charter Township of Brandon
PROJECT: Edna Burton Senior Center Insulation and Vapor Barrier Project
OWNER: Charter Township of Brandon Township
P. O. Box 929, 395 Mill Street
Ortonville, MI 48462
Tel: 248-627-2851
Bid packets will be available on Monday, April 6, 2015 at the Clerk’s office between the hours of 8:30 ? 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Sealed bids may be mailed or delivered personally to the office of Brandon Township Clerk at the following address by 3:00 P. M on Thursday, April 16, 2015. (Any bid submitted after 3:00 P.M. will not be considered).
Attn: Clerk’s Office
‘BID PROPOSAL FOR: EBSC Insulation & Vapor Barrier Project?
395 Mill St. PO Box 929
Ortonville, MI 48462-0929
No faxed or e-mailed proposals will be accepted.
BID OPENING: Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 3:30 P.M. at the address listed above in the Conference Room
DESCRIPTION: The work shall include installing vents, insulation and vapor barrier with pea gravel under the main room where accessible.
This is Federally Funded project. The Contractor and Subcontractors on this project must comply with HUD contract provisions 24CFR part 85.36(i), the Davis-Bacon Act, Nondiscrimination, Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Section 3 requirements, Anti-Kickback Act, Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act and Department of Labor Standards and Regulations as set forth in the Contract Bid Documents. This municipality is an equal opportunity employer, businesses owned by women or minorities are strongly encouraged to bid.
The Charter Township of Brandon is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age or disability. Businesses owned by women or minorities are strongly encouraged to bid. Pursuant to Public Act 517 of 2012, individuals who have economic relations with Iran are prohibited from submitting bids on this project.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill St., Ortonville, MI 48462-0929
Publish in The Citizen 04-04-15
Seymour Lake Cemetery will undergo spring clean-up in April. Please remove any personal artifacts, artificial flowers, wreaths and holders, etc. that you wish to retain PRIOR TO APRIL 15, 2015.
After April 15th, all winter remains including wreaths, grave blankets and faded floral arrangements including the holder, and any other items deemed to be unsightly will be removed and disposed of.
Questions can be directed to the Clerk’s office at (248) 627-2851.
Candee Allen
Brandon Township Clerk
395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929
Ortonville, MI 48462
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk,
395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 03-28-15, 04-04-2015
Charter Township of Brandon
Planning & Building Department
395 Mill Street P.O. Box 929 Ortonville, MI. 48462 PH. 248-627-4916
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing April 22, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeals.
Appeal # 15-004 Sidwell #03-32-200-028
Name: Jonathan & Natalie Rascher
Location: 3180 S. Hadley Road
Request: Applicant requests a variance to construct an accessory structure in the residential front yard which is not allowed per Section 46-242 (1) c.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 04-04-15
Seymour Lake Cemetery will undergo spring clean-up in April. Please remove any personal artifacts, artificial flowers, wreaths and holders, etc. that you wish to retain PRIOR TO APRIL 15, 2015.
After April 15th, all winter remains including wreaths, grave blankets and faded floral arrangements including the holder, and any other items deemed to be unsightly will be removed and disposed of.
Questions can be directed to the Clerk’s office at (248) 627-2851.
Candee Allen
Brandon Township Clerk
395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929
Ortonville, MI 48462
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk,
395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 03-28-15, 04-04-2015
MARCH 16, 2015
Call to order at 6:30 p.m.
Present: Darnall, DeWitt, Lapp, Rumball, & Thurman. Absent with notice: Allen, DePalma.
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the Agenda as presented.
2) Awarded Municipal Appraising Services, LLC the township 3-year assessing contract.
3) Approved Kim Feigley as Township Assessor and her 3-year employment agreement as presented.
4) Discussed in workshop format revision of the township Policies & Procedures and the Employee Handbook with Schultz & Young P.C.
5) Adjourned at 7:34 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 03-28-15
To the Qualified Electors of the Brandon Township, County of Oakland:
Notice is hereby given that the last day to register for the May 5, 2015, Primary Election will be Monday, April 6, 2015.
If you are not currently registered to vote or need to register at a new address, you may do so at the following locations and times:
In Person:
? Brandon Township Clerk’s office 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462, Monday ? Friday, 8:30am ? 5:00pm.
? County Elections Division, 1200 N. Telegraph Rd., Pontiac, MI 48341, Monday ? Friday, 8:00am ? 4:30pm.
? Secretary of State Branch Offices ? hours vary.
? At specified agencies for clients receiving services through Family Independence Agency, the Department of Community Health, Michigan Jobs Commission and some offices of the Commission for the Blind.
? At military recruitment offices for persons who are enlisting.
By Mail:
Voter Registration Application – Mail to the election official as directed on the application by the close of registration deadline.
Note: ‘Persons registering by mail are required to vote in person unless they have previously voted in person in the state or are at least 60 years of age or are handicapped.
The election will be conducted in the following voting precinct of Brandon Township for the purpose of Proposal 15-1:
Precinct #1, Brandon Fletcher Intermediate School, 300 South Street
Precinct #2, Brandon Fletcher Intermediate School, 300 South Street
Precinct #3, Oakwood Elementary School, 2839 Oakwood Road
Precinct #4, Brandon Fire Station #2, 3065 S. Sashabaw Road
Precinct #5, Clarkston Lakes Mobile Home Park Clubhouse, 4260 Dogwood Blvd., Clarkston
Precinct #6, Old Town Hall, 486 Mill Street
Full text of the proposal may be obtained from the Brandon Township Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 248-627-2851.
Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk
Publish in The Citizen 03-21-15
Brandon Township Noxious Weed Ordinance, #43, Sec. 18-19 through 18-27, requires property owners to destroy noxious weeds before they reach seed-bearing stage, to prevent such weeds from perpetuating themselves and to prevent such weeds from becoming a detriment to the public health, and further to maintain all varieties of grass and weeds to not exceed the height of 12 inches by June 1st, 2015, and thereafter. Failure of property owners to comply with said duties will result in Brandon Township to enter upon owner’s land and cut or cause said noxious weeds to be destroyed. All expenses incurred in cutting or destroying said weeds shall be paid by the owner and the Township shall have a lien against the land for such expense until collected. Further, any owner who refuses to comply with said ordinance will be subject to a fine as provided for as a municipal civil infraction.
Publish in The Citizen 03-21-15
Charter Township of Brandon
Election Commission Will hold a Meeting Monday, March 16, 2015
6:00 PM
At the Brandon Township Offices
Ortonville, MI 48462
For the purpose of:
A. Approving Minutes of September 22, 2014
B. Appointing Election Inspectors and designating chairpersons per precinct
C. Appointing Election Commission Assistants
D. Appointing Receiving Board members
E. Setting the date and time of Public Accuracy Test
F. Authorizing the Clerk to appoint emergency election workers
Posted by Brandon Township Clerk, Candee Allen
395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462 Phone 248-627-2851
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.?
Posted March 12, 2015
Publish in The Citizen 03-14-15
Brandon Township Land and
Water Conservation Fund 2015 Grant Applications
6:30pm MARCH 25, 2015
Brandon Township Offices,
395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462
The public is encouraged to
attend to provide public comments on:
1.) The 2015 Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant Application for $200,000 with a local match of $100,000 to provide land balancing, two baseball fields, and parking area at the Brandon Township Community Park.
2.) The 2015 Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant Application for $77,200 with a local match of $27,200 to provide a basketball court, volleyball courts and linking pathway at the Brandon Township Community Park.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Persons with disabilities who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting are requested to contact Supervisor Kathy Thurman at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 03-14-15
MARCH 2, 2015
Call to order at 7:03 p.m.
Present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, DeWitt, Lapp, Rumball, & Thurman
The following items were approved:
Agenda as amended
Consent Agenda
Poverty Standards Resolution
Two Recreation DNR Grant Resolutions
Parks & Recreation part-time employees and Site Directors? hourly wage scale
Fire Dispatch Service Agreement with Oakland County
Fire Department ambulance purchase
Fire Department Brush Truck purchase
Fire Department Self Contained Breathing Apparatus purchase
Building Department budget amendment
2015 Clean-Up, Recycling & Refuse Collection Agreement
Cemetery Rules & Regulations revision
Enbridge Woodlands Settlement tree purchase
Schultz & Young, P.C. for Human Resource support
Adjourned at 9:02 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 03-07-15
FEBRUARY 26, 2015
Call to order and Roll Call
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the Agenda as presented.
2) Interviewed for Human Resource Services
3) Reviewed all Human Resource Proposals
3) Adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 03-07-15
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing
March 25, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeals.
Appeal # 15-002 Sidwell #03-09-376-015
Name: James Muz
Location: 2233 Hummer Lake Road (no dwelling)
Request: Applicant requests a 3.5 year extension to maintain an accessory building (barn) on a vacant parcel. Extensions were previously granted by the appeal board on October 27, 2004, January 24, 2007 and March 24, 2010.
Appeal #15-003 Sidwell #03-09-376-014
Name: Brett Crockett
Location: 2211 Hummer Lake Road
Request: Applicant requests a variance of 908 sq. ft. of accessory building per Section 46-242(1) d. 5., to allow for a future land combination with an existing accessory building (barn).
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 03-07-15
The 2015 March Board of Review will meet at the Brandon Township Office at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI on the following dates and times:
Wednesday March 11th 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Thursday March 12th 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
APPOINTMENTS REQUIRED. Please call 248-627-4918 during regular business hours for an appointment. Please have your parcel identification number when calling. All appeals must be accompanied by a completed L-4035 Form ‘Petition to the Board of Review? in order for your appeal to be valid. It is recommended that a detailed explanation, an appraisal and/or other documents be provided to support your appeal. The L-4035 will be provided by the Assessing Office or is available online at the Brandon Township website, or online at :
Letters of appeal are also accepted. They must be received in the Supervisor’s office no later than 5:00 p.m. Thursday, March 12th, 2015.
Applications for Poverty Appeals are available in the Supervisor’s Office. You must show proof of household income by providing current copies of your Federal and State income tax return for 2014 and copies of any other information to prove financial need. Failure to provide the required information will result in denial of the poverty appeal.
The year 2015 tentative equalization ratios and multipliers are:
Agricultural 48.17% 1.0379
Commercial 48.83% 1.0239
Industrial 48.91% 1.0222
Residential 45.78% 1.0921
Publish in The Citizen 02-28-15
Bid proposal is for a cemetery maintenance contract for the following properties.
Seymour Lake Cemetery Shurter Cemetery
Carmer Cemetery Eaton Cemetery
Bald Eagle Lake Cemetery Hummer Rock Site
The Contract term is two years. Your proposal should be divided into two annual prices; spring – fall 2015, spring – fall 2016. Contractor will be paid in monthly payments. Bid packets will be available on March 2, 2015 at the Clerk’s office between the hours of 8:30-5:00 Monday through Friday. Please call the Clerk’s office at 248-627-2851 if you have any questions regarding the Cemetery Maintenance Bid. Bidders assume full responsibility for delivering their bid proposal on time to the designated place. A bid may not be modified, withdrawn or cancelled by the bidder for a period of sixty (60) days after Bid Opening.
Submit your bid proposal no later than 3:00 pm on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 to:
Candee Allen
Brandon Township Clerk
395 Mill Street – P.O. Box 929
Ortonville, Mi. 48462-0929
Bid opening will take place March 18, 2015 at 3:30 p.m. at the Brandon Twp. Municipal Building.
The Charter Township of Brandon reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals. Selection will be based on the submitted cost estimation and an evaluation of listed services. Contractor selection is not based solely on bid amount. The bidder shall also submit a minimum of two references. Please provide a current certificate of insurance with your bid proposal. Finalists may be interviewed to clarify qualifications, the submitted proposal and to ensure a mutual understanding.
The Charter Township of Brandon is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age or disability. Businesses owned by women or minorities are strongly encouraged to bid. Pursuant to Public Act 517 of 2012, individuals who have economic relations with Iran are prohibited from submitting bids on this project.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 02-28-15
FEBRUARY 19, 2015
Call to order and Roll Call
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the Agenda as presented.
2) Interviewed for Human Resource Services
3) Approved employee rollover from John Hancock to MERS Defined
4) Approved Brandon-Ortonville Parks & Recreation Master Plan
Adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 02-28-15
The 2015 March Board of Review will meet at the Brandon Township Office at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI on the following dates and times:
Wednesday March 11th 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Thursday March 12th 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
APPOINTMENTS REQUIRED. Please call 248-627-4918 during regular business hours for an appointment. Please have your parcel identification number when calling. All appeals must be accompanied by a completed L-4035 Form ‘Petition to the Board of Review? in order for your appeal to be valid. It is recommended that a detailed explanation, an appraisal and/or other documents be provided to support your appeal. The L-4035 will be provided by the Assessing Office or is available online at the Brandon Township website, or online at :
Letters of appeal are also accepted. They must be received in the Supervisor’s office no later than 5:00 p.m. Thursday, March 12th, 2015.
Applications for Poverty Appeals are available in the Supervisor’s Office. You must show proof of household income by providing current copies of your Federal and State income tax return for 2014 and copies of any other information to prove financial need. Failure to provide the required information will result in denial of the poverty appeal.
The year 2015 tentative equalization ratios and multipliers are:
Agricultural 48.17% 1.0379
Commercial 48.83% 1.0239
Industrial 48.91% 1.0222
Residential 45.78% 1.0921
Publish in The Citizen 02-28-15
Bid proposal is for a cemetery maintenance contract for the following properties.
Seymour Lake Cemetery Shurter Cemetery
Carmer Cemetery Eaton Cemetery
Bald Eagle Lake Cemetery Hummer Rock Site
The Contract term is two years. Your proposal should be divided into two annual prices; spring – fall 2015, spring – fall 2016. Contractor will be paid in monthly payments. Bid packets will be available on March 2, 2015 at the Clerk’s office between the hours of 8:30-5:00 Monday through Friday. Please call the Clerk’s office at 248-627-2851 if you have any questions regarding the Cemetery Maintenance Bid. Bidders assume full responsibility for delivering their bid proposal on time to the designated place. A bid may not be modified, withdrawn or cancelled by the bidder for a period of sixty (60) days after Bid Opening.
Submit your bid proposal no later than 3:00 pm on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 to:
Candee Allen
Brandon Township Clerk
395 Mill Street – P.O. Box 929
Ortonville, Mi. 48462-0929
Bid opening will take place March 18, 2015 at 3:30 p.m. at the Brandon Twp. Municipal Building.
The Charter Township of Brandon reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals. Selection will be based on the submitted cost estimation and an evaluation of listed services. Contractor selection is not based solely on bid amount. The bidder shall also submit a minimum of two references. Please provide a current certificate of insurance with your bid proposal. Finalists may be interviewed to clarify qualifications, the submitted proposal and to ensure a mutual understanding.
The Charter Township of Brandon is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age or disability. Businesses owned by women or minorities are strongly encouraged to bid. Pursuant to Public Act 517 of 2012, individuals who have economic relations with Iran are prohibited from submitting bids on this project.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 02-28-15
FEBRUARY 19, 2015
Call to order and Roll Call
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the Agenda as presented.
2) Interviewed for Human Resource Services
3) Approved employee rollover from John Hancock to MERS Defined
4) Approved Brandon-Ortonville Parks & Recreation Master Plan
Adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 02-28-15
FEBRUARY 2, 2015
Call to order and Roll Call
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the Agenda as amended.
2) Presented a Service Award to George Buhler, retired from the Planning Commission.
3) Held a Public Hearing for the Parks & Recreation Master Plan.
3) Approved the Consent Agenda as amended:
a. Regular meeting minutes of January 5, 2015
b. Accounts payable
c. Appointment of Lisa LemMon to the Retirement Oversight Committee
4) Postponed adoption of a Parks & Recreation Master Plan to a future meeting.
5) Approved amending the Planning & Building Department 2015 revenue budget.
6) Approved amending 2015 Planning & Building Department budget line items.
7) Approved Cintas contract at Edna Burton Senior Center.
8) Approved a resolution for a speed study on M-15.
9) Approved a Frontier Metro Act Telecommunications Right-of-Way permit as revised.
10) Approved Parks & Recreation, Enbridge Stewardship Grant budget amendment.
11) Approved a resolution to withdraw from the John Hancock Pension Plan.
12) Discussed how to distribute trees to township residents in accordance with the Enbridge Woodlands Settlement Agreement.
13) Approved increased service costs for voter data requests as revised.
14) Approved wage increase for election and maintenance workers.
15) Adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 02-07-15
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing February 25, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeals.
Appeal # 15-001 Sidwell #03-34-300-021
Name: Harry Holmes
Location: 3650 Perry Lake Road
Request: Applicant requests two variances:
1. Increase a nonconforming structure per section 46-488 (1)
2. Add the lean-to on the nonconforming structure in a front yard per section 46-242 (1) c.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 02-07-15
PROJECT: Mowing Maintenance of the Charter Township of Brandon Community Park
AGENCY: Charter Township of Brandon
Brandon Township Parks & Recreation
395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929
Ortonville, MI 48462-0929
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Web Site:
CONTACT: Fred Waybrant, Director of Parks & Recreation.
Ph: 248-627-4640 / Cell 248-830-2397
Fax: 248-627-6560
DEADLINE Date:February 9, 2015
Time: 10:00 a.m.
PROCEDURES: Process: Sealed Bid to Clerk’s office.
Bid Opening: February 9, 2015
at 10:30 a.m.
Bid packets are available at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office at 395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462, (248) 627-2851.
Bids shall be submitted on or before February 9, 2015, 10:00 a.m. Bidders assume full responsibility for delivering their bid proposal on time to the designated place.
A bid may not be modified, withdrawn or cancelled by the bidder for a period of sixty (60) days after Bid Opening.
The Charter Township of Brandon reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. Selection will be based on the submitted cost estimation and an evaluation of listed services. Contractor selection is not based solely on bid amount. The bidder shall also submit a minimum of at least two references. Finalists may be interviewed to clarify qualifications, the submitted proposal and to insure a mutual understanding.
All inquiries regarding this Request for Proposal shall be made to the Brandon Township Parks & Recreation Department Office at 248-627-4640. The Charter Township of Brandon is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age or disability. Businesses owned by women or minorities are strongly encouraged to bid.
Questions can be directed to The Parks & Recreation Director, Fred Waybrant, (248) 627-4640.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 01-17-15
PROJECT: Weed and Feed Maintenance of the Charter Township of Brandon Community Park
AGENCY: Charter Township of Brandon
Brandon Township Parks & Recreation
395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929
Ortonville, MI 48462-0929
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Web Site:
CONTACT: Fred Waybrant,
Director of Parks & Recreation.
Ph: 248-627-4640 / Cell 248-830-2397
Fax: 248-627-6560
DEADLINE Date: February 9, 2015
Time: 1:00 p.m.
PROCEDURES: Process: Sealed Bid to Clerk’s office.
Bid Opening: February 9, 2015
at 1:30 p.m.
Bid packets are available at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office at 395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462, (248) 627-2851.
Bids shall be submitted on or before February 9, 2015, 1:00 p.m. Bidders assume full responsibility for delivering their bid proposal on time to the designated place.
A bid may not be modified, withdrawn or cancelled by the bidder for a period of sixty (60) days after Bid Opening.
The Charter Township of Brandon reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. Selection will be based on the submitted cost estimation and an evaluation of listed services. Contractor selection is not based solely on bid amount. The bidder shall also submit a minimum of at least two references. Finalists may be interviewed to clarify qualifications, the submitted proposal and to insure a mutual understanding.
All inquiries regarding this Request for Proposal shall be made to the Brandon Township Parks & Recreation Department Office at 248-627-4640. The Charter Township of Brandon is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age or disability. Businesses owned by women or minorities are strongly encouraged to bid.
Questions can be directed to The Parks & Recreation Director, Fred Waybrant, (248) 627-4640.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 01-17-15
January 5, 2015
Members present: Thurman, Allen, Darnall, DeWitt, DePalma, Lapp and Rumball.
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the meeting agenda as presented.
2) Approved to move into closed session.
3) Approved minutes of closed session as presented.
4) Approved possible land acquisition.
5) Adjourned at 6:49 P.M.
Publish in The Citizen 01-10-15
January 5, 2015
7:00 P.M.
Charter Township of Brandon
Brandon Township Offices
395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462
Members present: Thurman, Allen, Darnall, DeWitt, DePalma, Lapp and Rumball.
The Board took the following actions:
1) Approved the meeting agenda as amended.
2) Approved the Consent Agenda containing the following:
a. Regular meeting minutes of December 1, 2014.
b. Regular bills in the amount of $144,730.37.
c. Pre-pays in the amount of $200,759.56.
d. Trustee timesheets in the amount of $570.00.
e. Tri-party budget amendment.
f. Appointments to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
g. Appointments to the Planning Commission.
3) Approved hiring of Clerk’s Administrative Assistant/HR Coordinator.
4) Approved requesting an M-15 speed study.
5) Approved the Memorandum of Understanding Invasive Species.
6) Approved as pre-pays all remaining 2014 invoices.
7) Adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Publish in The Citizen 01-10-15
Board of Trustees
The following are dates of the regularly scheduled Meeting that will begin at 7:00 p.m. and will be held at the Brandon Township Municipal Building, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462:
Monday, January 5, 2015 Monday, July 13, 2015
Monday, February 2, 2015 Monday, August 3, 2015
Monday, March 2, 2015 Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Monday, April 6, 2015 Monday, October 5, 2015
Monday, May 4, 2015 Monday, November 2, 2015
Monday, June 1, 2015 Monday, December 7, 2015
The above calendar was approved at the regular board meeting held on December 1, 2014.
Motion by: DeWitt
Seconded by: DePalma
Ayes: 7
Nays: 0
This notice posted in compliance with PA 267 of 1976 as Amended (Open Meetings Act) MCLA 41.72(S) (3) and the American with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Posted Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 12-20-14
DECEMBER 1, 2014
Call to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: ?’Allen, Darnall, DePalma, DeWitt, Lapp, Rumball, & Thurman. ?
The following actions were taken:
1) ?’Approved the Agenda as presented.
2) ?’Held Public Hearing for the 2015 Proposed Budget.
3) Received citizen comments on agenda items.
4) Approved the Consent Agenda.
5) Approved fund balance allocation for Tower Fund.
6) Approved hiring Kay Caryl as Fire Department Administrative Assistant.
7) Approved hiring Colleen Collins Administrative Assistant to the Treasurer.
8) Approved purchase of BS&A software for Planning & Building Department.
9) First readings of the following ordinance amendments:
a) Amendment to modify Sec. 46-6 Article I, Definitions (1).
b) Amendment to modify Sec. 46-6 Article 1, Definitions (3).
c) Amendment to modify Sec. 46-282, Article V, (b) (3) a.
10) Approved flex time for senior center employees on township election days.
11) Approved a resolution approving the 2015 CDBG allocation.
12) Adopted a resolution to reprogram 2014 CDBG funds.
13) Approved applying the Lake Louise Special Assessment District administration fee upon renewal of the current contract.
14) Approved purchase of a telephone system.
15) Approved Fiscal Year 2015 General Appropriations Act.
16) Approved to opt out of PA 152, Public Funded Health Insurance, for 2015.
17) Approved new cemetery lot fees beginning January 1, 2015.
18) Awarded Chesnutt Outdoor Services LLC a 2-year snow plowing contract for the senior center.
19) Approved a 2014 budget amendments and authorizations as presented.
20) Adjourned at 10:38 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 12-06-14
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in accordance with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) requirements a Public Hearing will be held by the Township of Brandon on Monday, December 1, 2014 7:00 p.m. at the Township Municipal Building, 395 Mill St. to receive written and verbal comment regarding the reprogramming of federal CDBG funds as follows:
Existing Account
Activity Number Activity Description Program Year
731696 Senior Center 2014
Changes to the description are available in the Clerk’s Office concerning PY 2014.
All interested citizens are requested to attend the Hearing. Comments will also be received in writing or in person at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office at 395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 until 12:00 PM Tuesday, December 2, 2014.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 11-29-14
TELEPHONE: (248) 627-2851
Brandon Township is soliciting proposals from experienced human resource consultants to provide a wide range of human resource services.
Request for Proposal specifics are available at the Brandon Township Supervisor’s office or on the Brandon Township website at
Deadlines to Submit Proposal
A total of two (2) copies of the proposal shall be submitted in 8 ?? X 11″ format by sealed bid. Completed proposals must be received by 2:00 p.m., Thursday, December 18, 2014. Proposals received after this date and time will not be considered. The bid opening will take place at 2:30 p.m., Thursday, December 18, 2014 at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan. Proposals must remain valid for at least 60 days past the deadline for submittal. All costs incurred for proposal preparation, presentation or contract negotiation shall be the responsibility of the consultant. Questions regarding specifications or handling of proposals shall be directed to the Township Supervisor at (248) 627-4918.
Submittal Requirements
Sealed bids may be mailed or delivered personally to the office of Brandon Township Clerk, Candee Allen, at the following address:
Charter Township of Brandon
Attn: Candee Allen
395 Mill St.
PO Box 929
Ortonville, MI 48462
The proposal shall be placed in a sealed envelope including all enclosures and labeled as follows:
Firm’s Name
Firm’s Address
No faxed or e-mailed proposals will be accepted.
Selection of a Human Resource Consultant will be made at the complete discretion of the Charter Township of Brandon Board of Trustees, which reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals. All submissions or parts thereof become property of Brandon Township and are subject to disclosure under Michigan’s Freedom of Information Act.
Brandon Township reserves the right to waive any informality in any proposal or to reject any or all proposals, in whole or in part, should it be deemed in the Township’s best interests to do so.
Brandon Township is an equal opportunity employer, businesses owned by women or minorities are strongly encouraged to bid.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 11-29-14
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in accordance with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) requirements a Public Hearing will be held by the Township of Brandon on Monday, December 1, 2014 7:00 p.m. at the Township Municipal Building, 395 Mill St. to receive written and verbal comment regarding the reprogramming of federal CDBG funds as follows:
Existing Account
Activity Number Activity Description Program Year
731696 Senior Center 2014
Changes to the description are available in the Clerk’s Office concerning PY 2014.
All interested citizens are requested to attend the Hearing. Comments will also be received in writing or in person at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office at 395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 until 12:00 PM Tuesday, December 2, 2014.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Clarkston News 11-26-14
Applications for 3 year term appointments to the Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Commission are available at the Supervisor’s office located at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI or on the township website at Applicants must be a township resident and registered to vote in Brandon Township. Completed applications are due to the above location by 4:00 p.m. Monday, November 24, 2014. Questions may be directed to the Supervisor’s office at (248) 627-4918.
Brandon Township is an equal opportunity employer. It is our policy to make all personnel decisions without discriminating on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, physical disability, mental disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, citizenship status, national or ethnic origin, and any other protected status.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill St., P.O. Box 929 Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 11-15-14
public hearing
Brandon Township will hold a PUBLIC HEARING at its Regular Meeting on December 1, 2014 at 7:00 pm at 395 Mill St., Ortonville, MI 48462 to receive public comments on the proposed 2015 budget.
A copy of the budget will be available for public inspection at the Clerk’s office after 4:00 pm on November 21, 2014.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill St., P.O. Box 929 Ortonville, MI 48462
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 11-15-14
OCTOBER 21, 2014
Call to order at 6:35 p.m.
Present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, DeWitt, Lapp, Rumball, & Thurman
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the agenda as presented.
2) Announced an open invitation to the public at the Recreation Plan Workshop, October 30, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Brandon Public Library by the Charter Township of Brandon and the Village of Ortonville Planning Commissions soliciting public input.
3) Approved public consideration of township attorney opinions on committee appointments and minute approvals.
4) Voted to dissolve the Parks and Recreation Sub-committee created October 6, 2014.
5) Approved the meeting minutes of September 2, 2014.
6) Discussed in workshop format 2015 proposed budgets: Police, General Fund, Cemetery, Cable, Special Assessment and employee wages.
Adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 11-1-14
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing November 19, 2014 at 7:30 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeals.
Appeal # 018-14 Sidwell #03-30-201-019
Name: Darren & Sheri Micallef
Location: 2385 Island Drive
Request: Applicant requests a variance from Section 46-215 Schedule of regulations, Minimum Yard Setbacks, a variance of 5?-3? would be required for the north side yard setback and the Minimum Front Setback to place a second floor on existing house that is encroaching into the private road. Pursuant to section 46-491 (b) (1) it is a ‘Nonconforming Lot of Record?.
Appeal # 020-14 Sidwell #03-19-454-031
Name: Genevieve Turner
Location: 1844 Viola
Request: Applicant requests a variance from Section 46-215 Schedule of regulations, Minimum Yard Setbacks, Total Side Yard which requires 30 feet. A variance of 20?-0? feet would be required for the total side yard setback. Further, Minimum Yard Setbacks, Least Side yard requires a minimum of 10 feet. A variance of 6?-0? would be required. Pursuant to section 46-491 (b) (1) it is a ‘Nonconforming Lot of Record?.
Appeal # 021-14 Sidwell #03-33-400-026
Name: Vanski Wade
Location: 2595 Clinton Hills Drive
Request: Applicant requests a variance from Section 46-242 (1) d.5. The addition added to existing accessory building will exceed sq. ft. allowed, requiring a variance of 640 sq. ft.
Appeal #022-14 Sidwell #03-30-130-007
Name: Scott Christy
Location: 2257 N. Island Drive
Request: Applicant requests a variance from Section 46-389 (a) to construct a patio within 25 feet of the lake. The patio is 18 feet from the lake, requiring a 7 foot variance.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 11-1-14
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public accuracy test for the November 4, 2014 General Election has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at 8:30 AM, the alternate day if necessary will be Wednesday October 29, 2014 at 8:30 AM in the Township Municipal Meeting Room, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI. 48462.
A public accuracy test is scheduled for the purpose of testing the accuracy of the tabulating equipment and programs which will be used to tabulate voted ballots for the November 4, 2014 General Election in Brandon Township, Oakland County, Michigan.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Persons with disabilities, which require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact Supervisor Kathy Thurman at 248-627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
POSTED BY: Brandon Township Clerk ? Candee Allen – 395 Mill St. Ortonville, MI 48462 – 248 627-2851
Publish in The Citizen 10-25-14
NOVEMBER 4, 2014
To the Qualified Electors:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a General Election will be held in:
Charter Township of Brandon
THE POLLS will be open
7 o’clock a.m. until 8 o’clock p.m.
Precinct 1 & 2 ? Fletcher Intermediate School ? 300 South St., Ortonville
Precinct 3 ? Oakwood Elementary School ? 2839 Oakwood Road, Ortonville
Precinct 4 ? Fire Station #2, 3065 S. Sashabaw Rd., Oxford, Brandon Township
Precinct 5 ? Clarkston Lakes Clubhouse ? 4260 Dogwood Blvd., Clarkston, Brandon Township
Precinct 6 ? Old Town Hall ? 486 Mill Street, Ortonville
Absentee Ballots can be obtained by submitting an application for an absentee ballot to the Clerk no later than Saturday, November 1, 2014, 2:00P.M. Absentee ballots can be voted in the office on Monday, November 3, 2014 up to 4:00PM.
STATE Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State and Attorney General
CONGRESSIONAL United States Senator and Representative in Congress ? 8th District
LEGISLATIVE State Senator ? 14th District and Representative in State Legislature 46th District
STATE BOARDS State Board of Education, University of Michigan Regents, Michigan State University Trustees, Wayne State University Governors
COUNTY County Commissioner ? 3rd District
JUDICIAL Justice of the Supreme Court, Justice of the Supreme Court – Incumbent Position, Judge of Court of Appeals 2nd District ? Incumbent Position, Judge of Circuit Court 6th Circuit ? Incumbent Position, Judge of Circuit Court 6th Circuit ? Non-Incumbent Position, Judge of Probate Court ? Incumbent Position and Judge of District Court 52nd District, 2nd Division ? Incumbent Position.
COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Member ? Oakland Community College
Establishing a hunting season for wolves and authorizing annual wolf hunting seasons.
Public Act 520 of 2012 would:
Granting the Natural Resources Commission the power to designate wolves and certain other animals as game without legislative action.
Full text of State Proposals 14-1 and 14 -2 may be obtained from:
Brandon Township Clerk’s Office
395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462
Monday ? Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
POSTED BY: Brandon Township Clerk ? Candee Allen
395 Mill St. Ortonville, MI 48462 – (248) 627-2851
Publish in The Citizen 10-25-14
Ortonville & brandon twp.
Public meeting for community input on a joint Brandon Township/Village of Ortonville Parks & Recreation Master Plan
Brandon Township and the Village of Ortonville are joining hands to prepare a Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Please come to a public meeting on October 30, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Brandon Township Public Library. You’ll have a chance to tell Township and Village staff and officials your ideas for parks, pathways, and recreation, helping plan for the recreation facilities and programs for the next five years.
The purpose of the recreation plan is to guide the community’s planning and development efforts of the parks, pathways, and recreation over the next five years. The plan serves as the road map to set priorities and allocate resources. It must meet the Michigan Department of Natural Resources guidelines to maintain eligibility for state grant programs.
This input will help set priorities and identify areas for future improvements. Thanks for your help!
For more information please contact Brandon Township Supervisor Kathy Thurman at 248-627-4918 or by email at You may also contact Ortonville Village Manager John Lyons at 248-627-4976 or
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act. Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Township Supervisor at 248-627-4918 or the Village Manager at 248-627-4976 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 10-25-14
OCTOBER 21, 2014
Call to order at 6:35 p.m.
Present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, DeWitt, Lapp, Rumball, & Thurman
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the agenda as presented.
2) Announced an open invitation to the public at the Recreation Plan Workshop, October 30, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Brandon Public Library by the Charter Township of Brandon and the Village of Ortonville Planning Commissions soliciting public input.
3) Approved public consideration of township attorney opinions on committee appointments and minute approvals.
4) Voted to dissolve the Parks and Recreation Sub-committee created October 6, 2014.
5) Approved the meeting minutes of September 2, 2014.
6) Discussed in workshop format 2015 proposed budgets: Police, General Fund, Cemetery, Cable, Special Assessment and employee wages.
Adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929,
Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 11-1-14
OCTOBER 6, 2014
Present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma (late), DeWitt (late), Lapp, Rumball, Thurman
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the Meeting Agenda as presented.
2) Went into Closed Session to consider the purchase or lease of real property.
3) Approved minutes of Closed Session.
4) Adjourned at 6:58 P.M.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 10-11-14
The Brandon Township Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing October 28, 2014 beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Brandon Township Offices at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462.
1. To consider for a “Special Use”
A permit for a home occupation per ordinance 46-204 (c) (9) for motorcycle repairs.
Parcel identification number: 03-27-100-008
Common Description: 3398 Breezewood Court
2. To consider the following Ordinance amendments:
Chapter 46, Article I, Section 46-6 (1), Definitions. Class I animal. Domesticated household pets. “Eliminating the phrase of weighing less than 150 pounds”.
Chapter 46, Article I, Section 46-6 (3), Definitions. Class II animal. Move the phrase, “animals weighing less than 75 pounds not specifically classified as follows”, to the beginning of the definition.
Chapter 46, Article V, Section 46-282 (b) (3a), Regulation of animals. Amend this section to state that 25 class III animals shall be permitted for the first 2? acres and 5 additional class III animals permitted for each full one acre in excess of 2? acres. Adding a maximum of one rooster shall be permitted for each lot or parcel.
For any additional information regarding the above hearing please contact the Brandon Township Planning & Building Department at 248-627-4916.
This meeting is open to ail members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 10-11-14
SEPTEMBER 22, 2014
Call to order at 6:33 p.m.
Members present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, DeWitt, Lapp, Rumball & Thurman
The following actions were taken:
1. Approved the agenda as presented
2. Entered closed session per 15.268, Sec.8 (a) of the Open Meetings Act at 6:36 p.m. and reconvened to open meeting at 9:00 p.m.
3. Approved minutes of the closed session as read in that session.
4. Approved termination of employee Christine Fisher effective September 22, 2014 with all benefits owed to be paid by October 16, 2014.
5. Adjourned at 9:04 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 9-27-14
Horvath Communications, Inc. is planning on constructing a communications tower in Clarkston, MI. Horvath Communications, Inc. has petitioned the Federal Communications Commission for an Antenna Structure Registration utilizing Form 854 with a filing number of A0922285. The tower is generally located in 450 feet west of MI-15/S. Ortonville Road and 855 feet north of Oak Hill Road with an address of approximately 3858 MI-15/S. Ortonville Road, Clarkston, MI 48348. Coordinates of the location are 42? 47? 43.7″ N, 083? 25? 26.1″ W. The project will consist of the construction of a 195? tall monopole tower with appurtenances. The ground space will be developed with a fenced in compound measuring 75? x 75?. The tower will not be lit. Interested persons can review this application by going to: and entering the Form 854 file number of A0922285. Persons who may have environmental concerns about this structure are able to raise such concerns by filing a Request for Environmental Review with the Federal Communications Commission. The Federal Communication Commission strongly encourages interested parties to file a Request for Environmental Review. Interested persons can file a Request for Environmental Review at If you would rather mail in a paper copy you can do so to: FCC Requests for Environmental Review, Attn: Ramon Williams, 445 12th Street SW, Washington, D.C. 20554.
Publish in The Citizen 9-20-14
FOR THE November 4, 2014 Primary ELECTION
To the Qualified Electors of the Brandon Township, County of Oakland:
Notice is hereby given that the last day to register for the November 4, 2014, Primary Election will be Monday, October 6, 2014.
If you are not currently registered to vote or need to register at a new address, you may do so at the following locations and times:
In Person:
? Brandon Township Clerk’s office 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462, Monday ? Friday, 8:30am ? 5:00pm.
? County Elections Division, 1200 N. Telegraph Rd., Pontiac, MI 48341, Monday ? Friday, 8:00am ? 4:30pm.
? Secretary of State Branch Offices ? hours vary.
? At specified agencies for clients receiving services through Family Independence Agency, the Department of Community Health, Michigan Jobs Commission and some offices of the Commission for the Blind.
? At military recruitment offices for persons who are enlisting.
By Mail:
Voter Registration Application -Mail to the election official as directed on the application by the close of registration deadline.
Note: Persons registering by mail are required to vote in person unless they have previously voted in person in the state or are at least 60 years of age or are handicapped.
For more information, please visit or call Brandon Township Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 (248) 627-2851
Publish in The Citizen 9-20-14
Call to Order at 6:00 P.M. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance
Members present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, DeWitt, Lapp, Rumball, & Thurman
? Approved the agenda as presented
? Approved Closed Session minutes
? Adjourned at 6:50 P.M.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 9-13-14
AUGUST 26, 2014
Call to Order at 6:30 P.M.
Members present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, DeWitt, Lapp, Rumball, & Thurman
? Approved the agenda as amended.
Discussed in workshop format:
? 2013 508-Parks & Recreation Budget & Audit
? 2014 508-Parks & Recreation Budget
? 2015 508-Parks & Recreation Budget
Adjourned at 9:55 P.M.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 9-13-14
Present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, DeWitt, Lapp, Rumball, Thurman
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the Meeting Agenda as amended.
2) Conducted the Truth in Taxation Public Hearing.
3) Approved the Consent Agenda as presented:
a) Regular meeting minutes of August 11, 2014.
b) Special meeting minutes of August 18, 2014.
c) Regular bills in the amount of $26,103.92.
d) Pre-pays in the amount of $223,627.47.
e) Trustee time sheets in the amount of $1,045.00.
4) Approved the 2015 Municipal Credit Contract with SMART in the amount of $13,490.00, designating $1,000.00 for youth ski club buses and $12,490.00 to the senior center transportation program.
5) Approved the 2014 millage rates for the Township Operating (1.000), Police Operating (4.2500), Fire Operating (3.800), Fire Equipment & Housing (.5905) and Township Library Debt (.6700) as presented.
6) Approved funding the replacement of tile and carpet in the police sub-station for $7,004.68.
7) Adjourned at 11:18 P.M.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 9-13-14
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing September 24, 2014 at 7:30 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeals.
Appeal # 015-14 Sidwell #03-19-102-010 & 11
Name: Shelly Sammons
Location: 1140 Ortonville Road Lot 10 &11
Request: Applicant request a variance to the consent judgment with Clearwater Campground Association regarding the ‘one weekend per month? requirement and have a caregiver allowed occupancy through the closed season.
Appeal # 014-14 Sidwell #03-19-102-052
Name: James Cartwright
Location: 1140 Ortonville Road Lot 52
Request: Applicant requests a variance to the consent judgment with Clearwater Campground Association regarding the ‘one weekend per month? requirement and have son (Wayne Cartwright) stay with them as a caregiver to allow occupancy through the closed season.
Appeal #016-14 Sidwell #03-05-251-003
Name: Ingrid & Bill Kliffel
Location: 1625 Honert Road
Request: Applicant request two variances:
1. Approval of landscape plan for screening the milk house (pursuant to Appeal #015-03).
2. Extension of variance granted under Appeal #015-03.
Appeal #017-14 Sidwell # 03-04-100-049
Name: George Lauwers
Location: 1837 N. Hadley Road
Request: Applicant requests a variance to build accessory structure in the front yard which is not allowed per Section 46-242 (1) c.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 9-06-14
Brandon Charter Township Planning Focus Group Meeting
Brandon Charter Township is sponsoring a Planning Focus Group Meeting to receive input from the public regarding the Township’s Master Plan. If you are a resident of Brandon Township we need your input.
Join your neighbors and Township officials and exchange ideas on the future of your community. The Brandon Charter Township Master Plan articulates a vision for the Township’s future growth and development. It is the guiding document for future decision-making, outlining the goals and objectives for the Township’s activities for the coming years. The Planning Focus Group Meeting will be informal and its success is dependent upon your participation.
The special workshop will be held on:
September 15: 6:30-8:30 pm
Brandon Township Library
304 South Street
Ortonville, MI. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 8-30-14
AUGUST 11, 2014
Present: Allen, Darnall, DeWitt, Lapp, Rumball, Thurman
Absent: DePalma, with notice
The following actions were taken:
? Approved the Meeting Agenda as amended.
? Approved the Consent Agenda as corrected which contained:
? Regular meeting minutes of 7/7/2014
? Special meeting minutes of 7/30/2014
? Supervisor – Transfer of 2013 funds
? Regular bills in the amount of $24,410.72
? Pre-pays in the amount of $306,583.00
? Trustee time sheets in the amount of $1,425.00
? Awarded the township 2015-2017 audit contract to Pfeffer, Hanniford & Palka for $19,750 per year including additional consulting services at $95.00 hourly.
? Approved a Resolution to oppose the proposed ET Rover Pipeline.
? Approved a Resolution to Re-route the ET Rover Pipeline out of the township.
? Approved the clerk’s office to accept the lowest qualified estimate for painting at the senior center as well as the following budget amendments:
a) Amend Fill-in-Help 101-266-703.000 from $2,000.00 to $500.00
b) Amend Operating Supplies 101-266-740.000 from $4,600.00 to $3,600.00
c) Amend Senior Newsletter 101-266-741.000 from $1,000.00 to $0.00
d) Amend Senior Education 101-266-960.000 from $500.00 to $0.00
e) Amend Equipment 101-266-977.000 from $1,000.00 to $0.00
f) Amend Equipment Capital Outlay 101-266-977.100 from $1,000.00 to $0.00
g) Amend Janitorial Wages 101-266-707.00 from $6,000.00 to $7,000.00
h) Amend Building Renovations 101-266-975.000 from $0.00 to $5,000.00
? Approved transfer of $15,000.00 from General Fund 101-944-985.000 into Cemetery 209-203-702-101 for cemetery maintenance and amended line item 209-203-702-000 from $6,500.00 to $21,500.00.
? Approved correction in the Meeting Minutes of July 23, 2014.
? Adjourned at 8:11 P.M.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 8-23-14
The Charter Township of Brandon will hold a public hearing within its? regularly scheduled meeting on September 02, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. At 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan for the purpose of receiving public comment on the proposed millage rates for 2014.
The proposed 2014 millage rates are:
Year 2013 2014 Maximum allowable
Township Operating 1.0000 1.0000 1.0046
Police Operating .5286 4.2500 4.2500 Fire Operating 3.2983 3.8000 5.0000
Fire Equipment & Housing .8922 .5905 5.0000
Township Debt (Library) .7000 .6700 .9530
Total 9.4191 10.3105 16.2076
Millage roll back factor 1.0000
2013 taxable values for (real and personal) $433,781,291
2014 taxable values for (real and personal $443,578,669
Increase in taxable values of $ 9,797,378
PLEASE NOTE: Fire millage rates will be levied on real property only.
All other millages are levied on real and personal.
2013 real property taxable values $413,328,631
2014 real property taxable values $423,422,049
Increase in real property taxable value $10,093,418
These millage rates will be levied on the 2014 December tax bills.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact Supervisor, Kathy Thurman at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk 395 Mill St. Ortonville, 48462 248/627-2851
Publish in The Citizen 8-23-14
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing August 27, 2014 at 7:30 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeals.
Appeal # 013-14 Sidwell #03-25-301-007
Name: James Mellema
Location: 5215 Seymour Lake Road
Request: Applicant requests a variance to construct an accessory structure in the front of the home per section 46-242 (1) c.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 8-9-14
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing August 27, 2014 at 7:30 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeals.
Appeal # 013-14 Sidwell #03-25-301-007
Name: James Mellema
Location: 5215 Seymour Lake Road
Request: Applicant requests a variance to construct an accessory structure in the front of the home per section 46-242 (1) c.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 8-9-14
County of Oakland, Michigan
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Brandon Township Public Library, County of Oakland, State of Michigan, will hold a public hearing on Monday, the 27th day of August 2014, at 6:45 p.m. in the Community Room of the Brandon Township Public Library, 304 South Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462, to consider the approval and adoption of the operating budget of the Brandon Township Public Library for fiscal year 2015.
Copies of the proposed budget are on file at the Brandon Township Public Library, 304 South Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462, for inspection during regular business hours. At the public hearing, all citizens, taxpayers, and property owners of the Brandon Township Public Library District, County of Oakland, Michigan, shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard in regard to the approval of the budget.
This notice is given by order of the Board of Trustees of the Brandon Township Public Library, County of Oakland, Michigan.
Dr. Royann Hassinger
Secretary, Board of Trustees
Brandon Township Public Library
304 South Street
Ortonville, MI 48462
County of Oakland
State of Michigan
Any citizen requesting accommodation to attend this meeting, please contact the Brandon Township Public Library at 248-627-1460.
To obtain this notice in alternate formats please contact the Brandon Township Public Library at 248-627- 1460.
Copies of the Budget may be obtained at the Library’s front checkout desk.
Publish in The Citizen 8-9-14
JULY 23, 2014
Members’present:’Allen, Darnall,’DeWitt,’Lapp,? Rumball’and’Thurman?? Absent:’DePalma’with’notice? The’following’actions’were’taken:
1) Approved’the’meeting’agenda’as’presented.?
2) Approved’Special’Meeting’minutes? of’June?30,?2014.?
3) Motion’failed’to’allow’the’Clerk’to? abstain’from’voting’on’hay’contract.?
4) Awarded’the’hay’contract’on’Hadley’Road’to? Rocan’Services.?
5) Approved’termination’of’the’part time’employee’in’the’Treasurer’s’Office.?
6) Amended’Township’policies?2.7?
(a)’Suspension’or’Discharge’and?2.13’General? Employment’Information A,’B’and’C.
7) Rewarded’the’CDBG’flooring contract? to’Conventional’Carpets,’Inc.
8) Adjourned’at?6:34’P.M.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Published in The Citizen 8-2-14
AUGUST 5, 2014
To the Qualified Electors:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Accuracy Test for the August 5, 2014 Primary Election has been scheduled for Wednesday, July 30, 2014 at 8:30 AM, the alternate day if necessary will be Thursday, July 31, 2014 at 8:30 AM in the Township Municipal Meeting Room, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI. 48462.
The Public Accuracy Test is conducted to demonstrate that the program and computer that will be used to tabulate the results of the election and counts the votes in the manner prescribed by law.
Candee Allen, Clerk
395 Mill St., PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462-0929
Publish in The Citizen 7-26-14
Charter Township of Brandon
AUGUST 5, 2014
Charter Township of Brandon
To the Qualified Electors of the Brandon Township, County of Oakland:
Notice is hereby given that a Primary Election will be held in the Brandon Township, County of Governor, United States Senator 26District, Representative in Congress 8District, State Oakland on Tuesday, August 5th, 2014 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. for the purpose of electing candidates for the following offices: Governor, United States Senator 26th District, Representative, in Congress 8th District, State Senator 14th District, Representative in State Legislature 46th District, County Commissioner 3rd District, Delegate to County Convention.
And to vote on the following proposals
14-1 Amendatory Act to Reduce State Use Tax and Replace with A Local Community Stabilization Share to Modernize the Tax System to Help Small Businesses Grow and Create Jobs.
Township Police Millage
The polling place locations for said election are as follows:
Precinct #1, Brandon Fletcher Intermediate School, 300 South Street
Precinct #2, Brandon Fletcher Intermediate School, 300 South Street
Precinct #3, Oakwood Elementary School, 2839 Oakwood Road
Precinct #4, Brandon Fire Station #2, 3065 S. Sashabaw Road
Precinct #5, Clarkston Lakes Mobile Home Park Clubhouse, 4260 Dogwood Blvd., Clarkston
Precinct #6, Old Town Hall, 486 Mill Street
For assistance in determining the accessibility of the polling place locations and the availability of voting instructions in alternative formats such as audio and Braille, please contact the Brandon Township clerk’s office.
Persons wishing to obtain an absentee ballot may do so by contacting the Brandon Township clerk’s office. The Clerk, or their designee, will be available in the Clerk’s Office on the Saturday preceding the election, August 2nd, until 2:00 p.m., the deadline for requesting an absentee ballot which will be mailed.
For names of candidates, full text of proposals or any other information, please contact the Brandon Township Clerk’s Office at 248-627-2851.
Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk
Brandon Township Municipal Building
395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462
Phone 248-627-2851
Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk
JULY 7, 2014
Members present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, DeWitt, Lapp, Rumball, Thurman
Members absent: None
1) Approved Agenda as Amended.
2) Approved Consent Agenda as Amended, Which Contained the Following Items:
? Regular Meeting Minutes of June 2, 2014
? Regular Bills in the Amount of $58,873.77
? Pre-pays in the Amount of $277,331.63
? Trustee Timesheets in the amount of $1,330.00
3) Approved Supervisor – 2013 Audit Report
4) Approved Clerk – CDBG Award Flooring Bid
5) Approved rejecting the bid from Thornberry Lawn Care, LLC on the CDBG Cemetery contract and allow the clerk to hire a lawn maintenance company for no more than $400 per week until a new contract is awarded
6) Approved taking no action on Oakland County 2014 Foreclosed properties
7) Approved postponing discussion of Special Meeting Minutes of June 30, 2014
8) Meeting Adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 7-12-14
June 30, 2014
Call to Order at 6:34 P.M.
Members present: Allen, Darnall, DeWitt, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball, Thurman
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the meeting agenda as amended.
2) Held a Public Hearing for the Community Development Block Grant 2012 and 2013 Reprogramming.
3) Citizen Comments included asking for township support in paving a portion of Oakhill Road as well as future consideration to improve local trails used for hiking and bicycling.
4) Approved Michigan Township Association dues payment of $5,189.00.
5) Approved PY 2012 and PY2013 Community Development Block Grant Reprogramming Resolutions.
6) Approved advertising bidding on hay harvesting on the township’s Hadley Road property.
7) Discussed in workshop format the township’s Strategic Plan.
8) Adjourned at 9:21 P.M.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 7-05-14
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing July 23, 2014 at 7:30 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeals.
Appeal # 008-14 Sidwell # 03-30-131-009
Name: James & Judith Johnston
Location: 2364 S. Island Dr.
Request: Applicant requests a variance from section 46-215 Schedule of regulations, Minimum yard setbacks, total side yard which requires 30 feet. Also a variance of 17?4″ feet would be required for the total side yard setback. Variances required because of ‘Non-Conforming lot of record? per section 46-491 (b) (1).
Appeal # 009-14 Sidwell # 03-35-300-002
Name: Thomas Trese
Location: 5390 Oakhill Road
Request: Applicant requests a side yard variance of 20 feet to build an accessory structure 5 feet from side property line per section 46-242 (1) f. 25 feet required.
Appeal # 010-14 Sidwell # 03-02-200-010
Name: Charles Burd
Location: 3595 Davison Lake Road
Request: Applicant requests a side yard variance of 21 feet to put addition onto home 4 feet from side property line per section 46-242 (1) f. 25 feet required.
Appeal # 011-14 Sidwell # 03-30-127-009
Name: Michael Ezyk
Location: 2140 Dunwoodie
Request: Applicant requests a side yard variance of 8 feet to construct deck 2 feet from side property line and requesting a variance of 15 feet to construct a walk way 20 feet from front property line per section 46-215 of a ‘Non-Conforming lot of record? per section 46-491 (b) (1)
Appeal # 012-14 Sidwell # 03-12-227-007
Name: Sylvia Runyon
Location: 5870 Oakwood Road
Request: Applicant requests a variance to construct an accessory structure in the front of the home per section 46-242 (1) c.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 7-05-14
Public notice
Charter Township of Brandon
To the Qualified Electors of the Charter Township of Brandon, County of Oakland:
Notice is hereby given that the last day to register for the August 5, 2014, Primary Election will be Monday, July 7, 2014. If you are not currently registered to vote or need to register at a new address, you may do so at the following locations and times:
In Person:
? Brandon Township Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462 Monday ? Friday 8:30am ? 5:00pm.
? County Elections Division, 1200 N. Telegraph Rd., Pontiac, MI 48341, Monday ? Friday, 8:00am ? 4:30pm.
? Secretary of State Branch Offices.
? At specified agencies for clients receiving services through Family Independence Agency, the Department of Community Health, Michigan Jobs Commission and some offices of the Commission for the Blind.
? At military recruitment offices for persons who are enlisting.
By Mail:
? Voter Registration Application – Mail to the election official as directed on the application by the close of registration deadline.
Note: Persons registering by mail are required to vote in person unless they have previously voted in person in the state or are at least 60 years of age or are handicapped.
The election will be conducted in all voting precincts of the Charter Township of Brandon for the purpose of nominating candidates for the following offices:
State Governor
Congressional United States Senator and Representatives in Congress
Legislative Representative in State Legislature
County County Commissioner
Delegate Delegate to County Convention of the Republican and Democratic Parties
Full text of the State Proposal 14-1 and Township Police Millage proposal(s) may be obtained from:
Brandon Township Municipal Building
395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462
Phone 248-627-2851
Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk
Publish in The Citizen 6-21-14
The Brandon Township Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing June 24, 2014 beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Brandon Township Offices at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462.
To consider for a ‘Special Use? permit for a home occupation per ordinance 46-204 (c) (9) for on-line sales of fire arms and accessories.
Parcel identification number: 03-20-101-011
Common Description: 825 E. Glass Road
For any additional information regarding the above hearing please contact Bill Dinnan at Brandon Township Planning & Building Department at 248-627-4916.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting
Richard Lowthian, Chairman
Brandon Township Planning Commission
Publish in The Citizen 6-07-14
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing June 25, 2014 at 7:30 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeal.
Appeal # 006-14 Sidwell # 03-19-352-036
Name: Craig Worline
Location: 385 W. Glass
Request: Applicant requests a front yard setback variance of 17 feet to construct attached garage 18 feet from front property line. Per 46-215 Schedule of regulations 35 feet is required.
Appeal # 007-14 Sidwell # 03-16-351-006
Name: Christopher Johnson
Location: 951 S. Hadley Road
Request: Applicant needs a side yard variance of 12 feet to construct attached garage 13 feet from side property line. Per 46-215 Schedule of regulations 25 feet is required.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248-627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 6-07-14
Bid proposal is for a cemetery maintenance contract for the following properties.
Seymour Lake Cemetery Shurter Cemetery
Carmer Cemetery Eaton Cemetery
Bald Eagle Lake Cemetery Hummer Rock Site
The Contract term is 5 months. Contractor will be paid in monthly payments. Bid packets will be available on June 9, 2014 at the Clerk’s office between the hours of 8:30-5:00 Monday through Friday. Please call the Clerk’s office at 248-627-2851 if you have any questions regarding the Cemetery Maintenance Bid. Bidders assume full responsibility for delivering their bid proposal on time to the designated place. A bid may not be modified, withdrawn or cancelled by the bidder for a period of sixty (60) days after Bid Opening.
Submit your bid proposal no later than 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 24, 2014 to:
Brandon Township Clerk
395 Mill Street – P.O. Box 929
Ortonville, Mi. 48462-0929
Bid opening will take place June 24, 2014 at 3:30 p.m. at the Brandon Twp. Municipal Building.
The Charter Township of Brandon reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals. Selection will be based on the submitted cost estimation and an evaluation of listed services. Contractor selection is not based solely on bid amount. The bidder shall also submit a minimum of two references. Please provide a current certificate of insurance with your bid proposal. Finalists may be interviewed to clarify qualifications, the submitted proposal and to ensure a mutual understanding.
The Charter Township of Brandon is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age or disability. Businesses owned by women or minorities are strongly encouraged to bid. Pursuant to Public Act 517 of 2012, individuals who have economic relations with Iran are prohibited from submitting bids on this project.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 6-07-14
June 2, 2014
Members present: Allen, Darnall, DeWitt, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball, Thurman
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the meeting agenda as amended.
2) Approved the Consent Agenda containing the following:
a. Regular Minutes of May 5, 2014
b. Regular Bills in the amount of $20,864.06
c. Prepays in the amount of $509,663.54
d. Trustee timesheets in the amount of $380.00
3) Approved hiring Brenda Cadarette as Administrative Assistant to the Director of Planning and Building.
4) Approved contributing $1,000.00 to the cost of the 2014 fireworks, pending MTA approval.
5) Approved the Metro Act Right of Way Permit Extension Agreement with AT&T.
6) Approved the Intergovernmental Agreement providing a police liaison officer for Brandon Schools.
7) Postponed payment approval of Michigan Townships Association dues to the June 30, 2014 Special Meeting.
8) Approved the 2015-2017 Community Development Block Grant Cooperation Agreements and Resolution 239-14 renewing it for those years.
9) Approved Ehresman Associates, Inc. as the bidding and construction agent for the CDBG flooring project at the senior center in the amount of $2,640.00.
10) Approved hiring Thornberry Lawn Care, LLC as temporary maintenance contractor pending approval of a new contract for cemetery maintenance.
11) Adjourned at 8:33 PM.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 6-07-14
The Brandon Township Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing May 27, 2014 beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Brandon Township Offices at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462.
To consider for a ‘Special Use? approval in an RE Zoned District for parking, signage, and structures pursuant to GAAMP for Farm markets. Ordinance 46-204 (c) (8).
Parcel identification number: 03-11-200-025
Common Description: 4790 Oakwood Road
For any additional information regarding the above hearing please contact Bill Dinnan at Brandon Township Planning & Building Department at 248-627-4916.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Brandon Township Planning Commission
Publish in The Citizen 5-10-14
MAY 5, 2014
Members present: Allen, DeWitt, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball, Thurman
Absent with notice: Darnall
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the meeting agenda as presented.
2) Approved the Consent Agenda with the following:
1. Regular meeting minutes of April 7, 2014
2. Special meeting minutes of April 22, 2014
3. Special meeting minutes of April 28, 2014
4. Regular Bills in the amount of $9,206.63
5. Prepays in the amount of $236,773.60
6. Trustee timesheets in the amount of $1,520.00
3) Approved hiring Nichole Medlock as part-time Administrative Assistant to the Treasurer.
4) Approved hiring Amy Ferree as part-time Janitor for the Police Substation.
5) Approved an agreement with AccuMed Billing Services for the Fire Department.
6) Approved an agreement with ESO Solutions for the Fire Department.
7) Approved the Community Fireworks Display to be held June 21, 2014. (rain date, June 22)
8) Adopted an Oakland County Solid Waste Management Plan Amendment Resolution.
9) Approved the Community Development Block Grant 2014 Emergency Service allocation to the Ortonville Community Emergency Fund (OCEF.)
10) Approved a resolution to purchase and receive reimbursement for mosquito control products under Oakland County’s 2014 West Nile Virus Fund Program.
11) Adjourned at 8:02 P.M.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 5-10-14
APRIL 28, 2014
Members present: Allen, Darnall, DeWitt, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball and Thurman
1) Approved the meeting agenda as presented
2) Approved new police ballot language
3) Approved contract for CDBG Architectural Design Service Contract for flooring project at Edna Burton Senior Center
4) There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:15PM
A full copy of the regular minutes of April 28th for 2014 Police Ballot Language and CDBG Architectural Design Services are available in the Clerk’s Office, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 5-3-14
Charter Township of Brandon
2013 Program Year
Brandon Township is requesting sealed bids under Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Guidelines to provide the following services for the 2013 program year.
Please bid on the following service listed below. Brandon Township has allocated $4,000.00 to reimburse a nonprofit agency for emergency food vouchers to be expended at the Ortonville Community Emergency Food Pantry, emergency food and or personal care vouchers to be expended at Cook’s Farm Dairy and or Bueche’s Food World II for low and moderate income families in Brandon Township.
Your bid will be evaluated on the following criteria:
1. How familiar you are with Community Development Block Grant and HUD regulations.
2. Your capability to administer the program, intake and eligibility of low to moderate clients.
3. The dollar amount awarded for each personal care voucher per week per household.
4. The dollar amount awarded for each food voucher per week per household.
All sealed bids are due by 12:00 P.M. on April 30, 2014 to the Brandon Township Clerk, Candee Allen, at: 395 Mill Street. P.O. Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462-0929
Bids will be opened at 12:30 p.m. on April 30, 2014 and submitted to the Brandon Township Board of Trustees the regular scheduled Board Meeting of May 5, 2014.
The Charter Township of Brandon is an equal opportunity employer, businesses owned by women or minorities are strongly encouraged to bid. The Township reserves the right to reject any and all bids at the designated meeting and to extend the bidding period.
Questions can be directed to the Brandon Township Clerk, (248) 627-2851.
Publish in The Citizen 4-26-14
April 22, 2014
Present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma (arrived 8:00 P.M. with notice), DeWitt, Lapp, Rumball, and Thurman the following actions were taken:
1) Approved the meeting agenda as amended.
2) Discussed Township Policies and Procedures in workshop format.
3) Deferred final police millage ballot language to a special meeting.
4) Approved Parks and Recreation Department staff purchases their own work apparel.
5) Approved the Qualified Voter File Grant Agreement with the State of Michigan.
6) Adjourned at 9:43 P.M.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 4-26-14
To amend that zoning ordinance and map for proposed rezoning of parcel A (03-35-151-027) and Parcel B (03-35-151-028) from RE Rural Estate to R1A Single Family Residential
Chapter 46, Article I. Section 46-6, Definitions. Building height.
Amend this section to modify how building heights are measured to have a maximum height of any structure at 35 feet.
Chapter 46, Appendix A. Figures. Section 2.
Delete this figure for measuring heights of structures to match the above amendment
Chapter 46, Article II, Section 46-166 Change reference section from 46-38 to 46-37. There is no 46-38
Chapter 46, Article III, Section 46-215, Schedule of regulations
Amend table by deleting inappropriate footnotes and inserting others to meet the current ordinance and the proposed amendments
Chapter 46, Article III, section 46-216 (i) Footnotes to schedule of regulations deleting reference to section 10.04 and adding section 46-363.
Chapter 46, Article IV, Section 46-242 (1)(g). Accessory buildings and structures.
Amend this section to modify heights of accessory buildings and structures to be compatible with the modification of 46-6.
Chapter 46, Article IV, Section 46-242(1)(e). Accessory buildings and structures.
Amend this section to correct a numbering error referencing another section.
Chapter 46, Article IV, Section 46-282 (b) (2) a. Regulation of animals.
Amend this section to allow horses to be regulated as other Class II animals.
Adoption: 4/7/14
Published: 4/12/14
Effective: 4/14/14
Complete text of the proposed ordinance amendments can found on the Brandon Township website or at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office located at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI. For further information please contact the Clerk’s office at (248) 627-2851.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 4-12-14
April 7, 2014
Call to order: 7:00 PM.
Present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, DeWitt, Lapp, Rumball, Thurman
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the meeting agenda as amended.
2) Citizen Comments: Received comments addressing Enbridge Energy request to extend work hours. Received comment addressing funding for senior center trip transportation.
3) Approved the amended consent agenda containing the following:
a. Regular Minutes of March 3, 2014.
b. Special Meeting Minutes of February 26, 2014.
c. Regular Bills in the amount of $27,658.61.
d. Prepays in the amount of $247,180.51.
e. Trustee timesheets in the amount of $1,140.00.
f. Special Meeting Minutes of March 26, 2014
4) Denied Enbridge Energy extended work hours; stipulating 7:00 am to 8:00 pm only. Adopted separately, after second readings, each of the following Amendments to the Code of Ordinances, Charter Township of Brandon, County of Oakland, MI:
a) Amendment rezoning Parcels 03-35-151-027 & 03-35-151-028 to R1-A.
b) Amendment to 46-6.
c) Amendment to Appendix A, Sec. 2.
d) Amendment to Section 46-166 (b).
e) Amendment to Chapter 46, Sec. 46-215.
f) Amendment to 46-216 (i).
g) Amendment to 46-242, Sec. (1) g.
h) Amendment to 46-242, Sec. (1) e.
i) Amendment to 46-282, Sec. (b) (2) a.
5) Approved 2014 Dust Control Program with Oakland County Road Road Commission.
6) Approved hiring of part-time janitor applicant Wendi Hardin.
7) Approved hiring part-time police clerical applicant Gary Godschalk.
8) Authorized termination of enhanced township listing with Super Media.
9) Citizen Comments – Received information on Oakland County Recreation Assistance Program transportation. Received comments from Boy Scout Troop 139, attending for Citizenship in the Community merit work.
10) Adjourned 8:46 PM.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 4-12-14
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing April 23, 2014 at 7:30 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeal.
Appeal # 002-14 Sidwell # 03-19-451-023
Name: Kal Kazak
Location: 2050 Ortonville Road
Request: Applicant requests a variance from a non-conforming lot of record per section 46-491 (b) (1). Also variances on side yards per section 46-2146-491 (b) (4).
Appeal # 003-14 Sidwell # 03-08-151-007
Name: Jason Oles
Location: 1143 Oakwood Road
Request: Applicant requests a variance to build accessory structure in front yard set back which is not allowed per Section 46-242 (1) c.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248-627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 4-5-14
MARCH 26, 2014
Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call
Approved agenda as presented
New Business
A. Approved Recreation Passport Grant Resolution
Discussed township section one of policies and operational procedures
A full copy of the draft minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 4-5-14
Seymour Lake Cemetery will undergo spring clean-up in April, 2014. Please remove any personal artifacts, artificial flowers, wreaths and holders, Etc. that you wish to retain PRIOR TO APRIL 15, 2014
After April 15th, all winter remains including wreaths, grave blankets’ and faded floral arrangements including the holder land any other items deemed to be unsightly will be removed and disposed of by township employees.
Questions can be directed to Clerk’s office at (248) 627-2851.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 3/22/14, 3/29/14 and 4/5/14
Seymour Lake Cemetery will undergo spring clean-up in April, 2014. Please remove any personal artifacts, artificial flowers, wreaths and holders, Etc. that you wish to retain PRIOR TO APRIL 15, 2014
After April 15th, all winter remains including wreaths, grave blankets’ and faded floral arrangements including the holder land any other items deemed to be unsightly will be removed and disposed of by township employees.
Questions can be directed to Clerk’s office at (248) 627-2851.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 3/22/14, 3/29/14 and 4/5/14
Seymour Lake Cemetery will undergo spring clean-up in April, 2014. Please remove any personal artifacts, artificial flowers, wreaths and holders, Etc. that you wish to retain PRIOR TO APRIL 15, 2014
After April 15th, all winter remains including wreaths, grave blankets’ and faded floral arrangements including the holder land any other items deemed to be unsightly will be removed and disposed of by township employees.
Questions can be directed to Clerk’s office at (248) 627-2851.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 3/22/14, 3/29/14 and 4/5/14
The Charter Township of Brandon will be considering for adoption amendments and additions to the following ordinances at their April 7, 2014 regularly scheduled board meeting:
To amend that zoning ordinance and map for proposed rezoning of parcel A (03-35-151-027) and Parcel B (03-35-151-028) from RE Rural Estate to R1A Single Family Residential
Chapter 46, Article I. Section 46-6, Definitions. Building height.
Amend this section to modify how building heights are measured to have a maximum height of any structure at 35 feet.
Chapter 46, Appendix A. Figures. Section 2.
Delete this figure for measuring heights of structures to match the above amendment
Chapter 46, Article II, Section 46-166 Change reference section from 46-38 to 46-37. There is no 46-38
Chapter 46, Article III, Section 46-215, Schedule of regulations
Amend table by deleting inappropriate footnotes and inserting others to meet the current ordinance and the proposed amendments
Chapter 46, Article III, section 46-216 (i) Footnotes to schedule of regulations deleting reference to section 10.04 and adding section 46-363.
Chapter 46, Article IV, Section 46-242 (1)(g). Accessory buildings and structures.
Amend this section to modify heights of accessory buildings and structures to be compatible with the modification of 46-6.
Chapter 46, Article IV, Section 46-242(1)(e). Accessory buildings and structures.
Amend this section to correct a numbering error referencing another section.
Chapter 46, Article IV, Section 46-282 (b) (2) a. Regulation of animals.
Amend this section to allow horses to be regulated as other Class II animals.
Complete text of the proposed ordinance amendments can found on the Brandon Township website or at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office located at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI. For further information please contact the Clerk’s office at (248) 627-2851.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 3-15-14
MARCH 3, 2014
Members present: Allen, Darnall, DeWitt, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball, Thurman
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the meeting agenda as presented.
2) Approved the Consent Agenda containing the following:
a. Regular Minutes of February 3, 2014.
b. Regular Bills in the amount of $22,639.96
c. Prepays in the amount of $307,208.26
d. Trustee timesheets in the amount of $760.00
3) Citizen Comments ? A citizen commented on the Fire Insurance Withholding Resolution.
4) Defeated the motion to implement Fire Insurance Withholding.
5) Approved Verizon Wireless as a provider on the Township’s Seymour Lake Road tower.
6) Approved Police Millage language for the August 5, 2014 election ballot.
7) Approved separately each of the following proposed amendments to the Code of Ordinances, Charter Township of Brandon, County of Oakland, MI:
a) 1st Reading: amendment rezoning Parcels 03-35-151-027 & 03-35-151-028 to R1-A.
b) 1st Reading: amendment to 46-6.
c) 1st Reading: amendment to Appendix A, Sec. 2.
d) 1st Reading: amendment to Section 46-166 (b).
e) 1st Reading: amendment to Chapter 46, Sec. 46-215.
f) 1st Reading: amendment to 46-216 (i).
g) 1st Reading: amendment to 46-242, Sec. (1) g.
h) 1st Reading: amendment to 46-242, Sec. (1) e.
i) 1st Reading: amendment to 46-282, Sec. (b) (2) a.
8) Approved: Interlocal Agreement for Election Services between Oakland County and the Charter Township of Brandon for a period 5 years.
9) Approved: Request from M-DOT for temporary construction work between the hours of 8:00 PM. and 7:00 AM Monday thru Saturday, on M-15 between Wolf and Oakhill Roads.
10) Approved: 3 year OTV renewal lease at 433 Mill Street in Brandon Township.
11) Appointed Clerk Allen, Trustee Lapp and Trustee Rumball to the Charter Township of Brandon Election Commission, for terms expiring November 20, 2016.
12) Authorized commitment of the Township’s budgeted 2014 Tri-Party funds to the Sashabaw Paving Project and move $15,000.00 from Tri-Party line item 101-464-776-000 to committed Tri-Party Projects 250-000-390-464.
13) Citizen Comments ? A citizen addressed issues with the building department.
14) Adjourned at 9:27 PM.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 3-15-14
FEBRUARY 26, 2014
6:34 p.m.
Present: Allen, DeWitt, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball, Thurman
Absent: Darnall (with notice)
1) Approved agenda
2) Discussed:
? Police Millage Ballot Language
? Administration of Janitorial Position
3) Adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 3-8-14
The 2014 March Board of Review will meet at the Brandon Township Office at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI on the following dates and times:
Wednesday March 12th 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Thursday March 13th 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
APPOINTMENTS REQUIRED. Please call 248-627-4918 or 248-628-2720 during regular business hours for an appointment. Please have your parcel identification number when calling. All appeals must be accompanied by a completed L-4035 Form ‘Petition to the Board of Review? in order for your appeal to be valid. It is recommended that a detailed explanation, an appraisal and/or other documents be provided to support your appeal. The L-4035 will be provided by the Assessing Office or is available online at the Brandon Township website, or online at:
Letters of appeal are also accepted. They must be received in the Supervisor’s office no later than 5:00 p.m. Thursday, March 13th, 2014.
Applications for Poverty Appeals are available in the Supervisor’s Office. You must show proof of household income by providing current copies of your Federal and State income tax return for 2013 and copies of any other information to prove financial need. Failure to provide the required information will result in denial of the poverty appeal.
The year 2014 tentative equalization ratios and multipliers are:
Agricultural 49.42% 1.0117
Commercial 49.79% 1.0042
Industrial 49.95% 1.0010
Residential 45.77% 1.0924
Publish in The Citizen 2-22-14
FEBRUARY 3, 2014
Members present: Allen, Darnall, DeWitt, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball, Thurman
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the meeting agenda as amended
2) Presented Ron Haase, retired from Planning Commission, a Service Award
3) Approved the Consent Agenda with the following:
1. Regular Minutes of January 9, 2014
2. Special Meeting Minutes of January 22, 2014
3. Regular Bills in the amount of $116,273.83
4. Prepays in the amount of $235,030.08
5. Trustee timesheets in the amount of $570.00
4) Approved Township Clean-Up Days: June 21, 2014 & August 16, 2014
5) Deferred a Fire Insurance Holding Program to the March 3, 2014 Regular Meeting
6) Approved waiver of a Zoning Board of Appeals application
7) Adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 2-15-14
JANUARY 22, 2014
Members present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball, and Thurman
Absent: DeWitt (with notice)
The following actions were taken:
1) Approved the meeting agenda as amended.
2) Discussed in workshop format the following:
? Bereavement flower fund
? Financial reports
? Board meetings
? Police millage renewal
3) Confirmed Lift Station Operation funds are available.
4) Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 2-01-14
Request for Proposal
Charter Township of Brandon
PROJECT: Edna Burton Senior Center Architectural Design Services for the structural assessment, preparation and energy efficiency of the floors in preparation of the renovation/repairing and installation of flooring.
OWNER: Charter Township of Brandon
P. O. Box 929
395 Mill Street
Ortonville, MI 48462-0929
Tel: 248-627-2851
Submittal Requirements
Bid packets will be available on February 3, 2014 at the Clerk’s office between the hours of 8:30-5:00 Monday through Friday. Sealed bids may be mailed or delivered personally to the office of Brandon Township Clerk Candee Allen at the following address by 3:00 P. M on March 4, 2014. (Any bid submitted after 3:00 P.M. will not be considered).
Charter Township of Brandon
Attn: Candee Allen
395 Mill St. PO Box 929
Ortonville, MI 48462-0929
The proposal shall be placed in a sealed envelope including all enclosures and labeled as follows:
Edna Burton Senior Center
Architectural Design Services for
the Renovation/Repair of flooring?
Firm’s Name
Firm’s Address
No faxed or e-mailed proposals will be accepted.
BID OPENING: at 3:30 P.M. EST, March 4, 2014
Conference Room
Charter Township of Brandon
395 Mill Street
Ortonville, MI 48462
The work shall include architectural design services for the structural assessment, preparation and energy efficiency of the floors in preparation of the Renovation/Repairing and installation of flooring. Further to include the design and specifications for the installation of insulation under the existing crawl space for energy efficiency of areas of the building that are accessible. The design services shall include the designing of and to provide construction documents (plans and specifications) to meet Michigan Building Code 2009 requirements and of sufficient clarity to request contractors to bid the work to be performed as described above.
The Contractor and Subcontractors on this project must comply with HUD contract provisions 24CFR part 85.36 (i), the Davis-Bacon Act, Nondiscrimination, Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Section 3 requirements, anti-Kickback Act, Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act and Department of Labor Standards and Regulations as set forth in the Contract Bid Documents. This municipality is an equal opportunity employer, businesses owned by women or minorities are strongly encouraged to bid.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462-0929
Publish in The Citizen 2-01-14
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing February 26, 2014 at 7:30 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeal.
Appeal # 001-14 Sidwell # 03-21-300-032
Name: Steven Thomas
Location: 2400 Kile D. Drive
Request: Applicant requests a variance to place temporary mobile home on property to live in until their home is rebuilt from a fire per section 46-204 Z(b) and section 46-288.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248-627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 2-08-14
JANUARY 9, 2014
The Regular Meeting of January 6, 2014 was cancelled due to hazardous winter storm and road conditions.
Members present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball, and Thurman
Absent: DeWitt (with notice)
The following actions were taken:
1) Service award presentation to Ron Haase was postponed; he was unable to attend tonight.
2) Approved the meeting agenda as amended.
3) Approved the Consent Agenda as presented with the following:
a. Regular Meeting Minutes of December 2, 2013
b. Appointments to the Zoning Board of Appeals
c. Appointments to the Planning Commission
d. Special Meeting Minutes of December 19, 2013
e. Special Meeting Minutes of November 21, 2013
f. Regular Bills in the amount of $18,315.49
g. Pre-pays in the amount of $290,728.10
h. Trustee timesheets in the amount of $651.00
4) Adopted at this second reading an amendment to Chapter 28, Article V. Offenses Against Public Peace, Section 28-230 use of consumer fireworks in the Code of Ordinances, for the Charter Township of Brandon, Oakland County, Michigan.
5) Approved revised minutes of October 7, 2013
6) Approved the 2014 CDBG sub-recipient agreement.
7) Passed a Resolution approving the 2014 CDBG Program Application.
8) Approved hiring Karen Kukuk for the part-time position in the supervisor’s office.
9) Accepted citizen comment on the sledding hill operations.
10) There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929,Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 1-25-14
The Brandon Township Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on Feb. 11, 2014. Beginning at 7:30 P.M. at the Brandon Township Offices at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462.
1. Zoning change
To change the zoning and map for Parcel A (03-35-151-027) and Parcel B (03-35-151-028) from RE Rural Estate to R1A Single Family Residential.
2. To consider the following Ordinance amendments:
Chapter 46, Article I. Section 46-6, Definitions. Building height.
Amend this section to modify how building heights are measured to have a maximum height of any structure at 35 feet excluding cupolas, steeples and other architectural features.
Chapter 46, Appendix A. Figures. Section 2.
Delete this figure for measuring heights of structures to match the above amendment
Chapter 46, Article II, Section 46-166 Amendment procedure. Change reference section from 46-38 to 46-37. There is no 46-38 at this time.
Chapter 46, Article III, Section 46-215, Schedule of regulations
Amend table by deleting inappropriate footnotes and inserting others to meet the current ordinance and the proposed amendments.
Chapter 46, Article III, 46-216 (i) Footnotes to schedule of regulations deleting reference 10.04 and adding 46-363.
Chapter 46, Article III, 46-216(m) Footnotes to schedule of regulations
Amend the footnotes to comply with changes purposed
Chapter 46, Article IV, Section 46-242(1)(g). Accessory buildings and structures.
Amend this section to modify heights of accessory buildings and structures to be compatible with the modification of 46-6.
Chapter 46, Article IV, Section 46-242(1)(e ). Accessory buildings and structures.
Amend this section to correct a numbering error referencing another section.
Chapter 46, Article IV, Section 46-282 (b) (2) a. Regulation of animals.
Amend this section to allow horses to be regulated as other Class II animals.
Chapter 46, Article IV, Section 46-282 (b) (3) a. Regulation of animals.
Amend this section to allow for number of class III animals relative to their weight and limit roosters to 1 for every full 5 acres.
For any information regarding the above hearing please contact Bill Dinnan at Brandon Township Planning & Building Department at 248-627-4916.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under the Michigan Open Meeting Act
Persons with disabilities who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Chairperson, Brandon Township Planning Commission
Publish in The Citizen 1-25-14
By adding a section 28-230 Use of Consumer Fireworks.
Sec. 28-230. Use of consumer fireworks.
It shall be unlawful for any person to ignite, discharge or use consumer fireworks except:
(a) On the day preceding, the day of, or the day after a national holiday as defined in 5 USC 6103. (New Year’s day; Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday, the third Monday in January; Washington’s birthday, the third Monday in February; Memorial Day, the last Monday in May; Independence Day, July 4; Labor Day, the first Monday in September; Columbus Day, the second Monday in October; Veteran’s Day, November 11; Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November; Christmas Day, December 25.) On those days, the ignition, discharge or use of consumer fireworks between the hours of 12 midnight and 8 A.M. or between the hours of 1 A.M. and 8 A.M. on New Years? day is prohibited.
(b) On the Friday and Saturday immediately preceding and immediately following the July 4 holiday between the hours of 8 P.M. and 12 midnight.
(c) A person shall not ignite, discharge or use consumer fireworks on public property, school property, church property, or the property of another person without that organization’s or person’s express permission.
(d) The possession or use of consumer fireworks at any time by a minor is prohibited.
Adoption: 1/9/14
Published: 1/18/13
Effective: 1/21/14
Complete text of the proposed ordinance amendments can found on the Brandon Township website or at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office located at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI. For further information please contact the Clerk’s office at (248) 627-2851.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 1-18-13
JANUARY 9, 2014
The Regular Meeting of January 6, 2014 was cancelled due to hazardous winter storm and road conditions.
Members present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball, and Thurman
Absent: DeWitt (with notice)
The following actions were taken:
1) Service award presentation to Ron Haase was postponed; he was unable to attend tonight.
2) Approved the meeting agenda as amended.
3) Approved the Consent Agenda as presented with the following:
a. Regular Meeting Minutes of December 2, 2013
b. Appointments to the Zoning Board of Appeals
c. Appointments to the Planning Commission
d. Special Meeting Minutes of December 19, 2013
e. Special Meeting Minutes of November 21, 2013
f. Regular Bills in the amount of $18,315.49
g. Pre-pays in the amount of $290,728.10
h. Trustee timesheets in the amount of $651.00
4) Adopted at this second reading an amendment to Chapter 28, Article V. Offenses Against Public Peace, Section 28-230 use of consumer fireworks in the Code of Ordinances, for the Charter Township of Brandon, Oakland County, Michigan.
5) Approved revised minutes of October 7, 2013
6) Approved the 2014 CDBG sub-recipient agreement.
7) Passed a Resolution approving the 2014 CDBG Program Application.
8) Approved hiring Karen Kukuk for the part-time position in the supervisor’s office.
9) Accepted citizen comment on the sledding hill operations.
10) There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 1-18-13
By adding a section 28-230 Use of Consumer Fireworks.
Sec. 28-230. Use of consumer fireworks.
It shall be unlawful for any person to ignite, discharge or use consumer fireworks except:
(a) On the day preceding, the day of, or the day after a national holiday as defined in 5 USC 6103. (New Year’s day; Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday, the third Monday in January; Washington’s birthday, the third Monday in February; Memorial Day, the last Monday in May; Independence Day, July 4; Labor Day, the first Monday in September; Columbus Day, the second Monday in October; Veteran’s Day, November 11; Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November; Christmas Day, December 25.) On those days, the ignition, discharge or use of consumer fireworks between the hours of 12 midnight and 8 A.M. or between the hours of 1 A.M. and 8 A.M. on New Years? day is prohibited.
(b) On the Friday and Saturday immediately preceding and immediately following the July 4 holiday between the hours of 8 P.M. and 12 midnight.
(c) A person shall not ignite, discharge or use consumer fireworks on public property, school property, church property, or the property of another person without that organization’s or person’s express permission.
(d) The possession or use of consumer fireworks at any time by a minor is prohibited.
Adoption: 1/9/14
Published: 1/25/14
Effective: 1/27/14
Complete text of the proposed ordinance amendments can found on the Brandon Township website or at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office located at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI. For further information please contact the Clerk’s office at (248) 627-2851.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 1-25-14
Charter Township of Brandon Special Meeting December 19, 2013
Call to Order & Roll Call: Allen, Darnall, DeWitt, Rumball and Thurman, Lapp and DePalma (arrived late)
1) Approved Agenda as presented
2) Thurman called for a recess
3) Motion to move into closed session was approved
4) Motion to reconvene was approved
5) Closed Session minutes were approved
6) Meeting adjourned at 1:43 pm
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 12-28-13.
Charter Township of Brandon Board Meeting December 2, 2013
Call to Order & Roll Call: Allen, Darnall, DeWitt, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball and Thurman
1) Approved the meeting agenda with additional item
2) Public Hearing: 2014 Brandon Township Proposed Budget open for citizen comment
3) Public Hearing: 2014 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Funds open for citizen comment
4) Approved Consent Agenda as presented
5) Approved the Parks & Recreation Enbridge Grant Application
6) Approved the 2014 Meeting and Holiday Schedule as amended
7) Approved recognition of the Oakland Diamondbacks as a non-profit allowed to operate in the community under the laws of the Michigan Gaming Division
8) Approved the 2014 Budget Appropriations Act as presented
9) Approved to opt out of Act 152 of 2011, Publicly Funded Health Insurance Contribution Act
10) Approved a resolution to waive recapture of 2011 CDBG Funds in the amount of $1,155.00
11) Meeting adjourned at 8:50PM
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 12-07-13.
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing December 18, 2013 at 7:30 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeal.
Appeal # 013-13 Sidwell # 03-36-100-046
Name: Steven Thomas
Location: 3135 Dartmouth
Request: Applicant is requesting a square footage variance of 600 square feet to keep a lean attached to existing structure per Section 46-242 (1) d.5.
Appeal # 014-13 Sidwell # 03-30-251-012
Name: DW Lurvey Construction/Jessica Hawkins
Location: 564 Sunset
Request: Applicant is requesting a variance of a non-conforming lot of record to construct an addition 29 feet from front property line which is 6 foot less than required 35 foot setback per Section 46-215.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248-627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 11-30-13
Applications for 3 year term appointments to the Planning Commission and Alternate for the Zoning Board of Appeals are available at the Supervisor’s office located at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI or on the township website at Applicants must be a township resident and registered to vote in Brandon Township.
Completed applications are due to the above location by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 12, 2013.
Questions can be directed to The Supervisor’s Office, (248) 627-4918.
Brandon Township is an equal opportunity employer. It is our policy to make all personnel decisions without discriminating on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, physical disability, mental disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, citizenship status, national or ethnic origin, and any other protected status.?
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 11-30-13
Brandon Township will hold a PUBLIC HEARING at its Regular Meeting on December 2, 2013 at 7:00 pm at 395 Mill St., Ortonville, MI 48462 to receive public comments on the proposed 2014 budget.
A copy of the budget will be available for public inspection at the Clerk’s office after 4:00 pm on November 22, 2013.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill St., P.O. Box 929 Ortonville, MI 48462
This meeting is open to all members of the public under
Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 11-16-13
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Brandon will hold a public hearing on the use of Community Development Block Grant Funds. The Hearing will be held within the regularly scheduled Board meeting at 7:00 PM on Monday, December 2, 2013 at the Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462 for the purpose of hearing public comments on the Community Development Block Grant (CDGB) Program Year 2014 application in the approximate amount of $33,781.00 to fund eligible projects. All interested citizens are requested to attend the hearing. Comments will also be received in writing or in person at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office at 395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 until 5:00 PM Wednesday, December 11, 2013.
Posted by Brandon Township Clerk, Candee Allen
395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462
Phone 248-627-2851
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact Supervisor Kathy Thurman at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 11-09-13
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing November 20, 2013 at 7:30 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeal.
Appeal # 012-13 Sidwell # 03-24-251-016
Name: Dennis Hosang
Location: 466 Forest Hill
Request: Applicant is requesting a square footage variance of 320 sq. ft. to build an accessory building 768 sq. ft. Section 46-242 (1) d. 3 only allows 448 sq ft.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248-627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 11-02-13
Sec. 24-48 Persons authorized to issue and serve tickets.
(a). The following persons, being public servants of the township, shall be, and they are hereby, authorized to issue and serve upon persons appearance tickets with respect to alleged violations of ordinances and codes of the township in such cases as such public servants have reasonable cause to believe that such persons have committed violations of an ordinance or code of the township.
(b) The names of the authorized public servants are as follows:
(1) Supervisor
(2) Director of planning and building
(3) Fire chief, a designated fire marshal
(4) Law enforcement personnel (police or sheriff)
Adopted: 10/7/13
Publish & Posted 10/26/13
Effective Date 10/28/13
Complete text of the proposed ordinance amendments can found on the Brandon Township website or at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office located at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI. For further information please contact the Clerk’s office at (248) 627-2851.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 10-26-13
OCTOBER 7, 2013
Members Present: Thurman, Darnall, Allen, DeWitt, DePalma
Absent: Rumball (with notice), Lapp (with notice)
Citizens: 6 present
1) Approved Agenda as Amended
2) Set 2014 Parks & Rec. budget for further consideration at a sub-committee meeting
3) Approved the Consent Agenda as published and amended which contained these items:
Special Meeting Minutes of August 21, 2013
Regular Meeting Minutes of September 3, 2013
Regular Bills in the amount of $61,355.28
Pre-pays in the amount of $308,449.23
Trustee time sheets in the amount of $837.00
4) Approved replacement of the township servers by DigitalMedics for $9,897.99 as quoted to cover the cost of hardware from Shared Equipment line item #101-917-977-000. Installation fees will be taken from Computer Maintenance line item #101-944-756-151 after completion
5) Approved loaning the 1981 Plat Book to the Historical Society
6) Adopted at this 2nd reading, an amendment to the Code or Ordinances adding to Chapter 24, Section 24-48, adding the inclusion of law enforcement and a designated fire marshal as persons authorized to issue and serve tickets for the Charter Township of Brandon, Oakland County, Michigan.
7) Accepted introduction (1st reading) of an amendment to Chapter 28, Article V. Offenses Against Public Peace, Section 28-230, on the use of consumer fireworks in the Code of Ordinances, for the Charter Township of Brandon, Oakland County, Michigan
8) Approved the purchase of cemetery software from Legacy Mark for $3,885.22 as quoted and transfer of $4,000.00 from Designated Cemetery line 250-000-390-209 to Cemetery 209-000-699-209
9) Approved to pay an additional $28,639.22 to the MERS Health Care Funding Vehicle in 2013, to amend line item #101-944-915-731 from $0 to $28,639.22, to amend Carry Forward line item #101-944-985-000 from $379,028.12 to $350,388.90, and to contribute $38,158 annually to the MERS Health Care Funding Vehicle in quarterly disbursements beginning in 2014
10) Adjourned at 9:12p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 10-26-13
By adding a section 28-230 Use of Consumer Fireworks.
Sec. 28-230. Use of consumer fireworks.
It shall be unlawful for any person to ignite, discharge or use consumer fireworks except:
(a) On the day preceding, the day of, or the day after a national holiday as defined in 5 USC 6103. (New Year’s day; Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday, the third Monday in January; Washington’s birthday, the third Monday in February; Memorial Day, the last Monday in May; Independence Day, July 4; Labor Day, the first Monday in September; Columbus Day, the second Monday in October; Veteran’s Day, November 11; Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November; Christmas Day, December 25.) On those days, the ignition, discharge or use of consumer fireworks between the hours of 12 midnight and 8 A.M. or between the hours of 1 A.M. and 8 A.M. on New Years? day is prohibited.
(b) On the Friday and Saturday immediately preceding and immediately following the July 4 holiday between the hours of 8 P.M. and 12 midnight.
(c) A person shall not ignite, discharge or use consumer fireworks on public property, school property, church property, or the property of another person without that organization’s or person’s express permission.
(d) The possession or use of consumer fireworks at any time by a minor is prohibited.
Introduced: 10/7/13
Proposed Adoption: 12/7/13
Publish & Post: 12/7/13
Effective Date: 12/9/13
Complete text of the proposed ordinance amendments can found on the Brandon Township website or at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office located at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI. For further information please contact the Clerk’s office at (248) 627-2851.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 10-26-13
Sec. 24-48 Persons authorized to issue and serve tickets.
(a). The following persons, being public servants of the township, shall be, and they are hereby, authorized to issue and serve upon persons appearance tickets with respect to alleged violations of ordinances and codes of the township in such cases as such public servants have reasonable cause to believe that such persons have committed violations of an ordinance or code of the township.
(b) The names of the authorized public servants are as follows:
(1) Supervisor
(2) Director of planning and building
(3) Fire chief, a designated fire marshal
(4) Law enforcement personnel (police or sheriff)
Adopted: 10/7/13
Publish & Posted 10/19/13
Effective Date 10/21/13
Complete text of the proposed ordinance amendments can found on the Brandon Township website or at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office located at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI. For further information please contact the Clerk’s office at (248) 627-2851.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 10-19-13
Amend Chapter 28, Article V –
By adding a section 28-230 Use of Consumer Fireworks.
Sec. 28-230. Use of consumer fireworks.
It shall be unlawful for any person to ignite, discharge or use consumer fireworks except:
(a) On the day preceding, the day of, or the day after a national holiday as defined in 5 USC 6103. (New Year’s day; Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday, the third Monday in January; Washington’s birthday, the third Monday in February; Memorial Day, the last Monday in May; Independence Day, July 4; Labor Day, the first Monday in September; Columbus Day, the second Monday in October; Veteran’s Day, November 11; Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November; Christmas Day, December 25.) On those days, the ignition, discharge or use of consumer fireworks between the hours of 12 midnight and 8 A.M. or between the hours of 1 A.M. and 8 A.M. on New Years? day is prohibited.
(b) On the Friday and Saturday immediately preceding and immediately following the July 4 holiday between the hours of 8 P.M. and 12 midnight.
(c) A person shall not ignite, discharge or use consumer fireworks on public property, school property, church property, or the property of another person without that organization’s or person’s express permission.
(d) The possession or use of consumer fireworks at any time by a minor is prohibited.
Introduced: 10/7/13
Proposed Adoption: 11/4/13
Publish & Post: 11/9/13
Effective Date: 11/12/13
Complete text of the proposed ordinance amendments can found on the Brandon Township website or at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office located at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI. For further information please contact the Clerk’s office at (248) 627-2851.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 10-19-13
Charter Township of Brandon
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Brandon will hold a public hearing on the use of Community Development Block Grant Funds. The Hearing will be held within the regularly scheduled Board meeting at 7:00 PM on Monday, November 4, 2013 at the Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462 for the purpose of hearing public comments on the Community Development Block Grant (CDGB) Program Year 2014 application in the approximate amount of $33,781.00 to fund eligible projects. All interested citizens are requested to attend the hearing. Comments will also be received in writing or in person at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office at 395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 until 5:00 PM Wednesday, November 12, 2013.
Posted by Brandon Township Clerk, Candee Allen
395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462
Phone 248-627-2851
This meeting is open to all members of the public under
Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting,
are requested to contact Supervisor Kathy Thurman
at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours
prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 10-19-13
Trustees Present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, DeWitt, Lapp, Rumball, Thurman
Absent: None
1) Approved the agenda as amended.
2) Held Public Hearing for 2013 Truth in Taxation
3) Approved the Consent Agenda which contained the following items:
? Regular Meeting Minutes of August 5, 2013
? Special Meeting Minutes of August 28, 2013
? Regular Bills in the amount of $30,434,15
? Pre-pays in the amount of $277,511.92
? Trustee Timesheets in the amount $1,116.00
4) Approved the Conservation Easement as presented by HRC
5) Approved the 2013 Millage Rates as presented.
6) Approved for the Police Sub-Station the purchase of Thermal Shield Alside Ultimate 2000 windows for $11,743 as quoted and to amend line item 207-171-977-200 from $2,000 to $0; line item 207-171-920-000 from $10,500 to $8,500; and line item 207-171-930-000 from $10,000 to $14,000.
7) Accepted the introduction to the Code of Ordinances an amendment by adding to Chapter 24, Section 24-48 the inclusion of law enforcement and a designated fire marshal as persons authorized to issue and serve tickets into the Code of Ordinances for the Charter Township of Brandon, Oakland County, Michigan.
8) Adopted the Brandon Township Mileage Form presented by the Clerk.
9) Meeting Adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929,
Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 10-5-13
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing October 23, 2013 at 7:30 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeal.
Appeal # 010-13 Sidwell # 03-30-402-011
Name: Tim Spiro
Location: 2580 Allen Road
Request: Needs 2 variances to be able to leave existing garage from 380 Bald Eagle Lake Road and build an addition including an attached garage.
1. 46-242 (1) d.3 allows for a maximum of a 1000 square feet total area. Applicant is asking for a total of 1711 square feet needing a 711 square foot variance.
2. 46-242 (1) c. does not allow accessory structures in a front yard. Applicant is asking for the existing accessory structure to remain and be 4.4 feet from the front property line.
Appeal # 011-13 Sidwell # 03-33-100-050
Name: Dale Whittaker
Location: 2454 Seymour Lake Road
Request: Applicant it requesting a variance of the width to depth provision in Section 46-216 (b) for a lot division of a resulting lot being 165 feet wide and 2661.57 deep, which will be approximately 16.13 times the width to depth ratio.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248-627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 10-5-13
Trustees Present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, DeWitt, Lapp, Rumball, Thurman
Absent: None
1) Approved the agenda as amended.
2) Held Public Hearing for 2013 Truth in Taxation
3) Approved the Consent Agenda which contained the following items:
? Regular Meeting Minutes of August 5, 2013
? Special Meeting Minutes of August 28, 2013
? Regular Bills in the amount of $30,434,15
? Pre-pays in the amount of $277,511.92
? Trustee Timesheets in the amount $1,116.00
4) Approved the Conservation Easement as presented by HRC
5) Approved the 2013 Millage Rates as presented.
6) Approved for the Police Sub-Station the purchase of Thermal Shield Alside Ultimate 2000 windows for $11,743 as quoted and to amend line item 207-171-977-200 from $2,000 to $0; line item 207-171-920-000 from $10,500 to $8,500; and line item 207-171-930-000 from $10,000 to $14,000.
7) Accepted the introduction to the Code of Ordinances an amendment by adding to Chapter 24, Section 24-48 the inclusion of law enforcement and a designated fire marshal as persons authorized to issue and serve tickets into the Code of Ordinances for the Charter Township of Brandon, Oakland County, Michigan.
8) Adopted the Brandon Township Mileage Form presented by the Clerk.
9) Meeting Adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929,
Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 10-5-13
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing October 23, 2013 at 7:30 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeal.
Appeal # 010-13 Sidwell # 03-30-402-011
Name: Tim Spiro
Location: 2580 Allen Road
Request: Needs 2 variances to be able to leave existing garage from 380 Bald Eagle Lake Road and build an addition including an attached garage.
1. 46-242 (1) d.3 allows for a maximum of a 1000 square feet total area. Applicant is asking for a total of 1711 square feet needing a 711 square foot variance.
2. 46-242 (1) c. does not allow accessory structures in a front yard. Applicant is asking for the existing accessory structure to remain and be 4.4 feet from the front property line.
Appeal # 011-13 Sidwell # 03-33-100-050
Name: Dale Whittaker
Location: 2454 Seymour Lake Road
Request: Applicant it requesting a variance of the width to depth provision in Section 46-216 (b) for a lot division of a resulting lot being 165 feet wide and 2661.57 deep, which will be approximately 16.13 times the width to depth ratio.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248-627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 10-5-13
September 19, 2013
A. A Joint Special Meeting of the Charter Township of Independence Board was called to order at 7:01 PM at the Independence Township Hall.
B. The Pledge of Allegiance was given.
Present: Kittle, Pallotta, Brown, Lohmeier, Ritchie, Schroeder
Absent: Aliaga
Present: Moraco, Tully, Bushroe (Arrived 7:17 PM), Galley (Arrived 7:02 PM), Boersma
Absent: Krull
There was a quorum present.
E. PUBLIC COMMENT: Janelle Edmunds, Chamber of Commerce; Ken Elwert; Parks, Recreation and Seniors Director
F. Master Plan Workshop:
I. Welcome and Introductions: (Pat Kittle, Supervisor / Sam Moraco, Planning Commission Chair
II. Project Overview, Community Input and Master Plan Elements ? Carlisle/Wortman Associates
a. Process/Purpose
b. Community Input
i. Community Remarks
ii. Workshops, Planning Commission meetings
c. Overview of Master Plan Elements
d. Implementation
III. The Sashabaw and Dixie Corridors: Your Vision for the Future (Carlisle/Wortman Assoc.)
a. One-Word Game
b. Issues and Opportunities
c. Group Discussion
IV. Next Steps
G. ADJOURMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara A. Pallotta, CMC
Township Clerk
Published: Wednesday, October 2, 2013
The Charter Township of Brandon will be considering for adoption amendments and additions to the following ordinances at their October 7, 2013 regularly scheduled board meeting:
1) Amendments to Chapter 24 (Law Enforcement), Article III (Appearance Tickets)
a. Amending Sec. 24-48. Persons authorized to issue and serve tickets.
Section 24-48(b) ?
Modify sub section (3) to include a designated fire marshal
Add a new subsection (4)
(4) Law enforcement personnel (police or sheriff).
Complete text of the proposed ordinance amendments can found on the Brandon Township website or at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office located at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI. For further information please contact the Clerk’s office at (248) 627-2851.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 9-14-13
AUGUST 21, 2013
Members present: Darnall, DePalma, Allen, Lapp, Rumball, DeWitt, Thurman
1) Approved Agenda.
2) Approved postponing 2.28 Healthcare Policy Interpretation to August 28 workshop.
3) Approved increased hours for Parks & Recreation Administrative Assistant beginning pay-period of September 2, 2013.
4) The meeting adjourned at 8:41 p.m.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website at
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
The Charter Township of Brandon will hold a public hearing within its? regularly scheduled meeting on September 03, 2013 at 7:00 P.M. At 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan for the purpose of receiving public comment on the proposed millage rates for 2013.
The proposed 2013 millage rates are:
Year 2012 2013 allowable
Township Operating 1.0000 1.0000 1.0046
Police Operating 3.2500 3.5286 3.5286 Fire Operating 3.2983 3.2983 5.0000
Fire Equipment & Housing .8922 .8922 5.0000
Township Debt (Library) .7400 .7000 .9530
Total 9.1805 9.4191 15.4862
Millage roll back factor 1.0000
2012 taxable values for (real and personal) $421,560,773
2013 taxable values for (real and personal) $433,781,291
Increase in taxable values of $ 12,220,518
PLEASE NOTE: Fire millage rates will be levied on real property only.
All other millages are levied on real and personal.
2012 real property taxable values $405,766,983
2013 real property taxable values $413,328,631
Increase in real property taxable value $ 7,561,648
These millage rates will be levied on the 2013 December tax bills.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meetings Act Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact Supervisor, Kathy Thurman at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk 395 Mill St. Ortonville, 48462 248/627-2851
Brandon Township is requesting sealed bids for the purchase of a 2013 Half-Ton 4X4 Extended Cab Pick-up Truck. This vehicle should have options comparable to Ford’s STX Series, equipment group 200A. White would be preferable but will consider other colors and please submit financing options.
Sealed Bids must be received by September 10, 2013 no later than 10:00 am, to the following address. Bids will be publicly opened and read at 10:30 am.
Candee Allen
Brandon Township Clerk
395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929
Ortonville, MI 48462
The proposal shall be placed in a sealed envelope including all enclosures and labeled as follows:
‘BID PROPOSAL FOR 2013 Truck Purchase?
Company/Individual’s Name
Company/Individual’s Address
The township may reject any and all bids if they determine the bids are unacceptable for any reason.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
August 5, 2013
Called to order & Roll Call
Members present: Allen, Darnall, Rumball, DePalma, Lapp, DeWitt, Thurman
Members absent: None
Approved Agenda
Approved Consent Agenda as presented which contained the following items:
Regular Meeting Minutes of July 1, 2013
Special Meeting Minutes of July 15, 2013
Special Meeting Minutes of July 22, 2013
Trustee Timesheets in the amount of $1,116.00
Regular bills in the amount of $60,113.23
Pre-pays in the amount of $267,055.48
Adopted (second reading) an ordinance rezoning parcel 03-27-476-005 at Sashabaw Road and Seymour Lake Road from R-E to Conditional C-1, Local Commercial.
No action taken on County request to participate in Prosper Magazine publication.
Adopted Agreement to provide temporary police service for Precision Pipeline construction site.
Adopted Intergovernmental Agreement to provide a Police Liaison Office for Brandon Schools.
Approved an increase in the Building Director’s hours of employment to no more than 29 hours per week.
Approved opening the Parks and Recreation Department on Fridays, commencing the week of August 12, 2013.
Approved change in Township’s health care renewal date from 1/1/14 to 12/1/13.
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website @
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Publish in The Citizen 8-10-13
July 22, 2013
Members present: Thurman, Allen, Darnall, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball, DeWitt
1. Approved Agenda as amended
2. Approved purchase of two foreclosed parcels on Hadley Road with carry forward funds, for the Township Supervisor to find out the purchase price for the Legault property and to poll the board prior to the next meeting if necessary, and pass on the remaining foreclosed parcels offered by Oakland County.
3. Approved having Recreation Director Fred Waybrant come before the board on November 4, 2013 to give a report updating the board on the issues addressed this evening.
4. Approved postponing the Strategic Planning Workshop to a date to be determined.
5. The meeting was adjourned at 8:23 PM.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 8-03-13
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing August 21, 2013 at 7:30 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeal.
Appeal # 005-13 Sidwell #03-32-400-047
Name: William Wold
Location: 1111 Bluebird Lane
Request: Applicant request a variance of 14 feet to add addition to existing garage 36 feet from front property line. Section 46-215 requires 50 feet.
Appeal # 006-13 Sidwell # 03-22-200-026
Name: Consumers Energy/Aaron Fisk
Location: 3950 Granger Road
Request: From zoning ordinance, section 46-243 (c) (1) a. for a fence 8 feet in height where 4 feet is required and a chain link fence where an ornamental fence is required. Also section 46-243 (f) requesting a variance for a fence setback of 15 feet from Granger Road where a 50 foot setback is required.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248-627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 8-03-13
Lake Louise
Improvement Board
Oakland County, MI
TAKE NOTICE that the Lake Louise Improvement Board will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, July 31, 2013 at 7:00 pm at the Old Brandon Township Hall, 486 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan, to determine the practicability of a five-year improvement project for Lake Louise. The lake improvement project would include nuisance aquatic plant control, plant control coordination, administration and contingency projects. The project would begin in 2014 and continue through 2018, with an annual cost of $43,000.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a special assessment roll has been prepared and is on file at the office of Brandon Township located at 395 Mill Street in Ortonville, Michigan for public examination during normal business hours. Said special assessment roll has been prepared for the purpose of assessing the cost of the improvement project to benefiting properties.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Lake Louise Improvement Board will hold a Hearing of Assessment immediately following the aforementioned Hearing of Practicability for the purpose of reviewing said special assessment roll and for hearing any objections thereto. An owner of or party with interest in real property to be assessed or his/her agent may appear in person to object to the special assessment or may protest such special assessment by letter filed with the Lake Board at or prior to the time of the hearing, in which case personal appearance is not required. Written objections may be filed with or mailed to the Lake Louise Improvement Board c/o Ms. Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, P.O. Box 929, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the owner of or any party with interest in real property within the Lake Louise Special Assessment District who, having protested said special assessment either in person or in writing, may, within thirty (30) days after the confirmation of the special assessment roll has been published in a newspaper of general circulation, appeal such special assessment to the Michigan Tax Tribunal or other court of competent jurisdiction.
The above-referenced hearings are called pursuant to Part 309 of Public Act No. 451 of 1994 as amended.
Lake Louise Improvement Board
Oakland County, Michigan
Publish in The Citizen 7-13-13, 7-20-13
MAY 29, 2013
Called to Order & Roll Call
Present: Lapp, DePalma, Thurman, DeWitt, Darnall, Rumball, Allen
Absent: None
Approved Agenda as presented
Discussed workshop items regarding strategic planning for budgeting purposes
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 7-20-13
June 12, 2013 ? 6:00 p.m.
Called to Order & Roll Call
Present: Darnall, Rumball, Allen, DeWitt, Thurman, DePalma (late with notice)
Absent: Lapp with notice
Approved Agenda
Discussed workshop items
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 7-20-13
July 15, 2013
Called to order & Roll Call
Present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball, DeWitt and Thurman
Absent: None
Approved Agenda with additional item
Approved Closed Session Minutes of July 15, 2013
Approved 2012 Audit presented by Pfeffer, Hanniford & Palka on July 1, 2013
Discussed Strategic Planning items
A full copy of the minutes is available at the Clerk’s office, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 or on the Brandon Township Website @
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 7-20-13
Amending Ordinance to amend the Signs Ordinance of the Code of Ordinances adopted August 2, 2010, by revising Article X General Conditions, Section 45-449 (a) (1) number of signs on a parcel.
THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BRANDON, OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN ORDAINS: that the current code of ordinances Article X, Section 46-448 (a) (1) number of signs on a parcel be amended, and it is appropriate for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Township that the Code be amended accordingly.
Revision to Article X, Section 46-448 (a) (1) number of signs on a parcel to read as follows:
(1). Within all nonresidential zoning districts, only one ground sign shall be permitted per zoning lot. If a second street frontage on the same zoning lot exceeds two hundred (200) feet or a parcel of land abuts three or more streets, two such ground signs may be permitted on separate street fronts. Sign size, number of signs, and location shall be finalized during site plan review. Maximum size area is provided in ‘Table A? found in subsection (b) of this section.
The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph or part of this Ordinance shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this Ordinance.
The Clerk for the Charter Township of Brandon shall cause this Ordinance to be published in the manner required by the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Act 110 of 2006 as amended and MCL 42.22.
This Ordinance shall be seven (7) days after publication, February 18, 2012
The forgoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Brandon at its regular meeting called and held on the 6th day of February, 2012 and was ordered to be given publication in the manner required by law.
B. Jean McCreery, CMC
Charter Township of Brandon
Introduced 1/23/2012
Adopted 2/06/2012
Published 06/29/2013
Effective 07/06/2013
The full Code of Ordinances can be viewed at the Clerk’s office at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 6-29-13
Amending Ordinance to amend the Signs Ordinance of the Code of Ordinances adopted August 2, 2010, by revising Article X General Conditions, Section 46-448 (a) (1) number of signs on a parcel.
THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BRANDON, OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN ORDAINS: that the current code of ordinances Article X, Section 46-448 (a) (1) number of signs on a parcel be amended, and it is appropriate for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Township that the Code be amended accordingly.
Revision to Article X, Section 46-448 (a) (1) number of signs on a parcel to read as follows:
(1). Within all nonresidential zoning districts, only one ground sign shall be permitted per zoning lot. If a second street frontage on the same zoning lot exceeds two hundred (200) feet or a parcel of land abuts three or more streets, two such ground signs may be permitted on separate street fronts. Sign size, number of signs, and location shall be finalized during site plan review. Maximum size area is provided in ‘Table A? found in subsection (b) of this section.
The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph or part of this Ordinance shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this Ordinance.
The Clerk for the Charter Township of Brandon shall cause this Ordinance to be published in the manner required by the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Act 110 of 2006 as amended and MCL 42.22.
This Ordinance shall be seven (7) days after publication, February 18, 2012
The forgoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Brandon at its regular meeting called and held on the 6th day of February, 2012 and was ordered to be given publication in the manner required by law.
B. Jean McCreery, CMC
Charter Township of Brandon
Introduced 1/23/2012
Adopted 2/06/2012
Published 07/06/2013
Effective 07/13/2013
The full Code of Ordinances can be viewed at the Clerk’s office at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 7-6-13
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing July 26, 2013 at 7:30 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeal.
Appeal # 005-13 Sidwell # 03-22-200-026
Name: Consumers Energy/Aaron Fisk
Location: 3950 Granger Road
Request: From zoning ordinance, section 46-243 (c) (1) a. for a fence 8 feet in height where 4 feet is required and a chain link fence where an ornamental fence is required. Also section 46-243 (f) requesting a variance for a fence setback of 15 feet from Granger Road where a 50 foot setback is required.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248-627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 7-6-13
July 1, 2013
Members present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, Lapp, Rumbail, DeWitt. Thurman
Members absent: None
1) Approved Agenda as Amended.
2) Approved Consent Agenda as Presented, Which Contained the Following Items:
? Regular Meeting Minutes of June 3.2013 as corrected
? Special Meeting Draft Minutes of June 12, 2013
? Trustee Timesheets in the amount of $1,395.00
? Regular Bills in the Amount of $156,814.97
? Pre-pays in the Amount of $134,430.07
3) Approved Submitting a Request for the Tri-Party Road Paving Project
4) Approved Introducing for First Reading the Ordinance of, Rezoning of Parcel 03-27-476-005 from RE to Conditional C-1 at Sashabaw Road and Seymour Lake Road
5) Approved Directing the Township Attorney to Pursue an Appeal in the Linda Cotton Unemployment Claim
6) Approved Enbridge Consent Contract as Presented and Amended, With Stipulations.
7) Approved Hiring of Kay Caryl as the Full-Time Administrative Assistant, to the Clerk and Human Resource Coordinator
8) Approved Request for Employee Review of the Parks and Recreation Director
9) Approved Special Meeting Draft Minutes of June 26, 2013
10) Meeting Adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
June 3, 2013
Members present: Allen, Darnall, Rumball, DePalma, Lapp, DeWitt, Thurman
Members absent: None
1. Approved Agenda
2. Approved Consent Agenda as presented which contained the following items:
? Regular Meeting Minutes of May 6, 2013
? Zoning Board of Appeals Board Member Appointments
? Trustee Timesheets in the amount of $1,023.00
? Regular bills in the amount of $22,051.83
? Pre-pays in the amount of $226,189.66
3. Adopted the Michigan Townships Association (MTA) Principles of Governance.
4. Approved MTA dues in the amount of $5,167.00.
5. Adopted MERS Uniform 457 Supplemental Retirement Program Resolution.
6. Approval to allow Antonio Deleone to present the Life Secure Insurance Company’s Personal Accident and Hospital Recovery Insurance products to Township employees.
7. Approval to allow Bob Kalmar to present Assurity Life Insurance Company’s products to Township employees.
8. No action taken on the MDEQ request for an ingress/egress conservation easement to Township property along M-15 until further investigation into original conservation easement is completed.
9. Approved Township to submit a request to the Road Commission for Oakland County to release for 2103 Tri-Party Funds for the purpose of two Gravel Road Improvement Projects (GRIP) on Granger Road; one west of Sashabaw and the other near Rattlesnake Lane, and to add gravel to Hadley Road between Oakhill and Seymour Lake Road.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 6-15-13
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing June 26, 2013 at 7:30 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeal.
Appeal # 004-13 Sidwell # 03-07-276-020
Name: Thomas Laviolette
Location: 1001 Oakwood Road
Request: Applicant would like a variance to allow an additional structure (solar wind tracker) On his property, section 46-242 (1) d.2
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at 248-627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 6-08-13
May 6, 2013
Members present: Allen, Darnall, Rumball, DePalma, Lapp, DeWitt, Thurman
Members absent: None
1) Approved Agenda as amended.
2) Approved Consent Agenda as presented and amended, which contained the following items:
? Regular Meeting Minutes of April 1, 2013
? Special Meeting Minutes of April 18, 2013
? Trustee Timesheets in the amount of $744.00
? Regular bills in the amount of $20,845.58
? Pre-pays in the amount of $373,599.56
3) No action taken on 9-Hole Disc Golf program.
4) Approved hiring Karen Wilson as a part-time eligible Administrative Assistant to Treasurer.
5) Approved hiring Kara Titus as a part-time Administrative Assistant in the recreation department.
6) Awarded cemetery property maintenance contract to Robert Parker for 2013 ?2015.
7) Approved adoption of Oakland County Hazard Mitigation Plan Section 5.2.10, page 114 and 115 and Section 6.3.1 page 162 for Brandon Township.
8) Approved budget amendments for:
To decrease 508-117-702000 from $14,500 to $10,500.
To increase 508-299-704000 from $0 to $4, 000.
To increase 101-265-930000 from $12,000 to $13,000.
To increase 101-253-707000 from $34,617.65 TO $35,887.
To increase 101-195-702000 from $4,000 to $10,430.65.
To decrease 101-195-750000 from $10,200 to $0.
To decrease 101-195-760000 from $2,500 to $0.
To increase 101-215-704 from $0 to $3,000.
To increase 101-215-977-000 from $0 to $1,000.
9) Approved amendment to fixed asset policy 3.11 as presented.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 5-18-13
brandon township planning
The Brandon Township Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing June 11, 2013 beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Brandon Township Offices at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462.
To consider a special use to allow a public utility use & building in a Re District Single Family Dwelling per Section 46-204 (c) (6).
Parcel identification number: 03-22-200-026
Common Description: 3950 Granger Road
For any additional information regarding the above hearing please contact Bill Dinnan at Brandon Township Planning & Building Department at 248-627-4916.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Ron Haase, Chairman
Brandon Township Planning Commission
Publish in The Citizen 5-25-13
March 4, 2013
Members present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball, DeWitt, Thurman
Members absent: None
1) Approved Agenda.
2) Approved Consent Agenda as presented, which contain the following items:
? Regular Meeting Minutes of February 4, 2013
? Special Meeting Minutes of January 29, 2013
? Special Meeting Minutes of February 19, 2013
? Regular bills in the amount of $12,372.66
? Pre-pays in the amount of $160,824.76
? Trustee Timesheets in the amount of $1,116.00
3) Approved adopting fee schedule for outdoor assemblies that will be enforceable immediately upon adoption.
4) Approved waiving the $10.00 per load fee for Clean-Up Days Beginning June 15, 2013.
5) Approved declining cell tower purchase offer from Communications Capital Group, LLC.
6) Approved awarding the safety path maintenance contract to Chesnutt Outdoor Services, LLC.
7) Approved awarding the Township Property Maintenance to Chesnutt Outdoor Services, LLC.
8) Meeting adjourned at 8:02 PM.
April 1, 2013
Members present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, Lapp, DeWitt, Thurman
Members absent: Rumball
1) Approved Agenda.
2) Approved Consent Agenda as presented and corrected, which contained the following items:
? Regular Meeting Minutes of March 4, 2013
? Special Meeting Minutes of March 21, 2013
? Resolution to Approve Brandon-Groveland Youth Assistance Membership
? Motion to Deny Another Cell Tower Offer
? Regular bills in the amount of $35,590.97
? Pre-pays in the amount of $422,476.31
? Trustee Timesheets in the amount of $930.00
3) Approved hiring Susan L. Hauxwell as a part-time Administrative Assistant for Parks & Recreation beginning April 2, 2013 at $11.36 per hour for an average of 20 hours per week.
4) Postponed approval of the Park Maintenance Contract to the April 18, 2013 Joint Board Meeting.
5) Approved allowing MERS of Michigan to present their 457 plan to the Township employees.
6) Approved submitting a request to the Road Commission of Oakland County to participate in their 2013 Blanket Program for 5 applications of chloride to primary roads and 4 applications of chloride to secondary roads for a total of $65,834.18.
7) Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 4/20/13gg
Seymour Lake Cemetery will undergo spring clean-up in April. Please remove any personal artifacts, artificial flowers, wreaths and holders, etc. that you wish to retain PRIOR TO APRIL 15, 2013.
After April 15th, all winter remains including wreaths, grave blankets and faded floral arrangements including the holder, and any other items deemed to be unsightly will be removed and disposed of.
Questions can be directed to the Clerk’s office at (248) 627-2851.
Candee Allen
Brandon Township Clerk
395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929
Ortonville, MI 48462
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 3-30-13 and 4-6-2013.
Fencing around graves at the Seymour Lake Cemetery will no longer be allowed. All fencing must be removed by May 15, 2013. All fencing not removed by that date will be removed and disposed of by the maintenance crew.
Fences get tangled in the maintenance equipment; they are a repository for dead leaves and foliage which makes the cemetery unsightly and many of them are placed on the wrong side of the headstone directly in the walkway between graves forcing people to walk on someone’s grave to go around them. All decorations and flowers must be placed or planted on the east side of the headstone, not the west side of the headstone. That property is owned by the Township and is maintained as a walkway between graves; it is not a part of the grave site.
Additionally, all plastic flowers placed in the walkway may be removed and all flowers planted in the walkway may be mowed over. If you have any questions, please contact the Clerk’s office at (248) 627-2851.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 3-30-13 and 4-6-2013.
Fencing around graves at the Seymour Lake Cemetery will no longer be allowed. All fencing must be removed by May 15, 2013. All fencing not removed by that date will be removed and disposed of by the maintenance crew.
Fences get tangled in the maintenance equipment; they are a repository for dead leaves and foliage which makes the cemetery unsightly and many of them are placed on the wrong side of the headstone directly in the walkway between graves forcing people to walk on someone’s grave to go around them. All decorations and flowers must be placed or planted on the east side of the headstone, not the west side of the headstone. That property is owned by the Township and is maintained as a walkway between graves; it is not a part of the grave site.
Additionally, all plastic flowers placed in the walkway may be removed and all flowers planted in the walkway may be mowed over. If you have any questions, please contact the Clerk’s office at (248) 627-2851.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 3-30-13 and 4-6-2013.
notice of public hearing
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing April 24, 2013 at 7:30 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeal.
Appeal #003-13 Sidwell #03-33-400-031
Name: William Philippin
Location: 3584 Perry Lake Road
Request: Applicant requests to build a 2000 square foot accessory building and by ordinance Section 46-242 (1) d. 5 is allowed 1472 square feet needing a variance of 528 square feet.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at 248-627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 4-6-13
requests for proposal maintenance of Brandon township cemeteries
Bid proposal is for a cemetery maintenance contract for the following properties.
Seymour Lake Cemetery Shurter Cemetery
Carmer Cemetery Eaton Cemetery
Bald Eagle Lake Cemetery Hummer Rock Site
The Contract term is three years. Your proposal should be divided into three annual prices; spring – fall 2013, spring – fall 2014, spring – fall 2015. Contractor will be paid in monthly payments. Bid packets will be available on April 10, 2013 at the Clerk’s office between the hours of 8:30-5:00 Monday through Friday. Please call the Clerk’s office at 248-627-2851 if you have any questions regarding the Cemetery Maintenance Bid. Bidders assume full responsibility for delivering their bid proposal on time to the designated place. A bid may not be modified, withdrawn or cancelled by the bidder for a period of sixty (60) days after Bid Opening.
Submit your bid proposal no later than 3:00 pm
on Friday, April 19, 2013 to:
Candee Allen
Brandon Township Clerk
395 Mill Street – P.O. Box 929
Ortonville, MI 48462
Bid opening will take place April 19, 2013 at 3:30 p.m. at the Brandon Twp. Municipal Building.
The Charter Township of Brandon reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals. Selection will be based on the submitted cost estimation and an evaluation of listed services. Contractor selection is not based solely on bid amount. The bidder shall also submit a minimum of two references. Please provide a current certificate of insurance with your bid proposal. Finalists may be interviewed to clarify qualifications, the submitted proposal and to ensure a mutual understanding.
The Charter Township of Brandon is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age or disability. Businesses owned by women or minorities are strongly encouraged to bid. Pursuant to Public Act 517 of 2012, individuals who have economic relations with Iran are prohibited from submitting bids on this project.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 04-06-2013
Seymour Lake Cemetery will undergo spring clean-up in April. Please remove any personal artifacts, artificial flowers, wreaths and holders, etc. that you wish to retain PRIOR TO APRIL 15, 2013.
After April 15th, all winter remains including wreaths, grave blankets and faded floral arrangements including the holder, and any other items deemed to be unsightly will be removed and disposed of.
Questions can be directed to the Clerk’s office at (248) 627-2851.
Candee Allen
Brandon Township Clerk
395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929
Ortonville, MI 48462
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 3-30-13 and 4-6-2013.
Fencing around graves at the Seymour Lake Cemetery will no longer be allowed. All fencing must be removed by May 15, 2013. All fencing not removed by that date will be removed and disposed of by the maintenance crew.
Fences get tangled in the maintenance equipment; they are a repository for dead leaves and foliage which makes the cemetery unsightly and many of them are placed on the wrong side of the headstone directly in the walkway between graves forcing people to walk on someone’s grave to go around them. All decorations and flowers must be placed or planted on the east side of the headstone, not the west side of the headstone. That property is owned by the Township and is maintained as a walkway between graves; it is not a part of the grave site.
Additionally, all plastic flowers placed in the walkway may be removed and all flowers planted in the walkway may be mowed over. If you have any questions, please contact the Clerk’s office at (248) 627-2851.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 3-30-13 and 4-6-2013.
Brandon Township Noxious Weed Ordinance, #43, Sec. 18-19 through 18-27, requires property owners to destroy noxious weeds before they reach seed-bearing stage, to prevent such weeds from perpetuating themselves and to prevent such weeds from becoming a detriment to the public health, and further to maintain all varieties of grass and weeds to not exceed the height of 12 inches by June 1st, 2013, and thereafter. Failure of property owners to comply with said duties will result in Brandon Township to enter upon owner’s land and cut or cause said noxious weeds to be destroyed. All expenses incurred in cutting or destroying said weeds shall be paid by the owner and the Township shall have a lien against the land for such expense until collected. Further, any owner who refuses to comply with said ordinance will be subject to a fine as provided for as a municipal civil infraction.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 3-30-13
Brandon Twp.
Notice of Public Hearing
The brandon Township Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing April 9, 2013 beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Brandon Township Offices at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462.
To consider a special land use for a home occupation per zoning ordinance 46-204 (C) (9), for an internet sales of fire arms business.
Parcel identification number: 03-11-200-015
Common Description: 4550 Oakwood Road
For any additional information regarding the above hearing please contact Bill Dinnan at Brandon Township Planning & Building Department at 248-627-4916/
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Ron Haase, Chairman
Brandon Township Planning Commission
Publish in The Citizen 3-23-13
Amending Ordinance to amend the Signs Ordinance of the Code of Ordinances adopted August 2, 2010, by revising Article X General Conditions, Section 46-448 (a) (1) number of signs on a parcel.
THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF BRANDON, OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN ORDAINS: that the current code of ordinances Article X, Section 46-448 (a) (1) number of signs on a parcel be amended, and it is appropriate for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Township that the Code be amended accordingly.
Revision to Article X, Section 46-448 (a) (1) number of signs on a parcel to read as follows:
(1). Within all nonresidential zoning districts, only one ground sign shall be permitted per zoning lot. If a second street frontage on the same zoning lot exceeds two hundred (200) feet or a parcel of land abuts three or more streets, two such ground signs may be permitted on separate street fronts. Sign size, number of signs, and location shall be finalized during site plan review. Maximum size area is provided in “Table A” found in subsection (b) of this section.
The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph or part of this Ordinance shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this Ordinance.
The Clerk for the Charter Township of Brandon shall cause this Ordinance to be published in the manner required by the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Act 110 of 2006 as amended and MCL 42.22.
This Ordinance shall be seven (7) days after publication, March 30, 2013
The forgoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Brandon at its regular meeting called and held on the 6th day of February, 2012 and was ordered to be given publication in the manner required by law.
Candee Allen
Charter Township of Brandon
Introduced 1/23/2012
Adopted 2/06/2012
Published 3/23/2013
Effective 03/30/2013
The full Code of Ordinances can be viewed at the Clerk’s office at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 3-23-13
The Brandon Township
Treasurer’s Office
Is accepting applications for the Position of Administrative Assistant
This position is for 32 hours per week. Candidates should possess a working knowledge of BSA municipal software, Excel, Microsoft Office, and be able to learn other computer applications. Candidates must be comfortable working in a fast paced, public service oriented environment, possess excellent written and language skills. Banking experience is highly desirable. Please submit cover letter and resumes no later than March 22nd to:
Brandon Township Treasurer’s Office
395 Mill St. or PO BOX 929
Ortonville, MI 48462
Questions can be directed to the Treasurer’s Office at:
Brandon Township is an equal opportunity employer. It is our policy to make all personnel decisions without discriminating on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, physical disability, age, marital status, national or ethnic origin and any other protected status
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 3-16-13
Bid proposal is for a cemetery maintenance contract for the following properties.
Seymour Lake Cemetery Shurter Cemetery
Carmer Cemetery Eaton Cemetery
Bald Eagle Lake Cemetery Hummer Rock Site
The Contract term is from April 15 to November 20, each year. Your proposal should be divided into three seasonal prices; spring 2013 ? fall 2013, spring 2014 ? fall 2014, spring 2015 – fall 2015. Contractor will be paid in monthly payments. Bid packets can be picked up at the Clerk’s office between the hours of 8:30-5:00 Monday through Friday. Please call the Clerk’s office at 248-627-2851 if you have any questions regarding the Cemetery Maintenance Bid.
Submit your bid proposal no later than 3:00 pm on Thursday, March 28, 2013 to:
Candee Allen
Brandon Township Clerk
395 Mill Street P.O. Box 929
Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Please provide a certificate of insurance
with your bid proposal.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 2-23-13
The 2013 March Board of Review will meet at the Brandon Township Office at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI on the following dates and times:
Wednesday March 13th 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Thursday March 14th 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
APPOINTMENTS REQUIRED. Please call 248-627-4918 or 248-628-2720 during regular business hours for an appointment. Please have your parcel identification number when calling. All appeals must be accompanied by a completed L-4035 Form ‘Petition to the Board of Review? in order for your appeal to be valid. It is recommended that a detailed explanation, an appraisal and/or other documents be provided to support your appeal. The L-4035 will be provided by the Assessing Office or is available online at the Brandon Township website, or online at:
Letters of appeal are also accepted. They must be received in the Supervisor’s office no later than 5:00 p.m. Thursday, March 14th, 2013.
Applications for Poverty Appeals are available in the Supervisor’s Office. You must show proof of household income by providing current copies of your Federal and State income tax return for 2012 and copies of any other information to prove financial need. Failure to provide the required information will result in denial of the poverty appeal.
The Year 2013 tentative equalization ratios and multipliers are:
Agricultural 51.38% .9731
Commercial 52.26% .9568
Industrial 53.30% .9381
Residential 48.42% 1.0326
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Twp. Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 3-2-13
PROJECTS: 1. Maintenance of the Charter Township of Brandon Safety Path April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2017.
2. Maintenance of the Charter Township of Brandon Properties
April 1, 2013 through November 1, 2016.
*Brandon Township Office Building: 395 Mill Street
*Edna Burton Senior Center: 345 Ball St.
*Brandon Township Office Building: 395 Mill Street
*Lake Louise Dam Area: East Glass Road
AGENCY: Charter Township of Brandon
Brandon Township Parks & Recreation
395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929
Ortonville, MI 48462-0929
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Web Site:
CONTACT: Kathy Thurman, Brandon Township Supervisor
Ph: 248-627-4918
Fax: 248-627-6938
DEADLINE Date: February 20, 2013
Time: Ten O’clock a.m.
PROCEDURES: Process: Sealed Bid to Clerk’s office.
Bid Opening: February 20, 2013, at 10:30 a.m.
Bid packets are available at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office at 395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462, (248) 627-2851. Bids shall be submitted on or before February 20, 2013, 10:00 a.m. Bidders assume full responsibility for delivering their bid proposal on time to the designated place.
A bid may not be modified, withdrawn or cancelled by the bidder for a period of sixty (60) days after Bid Opening.
The Charter Township of Brandon reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. Selection will be based on the submitted cost estimation and an evaluation of listed services. Contractor selection is not based solely on bid amount. The bidder shall also submit a minimum of at least two references. Finalists may be interviewed to clarify qualifications, the submitted proposal and to insure a mutual understanding.
All inquiries regarding these Requests for Proposal shall be made to the Brandon Township Supervisor’s Office at 248-627-4918. The Charter Township of Brandon is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age or disability. Businesses owned by women or minorities are strongly encouraged to bid.
Questions can be directed to Brandon Township Supervisor, Kathy Thurman, (248) 627-4918.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 2-09-13, 2-16-13
Regular Board meeting
February 4, 2013 Synopsis
Trustees Present: Allen, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball, DeWitt, Thurman
Absent: Darnall
1) Approved the agenda as amended.
2) Approved the Consent Agenda which contained the following items:
? Regular Meeting Minutes of January 7, 2013
? Supervisor ? Lake Louise Board Appointments
? Trustee Timesheets in the amount of $837.00
? Regular Bills in the amount of $11,229.94
? Pre-Pays in the amount of $319,426.26
3) Approved to table the Resolution for the Outdoor Application Fee until the next board meeting
4) Approved to not pay the Government Membership Fee of $900.00 to the Clinton Watershed Council.
5) Approved to waive the $500.00 variance fee and $75.00 sign permit fee for the Ortonville Chamber of Commerce sign installation at the Renn Insurance Location.
6) Approved to decline the Brandon Township’s participation in the Oakland County 2013 West Nile Virus Program.
7) Approved to enter into and approve the 2013 Clean-Up Recycling and refuse Collection Agreement with Bedrock Express Limited as presented.
8) Approved to authorize the Supervisor to diversify the Township’s Retiree Health Funding vehicle holdings by allocating 50% to the MERS Established Market Fund and 50% to the MERS Total Market Fund.
9) Approved the appointment of Ron Lapp, Bill DeWitt, and Kathy Thurman to the Improvement Sub-Committee to perform the tasks as presented and amended.
10) Meeting Adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 2-16-13
PROJECTS: 1. Maintenance of the Charter Township of Brandon Safety Path April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2017.
2. Maintenance of the Charter Township of Brandon Properties
April 1, 2013 through November 1, 2016.
*Brandon Township Office Building: 395 Mill Street
*Edna Burton Senior Center: 345 Ball St.
*Brandon Township Office Building: 395 Mill Street
*Lake Louise Dam Area: East Glass Road
AGENCY: Charter Township of Brandon
Brandon Township Parks & Recreation
395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929
Ortonville, MI 48462-0929
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Web Site:
CONTACT: Kathy Thurman, Brandon Township Supervisor
Ph: 248-627-4918
Fax: 248-627-6938
DEADLINE Date: February 20, 2013
Time: Ten O’clock a.m.
PROCEDURES: Process: Sealed Bid to Clerk’s office.
Bid Opening: February 20, 2013, at 10:30 a.m.
Bid packets are available at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office at 395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462, (248) 627-2851. Bids shall be submitted on or before February 20, 2013, 10:00 a.m. Bidders assume full responsibility for delivering their bid proposal on time to the designated place.
A bid may not be modified, withdrawn or cancelled by the bidder for a period of sixty (60) days after Bid Opening.
The Charter Township of Brandon reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. Selection will be based on the submitted cost estimation and an evaluation of listed services. Contractor selection is not based solely on bid amount. The bidder shall also submit a minimum of at least two references. Finalists may be interviewed to clarify qualifications, the submitted proposal and to insure a mutual understanding.
All inquiries regarding these Requests for Proposal shall be made to the Brandon Township Supervisor’s Office at 248-627-4918. The Charter Township of Brandon is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age or disability. Businesses owned by women or minorities are strongly encouraged to bid.
Questions can be directed to Brandon Township Supervisor, Kathy Thurman, (248) 627-4918.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 2-09-13, 2-16-13
January 7, 2013
Members present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball, DeWitt, Thurman
Members absent: None
1) Approved Agenda as amended.
2) Approved Consent Agenda as presented and amended, which contained the following items:
? Regular Meeting Minutes of December 17, 2012
? Pre-pays in the amount of $261,226.09
3) Approved adopting (2nd Reading) Vacant Property Registration Ordinance, Chapter 10, Article V, Section 10-100.
4) Approved adopting (2nd Reading) amendment to Ordinance #113.
5) Approved adopting (2nd Reading) Amendment to Chapter 18 of the Code of Ordinances ? Criminal Penalty for Litter Ordinance, Causing to Fall or Throwing into a Path of a Vehicle.
6) Approved adopting (2nd Reading) Amendment to Chapter 28, IV, Division 3 of the Code of Ordinances ? Trespassing Ordinance.
7) Approved adopting (2nd Reading) Amendment to Chapter 28, IV, Division 4 of the Code of Ordinances ? Damage to Property Ordinance.
8) Approved a Resolution opposing House Bill 5804.
9) Approved the Building Renovation Budget Amendment.
10) Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 1-19-13
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing January 23, 2013 at 7:30 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeals.
Appeal # 001-13 Sidwell # 03-24-200-034
Name: Thomas Kell
Location: 919 Baldwin Meadows
Request: Applicant is asking for 3 variances:
1. Variance of 18 square feet to build out building 720 sq. ft. (702 sq. ft allowed Section 46-242
(1) d.5.)
2. Variance to adjacent lot line of 65 feet rear and side (100 feet required by Section 46-282 (b)
(2) c).
3. Variance of 11 chickens to be kept on 2.5 acres (1Chicken allowed Section 46-282 (b) (3) a.)
Appeal # 002-13 Sidwell # 03-20-400-020
Name: Scott Hucker
Location: 1724 S. Hadley Road
Request: Applicant asking for interpretation of building height for his style of roof compare to figure 2 roof style, or request a height variance of 3?11? for accessory structure of 23? 11? per Section 46-242 (1) g. (20feet is allowed).
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248-627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 1-05-13
The Charter Township of Brandon will be considering for adoption amendments and additions to the following ordinances at their January 7, 2013 regularly scheduled board meeting:
1) Amendments to Trespassing Ordinance – Chapter 28 (Offenses), Article IV (Offenses Against Property) Division 3 (Trespassing)
a. Amending Sec. 28-150, (Notice), pursuant to MCL 750.552 and adding Recreational Trespass.
b. Amending Sec.28-157 (Criminal Penalty) to comply with State Law Trespass Statute and MCL750.504 (penalty for misdemeanors when punishment not stated).
2) Amendments to Litter Ordinance – Chapter 18 (Environment), Article III (Litter) – providing amendment to Sec. 18-70 (Violations) adopting criminal penalty for Sec. 18-66 (Falling In Path Of Vehicles), pursuant to MCL 342.8903.
3) Amendments to Damage to Property Ordinance – Chapter 28 (Offenses), Article IV (Offenses Against Property) Division 4 (Damage to Property)
a. Adding violation “Illegal Dumping” as Sec. 28-189, (previously reserved), pursuant to MCL 750.552a.
b. Adding violation “Placing or Throwing Glass Debris, Etc.” as Sec.28-190 (previously reserved), pursuant to MCL750.493a.
c. Adding violation “Turfing” as Sec.29-191 (previously reserved), pursuant to MCL750.546 et seq.
4) Vacant Property Registration – Chapter 10 Buildings and Building Regulations, Article V. Vacant Property Registration and Maintenance, for the purpose of preventing blight, protecting property values and integrity, avoiding nuisances and ensuring safe and sanitary conditions.
5) Amendments to Ordinance # 113 – Section 14 Extended Coverage, for the purpose of language clarification.
Complete text of the proposed ordinance amendments can found on the Brandon Township website or at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office located at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI. For further information please contact the Clerk’s office at (248) 627-2891.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Published in the citizen 01/05/2013.
December 3, 2012
Members present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball, DeWitt, Thurman
Members absent: None
1) Approved Agenda as amended.
2) Approved Consent Agenda as presented, which contained the following items:
? Regular Meeting Minutes of November 19, 2012
? Special Meeting Minutes of November 20, 2012
? Regular Bills in the Amount of $186,674.77
? Prepays in the Amount of $141.331.39
? Trustee Timesheets in the Amount of $744.00
3) Approved discontinuing HR Solutions with PayChex and to switch to PayChex One Source Package I for payroll processing.
4) Approved hiring Alexandria Rian as a part-time eligible Administrative Assistant to the Treasurer, starting December 4, 2012.
5) Approved discontinuing passport application processing effective immediately.
6) Approved renewing the Consulting Agreement for the 2013 operations of the Ortonville Community Broadcasting Station and Mr. Greg Normand.
7) Approved transferring $54,328.20 of Cable Franchise Fees to the General Fund to gift to the Police Budget and to remit $6,489.22 of Cable Franchise fees to the Village of Ortonville.
8) Approved appointing Trustee DePalma to the Retirement Oversight Committee, Treasurer Darnall to the Brandon Fire Authority, Trustee DeWitt to the Township Planning Commission and Trustee Rumball to the Parks & Recreation Sub-Committee begining December 4, 2012.
9) Approved agreeing to a Settlement Agreement with Enbridge after terms have been reviewed and agreed upon by the attorneys.
10) Meeting adjourned at 11:50 PM.
December 10, 2012
Members present: Darnall, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball, DeWitt, Thurman
Members absent: Allen
1) Approved Agenda as presented.
2) A Public Hearing was held to discuss the 2013 Township Budget.
3) Approved the draft Enbridge settlement documents presented by the Township Attorney with the addition of the agreed upon proposal from Hubbel, Roth and Clark, Inc. with the inclusion of Exhibit A (the ‘Route?).
4) The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.
December 10, 2012
Members present: Darnall, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball, DeWitt, Thurman
Members absent: Allen
1) Approved Agenda as presented.
2) A Closed Session was held with the Village of Ortonville Council to discuss attorney opinion in regard to issues arising from Brandon Fire Department representation proceedings to discuss
3) Approved the closed session minutes.
4) The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.
December 17, 2012
Members present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball, DeWitt, Thurman
Members absent: None
11) Approved Agenda as amended.
12) Approved Consent Agenda as presented, which contained the following items:
? Public Hearing Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2012
? Special Joint Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2012
? Regular Bills in the Amount of $26,309.31
? Prepays in the Amount of $182,245,83
? 2013 Meeting & Holiday Schedule
? Budget Amendments
? Board of Review Appointments
? End of Year Bill Payment
13) Approved 1st Reading of Amendment to Chapter 18 of the Code of Ordinances ? Criminal Penalty for Litter Ordinance, Causing to Fall or Throwing into a Path of a Vehicle.
14) Approved 1st Reading of Amendment to Chapter 28, IV, Division 3 of the Code of Ordinances ? Trespassing Ordinance.
15) Approved 1st Reading of Amendment to Chapter 28, IV, Division 4 of the Code of Ordinances ? Damage to Property Ordinance.
16) Approved 1st Reading of the Vacant Property Registration Ordinance.
17) Approved Resolution for the Building Permit Fee Schedule.
18) Approved the 2013 Budget Appropriations Act.
19) Approved 1st Reading of amendment to Ordinance #113.
20) Approved the Minutes of the December 3, 2012 Regular Meeting as Presented and Amended.
21) Approved new Lease for the Pitney Bowes Postage Meter.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 12-29-12
2013 Brandon Twp. Board Meetings ? Mondays at 7:00 pm (unless noted)
At the Brandon Township Meeting Offices (unless otherwise notified)
395 Mill St. PO Box 929
Ortonville, Mi. 48462
(248) 627-2851
Regular Board Meeting Schedule:
Monday, January 7 Monday, July 1
Monday, February 4 Monday, August 5
Monday, March 4 Tuesday, September 3rd
(Due to Labor Day)
Monday, April 1 Monday, October 7
Monday, May 6 Monday, November 4
Monday, June 3 Monday, December 2
Township Offices will be closed in observance of the following Holidays for 2013:
Tuesday, January 1, 2013 New Year’s Day (Observed)
Monday, January 21, 2013 Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Monday, February 18, 2013 Presidents? Day
Friday, March 29, 2013 Good Friday
Monday, May 27, 2013 Memorial Day
Thursday, July 4, 2013 Independence Day
Monday, September 2, 2013 Labor Day
Monday, November 11, 2013 Veterans? Day
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Thanksgiving Day
Friday, November 29, 2013 Day after Thanksgiving
Tuesday, December 24, 2013 Christmas Eve (Observed)
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Christmas Day (Observed)
Tuesday, December 31, 2013 New Year’s Eve (Observed)
Wednesday, January 1, 2014 New Year’s Day (Observed)
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Published by B. Jean McCreery, CMC, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 12-22-12
November 1, 2012
Members present: McCreery, Beltramo, Gault, DePalma, Thurman
Members absent: Stowell (with notice), King (with notice)
1) Approved Agenda as amended.
2) Closed Session for the purpose of considering a Enbridge Energy negotiations and consider attorney opinion regarding voluntary recognition of the International Association of Firefighters.
3) Approved authorizing the Township Attorney to proceed with a motion to intervene in the POLAR vs. Enbridge lawsuit.
4) Approved not granting voluntary recognition of the International Association of Firefighters as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative of the Brandon full-time firefighters and emergency medical personnel.
5) Approved Closed Session minutes of November 1, 2012.
6) Meeting adjourned at 8:16 PM.
November 19, 2012
Members present: McCreery, Beltramo, Gault, DePalma, Thurman
Members absent: Stowell (with notice), King (with notice)
1) Approved Agenda as amended.
2) Approved Consent Agenda as presented and amended, which contained the following items:
? Regular Meeting Minutes of October 29, 2012
? Special Meeting Minutes of October 29, 2012
? Regular Bills in the Amount of $42,165.35
? Prepays in the Amount of $71,918.93
? Year end budget amendments
3) Approved the purchase of a 2011 E-450 ambulance remount for $106,425.00.
4) Approved moving Medicare qualified retirees and/or spouses from Blue Cross Blue Shield supplemental insurance to a United Health Care Medigap policy Plan F with retirees and/or spouses being required to continue to participate in Medicare Parts A&B at their own expense.
5) Approved postponing a decision on HR Solutions with Paychex until the next regular board meeting.
6) Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM.
November 20, 2012
Members present: Allen, Darnall, DePalma, Lapp, Rumball, DeWitt, Thurman
Members absent: None
1) Approved Agenda as presented.
2) Discussed various aspects of the 2013 budgets, updated new board members on the Enbridge line 6B project, and advised trustees of their duties.
Meeting Adjourned at 10:30 PM.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 12-15-12
October 29, 2012
Members present: McCreery, Beltramo, King, Gault, DePalma, Thurman
Members absent: Stowell (with notice),
1) Approved Agenda as amended.
2) Closed Session for the purpose of considering attorney’s opinion regarding Enbridge.
3) Approved the Minutes of the Closed Session of October 29, 2012.
October 29, 2012
Members present: McCreery, Beltramo, King, Gault, DePalma, Thurman
Members absent: Stowell (with notice)
1) Approved Agenda as amended.
2) Presentation of Service Awards.
3) Approved Consent Agenda as presented and amended, which contained the following items:
? Regular Meeting Minutes of October 1, 2012
? Regular Bills in the Amount of $78,951.32
? Prepays in the Amount of $247,951.32
? Trustee Timesheets in the Amount of $744.00
4) Adopted amendment to the Municipal Park Ordinance to include the language ‘shall be discharged? after ‘No firearms or weapons?.
5) Approved Fire Department purchase of Amkus Equipment from the Independence Fire Department for $5,000.00.
6) Approved Fire Department purchase of a new 2013 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD from Berger Chevrolet for $28,995.00.
7) Approved repair of Fire Station #1 roof as quoted from Harrell Building Company for $10,300.00.
8) Approved waiving fees required for Mr. Walter Roberts for the Zoning Board of Appeals.
9) Approved the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office 2013-2015 Law Enforcement Services Agreement with the Charter Township of Brandon as presented.
10) Approved taking no action on Oakland County Auction of unsold properties, which would result in the properties being deeded to the Township.
11) Approved amending Policy 2.28 (a) Medical Benefits C, which would result in eligible full-time employees and officials hired/elected after October 31, 2012 to pay for 20% of their health care costs.
12) Approved amending resolution #229-12.
13) Approved taking whatever legal action is necessary to require Enbridge Energy to obtain Brandon Township’s consent under Article 7, Section 29 of the Michigan State Constitution.
14) Meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 12-15-12
PROJECT: Maintenance of the Charter Township of Brandon Community Park for 2013
AGENCY: Charter Township of Brandon
Brandon Township Parks & Recreation
395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929
Ortonville, MI 48462-0929
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Web Site:
CONTACT: Fred Waybrant,
Director of Parks & Recreation.
Ph: 248-627-4640 / Cell 248-830-2397
Fax: 248-627-6560
DEADLINE Date: December 21, 2012
Time: Ten O’clock a.m.
PROCEDURES: Process: Sealed Bid to Clerk’s office.
Bid Opening: December 21, 2012 at 10:30 AM
Bid packets are available at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office at 395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462, (248) 627-2851.
Bids shall be submitted on or before December 21, 2012, 10:00 a.m. Bidders assume full responsibility for delivering their bid proposal on time to the designated place.
A bid may not be modified, withdrawn or cancelled by the bidder for a period of sixty (60) days after Bid Opening.
The Charter Township of Brandon reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. Selection will be based on the submitted cost estimation and an evaluation of listed services. Contractor selection is not based solely on bid amount. The bidder shall also submit a minimum of at least two references. Finalists may be interviewed to clarify qualifications, the submitted proposal and to insure a mutual understanding.
All inquiries regarding this Request for Proposal shall be made to the Brandon Township Parks & Recreation Department Office at 248-627-4640. The Charter Township of Brandon is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age or disability. Businesses owned by women or minorities are strongly encouraged to bid.
Questions can be directed to The Parks & Recreation Director, Fred Waybrant, (248) 627-4640.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 12-08-12
Brandon Township will hold a PUBLIC HEARING at a Special Meeting on December 10, 2012 at 7:00 pm at 395 Mill St., Ortonville, MI 48462 to receive public comments on the proposed 2013 budget.
A copy of the budget will be available for review at the Clerk’s office beginning December 3, 2012.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill St., P.O. Box 929 Ortonville, MI 48462
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Posted by Candee Allen, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 12-01-12
The Brandon Township Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing December 11, 2012 beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Brandon Township Offices at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462.
To consider a special land use per zoning ordinance 46-211 ? (8) Mixed Business District for a major vehicle repair facility.
Parcel identification number: 03-19-326-016
Common Description: 1695 Ortonville Road
To consider the following request to continue a special use permit to allow the Home Occupation ‘Porta John Rental? at 4550 Stanton Road, Don Marsh owner.
Parcel identification number: 03-36-426-015
Common Description: 4550 Stanton Road
For any additional information regarding the above hearing please contact Bill Dinnan at Brandon Township Planning & Building Department at 248-627-4916.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248) 627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting
Ron Haase, Chairman
Brandon Township Planning Commission
Publish in The Citizen 11-26-12
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Township of Brandon will hold a public hearing on the use of Community Development Block Grant Funds. The Hearing will be held within the regularly scheduled Board meeting at 7:00 PM on Monday, October 1, 2012 at the Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462 for the purpose of hearing public comments on the Community Development Block Grant (CDGB) Program Year 2013 application in the approximate amount of $32,033.00 to fund eligible projects. All interested citizens are requested to attend the Hearing. Comments will also be received in writing or in person at the Brandon Township Clerk’s office at 395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462 until 12:00 PM Wednesday, September 29, 2010. Arrangements to reasonably accommodate special needs, including handicap accessibility or interpreter, will be made upon receiving 72 hour advance notice. Contact Supervisor Kathy Thurman at (248) 627-4918, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meetings Act.
Published by B. Jean McCreery, CMC, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 11-26-12
On or about October 29, 2012 the Board of the Charter Township of Brandon adopted its Code of Ordinances Chapter 32, Article II Section 32-21 to designate certain rules and regulations regarding use of Township Parks. The Charter Township of Brandon has now determined that Chapter 32, Article II, Section 32-21,. Subdivision (14) must be amended to clarify its scope and to further address the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Township; Therefore,
SECTION 1: Short Title
Sec. 1.1. This Ordinance shall be known and may be cited and referred to as the Park Regulations First Amending Ordinance, and shall hereinafter be referred to as ‘this Ordinance?.
SECTION 2: Scope and Application
Sec. 2.1. This Ordinance shall not interfere with, diminish and/or minimize the effect and force of any other law, ordinance, rule or regulation in effect or hereafter given effect, relating to the same subject matter, except as specifically designated herein.
SECTION 3: Revocation of prior section
Section 32, Article II, Subsection 32-21 Subdivision (14) of the Code of Ordinances is hereby revoked in its entirety:
SECTION 4: Adoption of Revised Subdivision (14) .
Revised Subdivision (14) of Chapter 32, Article II, Subsection 32-21of the Code of Ordinances is hereby adopted as follows:
(14) Discharging any firearm, air gun, slingshot, trap or spring propelled gun, bows and arrows, and cross bows
SECTION 5: Affirmation of all other provisions of Chapter 32, Article II Section 32-21. Subdivision (14).
Sec. 5.1. All provisions of Chapter 32, Article II Subsection 32-21. as adopted, are hereby affirmed and approved in their entirety except as otherwise provided in this amending Ordinance.
SECTION 6: Severability
Sec. 6.1. In the event any one or more sections, provisions, phrases, or words of this Ordinance shall be held invalid, void, unenforceable and/or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity, effectiveness or enforceability of the remaining sections, provisions, phrases or words of this Ordinance
SECTION 7: Effective Date and Declaration
Sec. 7.1. This Ordinance is hereby declared and certified to have been duly adopted by the Board of the Charter Township of Brandon, County of Oakland, State of Michigan, at a meeting of the Board duly called and held on the 29th day of October, 2012 and published on November 3, 2012 in the manner prescribed by law. The effective date of this Ordinance is the date of publication.
The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph or part of this Ordinance shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this Ordinance.
The Clerk for the Charter Township of Brandon shall cause this Ordinance to be published in the manner required by the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Act 110 of 2006 as amended and MCL 42.22.
This Ordinance shall be effective upon publication on November 3, 2012.
The forgoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Brandon at its regular meeting called and held on the 29th day of October, 2012 and was ordered to be given publication in the manner required by law.
B. Jean McCreery, CMC
Charter Township of Brandon
First Reading 10/01/2012
Second Reading 10/29/2012
Adopted 10/29/2012
Published 11/03/2012
Effective 11/03/2012
The full Code of Ordinances can be viewed at the Clerk’s office at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Posted by B. Jean McCreery, CMC, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 11-3-12
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing November 28, 2012 at 7:30 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeals.
Appeal # 018-12 Sidwell # 03-18-352-024
Name: Randy Wise Dealership/Christopher Enright
Location: 968 Ortonville Road
Request: Applicant is asking for 208.95 square feet of proposed sign. 32 square feet is allowed therefore requires a variance of 176.95 square feet. Section 46-449 (b).
Appeal # 019-12 Sidwell # 03-03-276-011
Name: Walter Roberts
Location: 1791 Connell Road
Request: Applicant asking for variance to leave barn on vacant piece of property (demolition of dangerous house). Section 46-242 (1) a. which does not permit in residential districts an accessory building by itself on vacant land.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248-627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 11-10-12
Brandon Township is requesting sealed bids for the remount of an existing ambulance on a new 2012 or 2013 Ford E-450SD chassis. The Bid specification package can be obtained by contacting Brandon Fire Department.
Brandon Fire Department
53 South St.
Ortonville, MI 48462
(248) 627-4000
Any questions may be directed to Fire Chief David Kwapis, between the hours of 8am and 4pm, Monday through Friday.
Sealed Bids must be received by October 30, 2012 to the following address:
B. Jean McCreery, CMC
Brandon Township Clerk
395 Mill Street, P.O. Box 929
Ortonville, MI 48462
The township may reject any and all bids if they determine the bids are unacceptable for any reason.
Posted by B. Jean McCreery, CMC, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Publish in The Citizen 10-20-12
October 1, 2012
Members present: McCreery, Beltramo, King, Gault, DePalma, Thurman
Members absent: Stowell (with notice)
1) Approved Agenda as amended.
2) Approved Consent Agenda as presented and amended, which contained the following items:
? Special Meeting Minutes of September 13, 2012
? Regular Meeting Minutes of September 17, 2012
? Special Meeting Minutes of September 17, 2012
? Regular Bills in the Amount of $236,327.24
? Trustee Timesheets in the Amount of $1,581.00
3) Approved second reading of the rezoning of LaLone Well Drilling at 1366 Ortonville Road from the current G1, R1-B and RE zoning to C-4.
4) Approved amendments to Ordinance #113-12 as presented and amended.
5) Approval of Amendments to Brandon Township Policy 2.28 (a) Medical Benefits C and D and 2.28 (b) Extended Coverage as presented and amended.
6) Approved amendments to Brandon Township Policy 2.33 Longevity as presented.
7) Approved Resolution #233-12 supporting construction of a McLaren 200-bed hospital in Independence Township, Michigan.
8) Approved the first reading to amend the Municipal Park Regulation Ordinance #120, article V, Sec. 5.1 as presented and amended.
9) Approved Resolution #232-12 of the Charter Township of Brandon Board of Trustees, 2013 Community Development Block Grant Application as presented and amended.
10) Approved the 2013 Community Development Block Grant Sub Recipient agreement and authorized the Brandon Township Supervisor to sign the agreement.
11) Approved granting the Brandon Township Clerk authority to choose and hire a qualified contractor with the lowest bid to replace the doors at Precinct 5 (the Old Town Hall) to bring the building to ADA compliance.
12) Postponed taking action on the Enbridge Settlement Agreement.
Posted by B. Jean McCreery, CMC, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 10-13-12
To the Qualified Electors:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Accuracy Test for the November 6, 2012 General Election has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 24, 2012 at 11:00 AM, the alternate day if necessary will be October 25, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the Township Hall Meeting Room, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI. 48462.
The Public Accuracy Test is Conducted to demonstrate that the program and computer that will be used to tabulate the results of the election, counts the votes in the manner prescribed by law.
B. Jean McCreery, CMC
395 Mill St., PO Box 929, Ortonville, Mi. 48462
Published by B. Jean McCreery, CMC, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 10-13-12
notice of public accuracy test for the general election novemer 6, 2012
the charter township of brandon
To the Qualified Electors:
general election
NOVEMBER 6, 2012
Charter Township of Brandon
To the Qualified Electors:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a General Election will be held in:
Charter Township of Brandon
THE POLLS will be open
7 o’clock a.m. until 8 o’clock p.m.
Precinct 1 & 2 ? Fletcher Intermediate School ? 300 South St., Ortonville
Precinct 3 ? Oakwood Elementary School ? 2839 Oakwood Road, Ortonville
Precinct 4 ? Fire Station #2, 3065 S. Sashabaw Rd., Oxford, Brandon Township
Precinct 5 ? Clarkston Lakes Clubhouse ? 4260 Dogwood Blvd., Clarkston, Brandon Township
Precinct 6 ? Old Town Hall ? 486 Mill Street, Ortonville
Absentee Ballots can be obtained by submitting an application for an absentee ballot to the Clerk no later than Saturday, November 3, 2012, 2:00P.M. Absentee ballots can be voted in the office on Monday, November 5, 2012 up to 4:00PM.
PRESIDENTIAL President and Vice President of the United States
CONGRESSIONAL United States Senator and Representative in Congress
LEGISLATIVE Representative in State Legislature
STATE BOARDS State Board of Education, University of Michigan Regents, Michigan State University Trustees, Wayne State University Governors
COUNTY County Executive, Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff, Clerk/Register of Deeds, Treasurer, Water Resources Commissioner and County Commissioner
JUDICIAL Justice of the Supreme Court, Justice of the Supreme Court – Incumbent Position, Judge of Court of Appeals 2nd District ? Incumbent Position, Judge of Circuit Court 6th Circuit ? Incumbent Position, Judge of Circuit Court 6th Circuit ? Non-Incumbent Position, Judge of Probate Court ? Incumbent Position
LOCAL SCHOOL BRANDON SCHOOL DISTRICT – Board Member, Board Member Partial Term ending
COLLEGE Board of Trustees Member ? Oakland Community College
LOCAL OFFICES BRANDON TOWNSHIP ? Supervisor, Clerk, Treasurer, Trustees, Library Board Trustees
VILLAGE OF ORTONVILLE ? President, Trustees
Public Act 4 of 2011 would:
-Establish criteria to assess the financial condition of local government units, including school districts.
-Authorize Governor to appoint an emergency manager (EM) upon state finding of a financial emergency, and allow the EM to act in place of local government officials.
-Require EM to develop financial and operating plans, which may include modification or termination of contracts, reorganization of government, and determination of expenditures, services, and use of assets until the emergency is resolved.
-Alternatively, authorize state-appointed review team to enter into a local government approved consent decree.
Should this law be approved?
This proposal would:
-Grant public and private employees the constitutional right to organize and bargain collectively through labor unions.
-Invalidate existing or future state or local laws that limit the ability to join unions and bargain collectively, and to negotiate and enforce collective bargaining agreements, including employees? financial support of their labor unions. Laws may be enacted to prohibit public employees from striking.
-Override state laws that regulate hours and conditions of employment to the extent that those laws conflict with collective bargaining agreements.
-Define ’employer? as a person or entity employing one or more employees.
Should this proposal be approved?
This proposal would:
-Require electric utilities to provide at least 25% of their annual retail sales of electricity from renewable energy sources, which are wind, solar, biomass, and hydropower, by 2025.
-Limit to not more than 1% per year electric utility rate increases charged to consumers only to achieve compliance with the renewable energy standard.
-Allow annual extensions of the deadline to meet the 25% standard in order to prevent rate increases over the 1% limit.
-Require the legislature to enact additional laws to encourage the use of Michigan made equipment and employment of Michigan residents.
This proposal would:
-Allow in-home care workers to bargain collectively with the Michigan Quality Home Care Council (MQHCC). Continue the current exclusive representative of in-home care workers until modified in accordance with labor laws. -Require MQHCC to provide training for in-home care workers, create a registry of workers who pass background checks, and provide financial services to patients to manage the cost of in-home care. -Preserve patients? rights to hire in-home care workers who are not referred from the MQHCC registry who are bargaining unit members. -Authorize the MQHCC to set minimum compensation standards and terms and conditions of employment.
This proposal would:
Require a 2/3 majority vote of the State House and the State Senate, or a statewide vote of the people at a November election, in order for the State of Michigan to impose new or additional taxes on taxpayers or expand the base of taxation or increasing the rate of taxation.
This section shall in no way be construed to limit or modify tax limitations otherwise created in this Constitution. Should this proposal be approved?
This proposal will allow the school district to levy 17.9496 mills on all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance and renews millage that will expire with the 2012 tax levy.
Shall the currently authorized millage rate limitation of 17.9496 mills ($17.9496 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, except principal residence and other property exempted by law, in Brandon School District in the Counties of Oakland and Lapeer, Michigan, be renewed for a period of 6 years, 2013 to 2018, inclusive, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2013 is approximately $1,600,000 (this is a renewal of millage which will expire with the 2012 tax levy)?
Brandon Township Clerk – B. Jean McCreery, CMC
395 Mill St. Ortonville, MI 48462 – (248) 627-2851
Publish in The Citizen 10-13-12
(To be added after Full Time Elected Official)
MEDICAL PLAN.? A plan that provides for the payment of medical benefits, including but not limited to, hospital and physician services, prescription drugs and related benefits as defined in Township Policy.
Section. 14 Extended Coverage.
An extended medical plan is hereby created and established for the Brandon Township full time elected officials (excluding Trustees) and full-time employees. Any such official or employee hired prior to October 31, 2012 who has retired with twenty (20) or more continuous years of service and achieved age fifty-five (55) shall have vested continued medical coverage consistent with the coverage in effect for current active full time employees. For any such official or employee hired after October 31, 2012 who has retired with twenty-five (25) or more continual years of service and achieved age sixty (60), or age fifty-five (55) for firefighter employees, shall have vested medical coverage consistent with the coverage in effect for current active full time employees. The above referenced coverage shall terminate upon the former employee becoming eligible for Medicare and Brandon Township shall thereafter provide a Medicare supplemental medical coverage or an allowance cumulatively comparable with the coverage in effect for current active full time employees.
First Reading: 09/17/2012
Second Reading: 10/01/2012
Published: 10/06/2012
Effective: 10/06/2012
The full Code of Ordinances can be viewed at the Clerk’s office at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462.
Posted by B. Jean McCreery, CMC, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 10-06-12
September 6, 2012
Members present: McCreery, Beltramo, Stowell, King, Gault, DePalma, Thurman
Members absent: None
1) Approved Agenda as amended.
2) Approved relocating the polling place for Precinct 5 from Sashabaw Meadows Mobile Home Community Clubhouse to the Clarkston Lakes Mobile Home Community Building at 4260 Dogwood Boulevard, Clarkston, MI 48348.
3) Approved contributing $100,000 to the Municipal Employees? Retirement System of Michigan Retirement Health Care Funding Vehicle.
4) Approved a budget amendment to transfer $150,000 from Undesignated Carry Forward 101-944-985.000 to General Fund Committed 250-000-390.944.
5) Approved the transfer of $100,000 from Undesignated Carry Forward 101-944-985-000 to Retirement/MERS 101-944-915-715; to contribute $100,000 to Municipal Employees? Retirement System of Michigan Retirement Health Funding Vehicle #6333 from Retirement/MERS 101-944-915-715, to transfer $7,500 from Undesignated Carry Forward 101-944-985-000 to Tri/Party Repairs 101-464-775-100, to amend Donation/Supervisor 101-000-675-175 from $2,775.90 to $0.00, to amend Donation/Clerk 101-000-675-215 from $2,428.85 to $0.00, and to amend Donation/Treasurer 101-000-675-253 from $2,428.85 to $0.00.
September 12, 2012
Members present: McCreery, Stowell, King, Gault, DePalma, Thurman
Members absent: Beltramo
1) Approved Agenda as amended.
2) Approved reinstatement of the employer’s contributions to the Retiree Health Care Funding Vehicle beginning 01/01/2013.
3) Approved transferring $100,000 from the Fire Department Ambulance Budget Undesignated Funds to 2012 Fire Operating, then to transfer the funds to the Brandon Township MERS Retiree Health Care Funding Vehicle.
4) Approved adopting the Brandon Township Fire Department Part-Time Hiring Policy as presented.
5) Approved adopting the Brandon Township Fire Department full-time employee benefit changes.
6) Approved the 2013 Brandon Township Fire Department Employee Benefits for full-time employees as presented and amended.
7) Approved the 2013 Brandon Township Fire Department Employee Benefits for part-time employees as presented and amended.
September 17, 2012
Members present: McCreery, Beltramo, King, Gault, DePalma, Thurman
Members absent: Stowell
1) Approved Agenda.
2) Approved the closed session meeting minutes.
September 17, 2012
Members present: McCreery, Beltramo, King, Gault, DePalma, Thurman
Members absent: Stowell (with notice)
6) Approved Agenda as amended.
7) Approved Consent Agenda as presented, which contained the following items:
? Regular Meeting Minutes of August 20, 2012
? Special Meeting Minutes of September 6, 2012
? Special Joint Meeting Minutes of September 12, 2012
? Regular Bills in the Amount of $60,728.80
? Pre-pays in the Amount of $191,149.22
8) Approved the 2012 tax rate L-4029 as presented and amended with General Operating at 1.0000, Police Operating at 2.8505, Police Operating at 0.6781, Township Library Debt at 0.7400, Fire Operating at 3.2983 and Fire E&H at 0.922.
9) Approved the first reading of a change to a parcel 03-19-176-014, also known as 1366 Ortonville Road (LaLone Well Drilling), from the current GI, R1-B and RE zoning to C-4.
10) Approved the first reading of Amending Ordinance #113-12 amending Ordinance #113- Pension Plan.
11) Approved ordering two directional signs for the Brandon Township Community Park from the Road Commission for Oakland County at a total cost of $1,600 to be paid for out of 250-000-390-604.
12) Approved Resolution #231-12 supporting legislation for increased regulatory action on oil and gas development.
13) Amended the 2012 budget by moving $3,600 from General Fund Carry Forward line item #101-944-985-000 to Professional Services line item #101-299-801-000.
14) Authorized the demolition of the structures located at 1076 Legault Boulevard according to the order dated September 5, 2012 and to pay for the corrective action with funds from line item #101-944-985-000 not to exceed $20,000.
Posted by B. Jean McCreery, CMC, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 10-06-12
zoning board of appeals
Regular Meeting
The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing October 24, 2012 at 7:30 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462 to hear the following appeals.
Appeal # 014-12 Sidwell # 03-18-376-018
Name: Allied Signs, Inc/McDonalds
Location: 925 Ortonville Road
Request: Applicant requests a variance to install 3 menu boards consisting of 2 large (40.96 sq. ft.). Two menu boards are allowed totaling of 30 sq. ft. Requesting 2 @ 40.96 sq. ft. & 1 @ 8.25 sq. ft. for a total of 3 menu boards totaling 90.17 sq. ft. requiring a variance of 1 board and 60.17 sq. ft.
Appeal # 017-12 Sidwell # 03-31-100-025
Name: Charles & Dawn Covetz
Location: 3410 Reese Road
Request: Applicant request a variance of 17 feet for both side and rear lot line to construct accessory building 8 feet from side and rear property line. By ordinance Section 46-242 (1) d.f 25 feet is required.
This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meeting Act
Persons with disabilities, who require assistance to participate or attend this public meeting, are requested to contact the Supervisor at (248-627-4918 at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Publish in The Citizen 10-06-12
At a regularly scheduled board meeting of the Brandon Township Board of Trustees held on October 1, 2012 at 7:00 PM at 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462, the Brandon Township Board of Trustees accepted for second reading and approved the change to the zoning of Parcel #03-19-176-014, also known as 1366 Ortonville Road (LaLone Well Drilling), from the current GI, R1-B, and RE zoning to C-4.
Ayes: DePalma, King, McCreery, Beltramo, Gault, Thuman
Nayes: None
Absent: Stowell (with notice)
First Reading: 09/17/2012
Second Reading: 10/01/2012
Published: 10/06/2012
Effective: 10/14/2012
Posted by B. Jean McCreery, CMC, Brandon Township Clerk, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI 48462
Publish in The Citizen 10-06-12
To the qualified electors of the Charter Township of Brandon, County of Oakland, State of Michigan:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Charter Township of Brandon, 395 Mill Street, PO Box 929, Ortonville, MI. 48462 WILL BE OPEN:
MONDAY, October 9, 2012 FROM 8:30AM ? 5:00PM
PRESIDENTIAL President and Vice President of the United States
CONGRESSIONAL United States Senator and Representative in Congress
LEGISLATIVE Representative in State Legislature
STATE BOARDS State Board of Education, University of Michigan Regents, Michigan State University Trustees, Wayne State University Governors
COUNTY County Executive, Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff, Clerk/Register of Deeds, Treasurer, Water Resources Commissioner and County Commissioner
JUDICIAL Justice of the Supreme Court, Justice of the Supreme Court – Incumbent Position, Judge of Court of Appeals 2nd District ? Incumbent Position, Judge of Circuit Court 6th Circuit ? Incumbent Position, Judge of Circuit Court 6th Circuit ? Non-Incumbent Position, Judge of Probate Court ? Incumbent Position
LOCAL SCHOOL BRANDON SCHOOL DISTRICT – Board Member, Board Member Partial Term ending 12/31/2014,
COLLEGE Board of Trustees Member ? Oakland Community College
LOCAL OFFICES BRANDON TOWNSHIP ? Supervisor, Clerk, Treasurer, Trustees, Library Board Trustees
VILLAGE OF ORTONVILLE ? President, Trustees
Public Act 4 of 2011 would:
? Establish criteria to assess the financial condition of local government units, including school districts.
? Authorize Governor to appoint an emergency manager (EM) upon state finding of a financial emergency, and allow the EM to act in place of local government officials.
? Require EM to develop financial and operating plans, which may include modification or termination of contracts, reorganization of government, and determination of expenditures, services, and use of assets until the emergency is resolved.
? Alternatively, authorize state-appointed review team to enter into a local government approved consent decree.
Should this law be approved?
This proposal would:
? Grant public and private employees the constitutional right to organize and bargain collectively through labor unions.
? Invalidate existing or future state or local laws that limit the ability to join unions and bargain collectively, and to negotiate and enforce collective bargaining agreements, including employees? financial support of their labor unions. Laws may be enacted to prohibit public employees from striking.
? Override state laws that regulate hours and conditions of employment to the extent that those laws conflict with collective bargaining agreements.
? Define ’employer? as a person or entity employing one or more employees.
Should this proposal be approved?
This proposal would:
? Require electric utilities to provide at least 25% of their annual retail sales of electricity from renewable energy sources, which are wind, solar, biomass, and hydropower, by 2025.
? Limit to not more than 1% per year electric utility rate increases charged to consumers only to achieve compliance with the renewable energy standard.
? Allow annual extensions of the deadline to meet the 25% standard in order to prevent rate increases over the 1% limit.
? Require the legislature to enact additional laws to encourage the use of Michigan made equipment and employment of Michigan residents.
This proposal would:
? Allow in-home care workers